• Sex hormones play an important role in specific regions of the body helping with the regulation and accumulation of fat. (wikipedia.org)
  • Oestrogens have been shown to promote fat accumulation in the gluteofemoral subcutaneous fat stores (buttocks and thighs). (drbazire.uk)
  • Fat distribution occurs in women because estrogen lessens the adipose distribution to the abdominal region and stimulates fat growth in the gluteofemoral region. (wikipedia.org)
  • While estrogen lessens the production of fat in the abdominal region, testosterone stimulates the growth of fat in the abdominal region. (wikipedia.org)
  • That is, torso fat, particularly in the abdominal region is the first to go and the extremities are last. (t-nation.com)
  • Obese women undoubtedly offer a more hostile womb to a fetus, especially those with a tendency to pack on excess fat in the abdominal region. (femininebeauty.info)
  • To prevent the center of gravity in a woman's body from being off balance, it is believed that evolution could have favored fat deposits in the gluteal region and the thighs. (wikipedia.org)
  • One possible explanation is that ample gluteal muscles may indicate a higher amount of subcutaneous fat in the buttocks region. (lightandcoffee.es)
  • Breast milk profiles indicate the amount of DHA children in each region receive in the womb, through breastfeeding, and from the local diet available to their mothers and to them after they are weaned. (sciencedaily.com)
  • 25. Inverse Association Between Gluteofemoral Obesity and Risk of Non-Cardia Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia. (nih.gov)
  • In these regions, there is a strong socioeconomic status (SES) gradient in obesity, with obesity being more common in lower SES groups in both men and women. (femininebeauty.info)
  • To prevent the center of gravity in a woman's body from being off balance, it is believed that evolution could have favored fat deposits in the gluteal region and the thighs. (wikipedia.org)
  • The superior gemellus muscle is a small triangular muscle in the gluteal region that together with the inferior gemellus and obturator internus muscles form the tricipital (three headed) triceps coxae which occupies the space between the piriformis muscle (superiorly) and quadratus femoris muscle (inferiorly). (radiopaedia.org)
  • Dr. Karan Rajan normally bust health myths on his TikTok and it turns out that there is actual research that shows having fat in the 'gluteofemoral region' of one's bottom area can actually reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. (iheart.com)