• The stem cell controversy is the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development and use of human embryos. (wikipedia.org)
  • Not all stem cell research involves human embryos. (wikipedia.org)
  • The discovery of adult stem cells led scientists to develop an interest in the role of embryonic stem cells, and in separate studies in 1981 Gail Martin and Martin Evans derived pluripotent stem cells from the embryos of mice for the first time. (wikipedia.org)
  • However, the use of the technique on human embryos led to more widespread controversy as criticism of the technique now began from the wider public who debated the moral ethics of questions concerning research involving human embryonic cells. (wikipedia.org)
  • Three cheers for President George W. Bush for his veto of the murderous HR 810, the bill that would have forced Americans to pay for the draconian experimentation and destruction of human embryos in the random attempt to find uses for their stem cells. (prolifeaction.org)
  • Embryonic stem cells come from pulling apart human embryos, and thus have aroused ethical concerns. (freerepublic.com)
  • Stem cells are now being collected from human embryos . (howtoaccess.com)
  • How are stem cells harvested from embryos? (howtoaccess.com)
  • However, human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is ethically and politically controversial because it involves the destruction of human embryos . (howtoaccess.com)
  • Embryonic stem cells - Stem cells derived from human embryos. (howtoaccess.com)
  • Does all stem cell research destroy embryos? (howtoaccess.com)
  • Therefore, the embryos used in stem cell research are human beings, and it is morally reprehensible to kill them in order to remove the cells. (howtoaccess.com)
  • When stem cells are obtained from living human embryos, the harvesting of these cells necessitates destruction of the embryos, which is controversial in the U.S. (howtoaccess.com)
  • The Catholic Church has become the leading voice against any form of human cloning and even against the creation of human embryonic stem-cell lines from 'excess' in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos. (howtoaccess.com)
  • Using embryos in stem cell medicine? (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • Is it ethical to take stem cells from embryos? (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • Can IVF embryos be used for stem cell research? (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • How many embryos are destroyed each year for stem cell research? (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • The use of embryonic stem cells has been a source of considerable controversy due to its sacrifice of human embryos in the blastocyst stage, which some people view as the destruction of human life . (citizendium.org)
  • Human embryos fertilized in the ordinary manner and harvested in the blastocyst stage have been used as an extensive source of stem cells for research purposes, and have been shown to possess therapeutic value in laboratory animals. (citizendium.org)
  • The most infamous study of embryonic stem cells asserted that cloned human embryos had been created via somatic cell nuclear transfer, and stem cells had been generated from these embryos. (citizendium.org)
  • Ethical objections to the use of human embryonic stem cells revolve around the destruction of human embryos in the blastocyst stage to obtain the stem cells. (citizendium.org)
  • First called "embryonic stem cells" in the 1980s after research moved from mouse to human cells, these magical building blocks of the human body were extracted from blastocysts-early-stage embryos comprised of 100 to 200 cells generated during in vitro fertilization techniques. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • Pope John Paul II condemned the "abominable crime"of using embryos for experimentation, even those slated for destruction, because it "constitutes a crime against their dignity as human beings. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • In 2001, the pope pleaded with President George W. Bush to stop a "coarsening of consciences"-the result, he implied, of the legalization of abortion and euthanasia-that now allowed scientists to assault innocent human embryos. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • He said, "You should also know that stem cells can be derived from sources other than embryos: from adult cells, from umbilical cords that are discarded after babies are born, from human placentas. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • Using the techniques involved in creating Dolly the sheep, it is possible to create cloned human embryos for use as a source of embryonic stem cells. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • The president and his operatives know that their core base of supporters fervently opposes all forms of abortion and agrees that embryos are people from the moment of conception. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • In human embryos, cerebral tissue in the form of neuroectoderm appears within the first nine weeks of human development, and it gives rise to the brain and spinal cord. (asu.edu)
  • Their report on human-animal chimeras set a worldwide precedent for discussions of the ethical use of those embryos in labs. (asu.edu)
  • TORONTO, May 24, 2002 (LSN.ca) - Despite receiving numerous calls, letters and emails objecting to their stand in favour of destructive research on human embryos, the Canadian Cancer Society continues to support the human experimentation. (lifesitenews.com)
  • Embryonic stem cell research "uses special cells found in three-to-five day old human embryos to seek cures for a host of chronic disease" (PRC). (ipl.org)
  • The stem cells suits human needs, does not cause harm and can be obtained from both adult and fetal does not conflict with religious beliefs, it has tissues, umbilical cord and early embryos. (who.int)
  • Unicellular for those cells that are derived from human organisms are primed to replicate (clone) pre-embryos, which seem to have a high themselves by nature. (who.int)
  • For many decades, stem cells have played an important role in medical research, beginning in 1868 when Ernst Haeckel first used the phrase to describe the fertilized egg which eventually gestates into an organism. (wikipedia.org)
  • This paved the way for Mario Capecchi, Martin Evans, and Oliver Smithies to create the first knockout mouse, ushering in a whole new era of research on human disease. (wikipedia.org)
  • In 1995 adult stem cell research with human use was patented (US PTO with effect from 1995). (wikipedia.org)
  • Great levels of success and potential have been realized from research using adult stem cells. (wikipedia.org)
  • Destruction of a human embryo is required in order to research new embryonic cell lines. (wikipedia.org)
  • Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (ontheissues.org)
  • So it is with their current combined attack on adult stem cell research, designed to support the alternative of embryonic stem cells . (freerepublic.com)
  • The result says Chris Mooney in the Washington Monthly is that 'conservatives have latched onto fringe science in order to advance moral arguments' by embracing adult stem cell research. (freerepublic.com)
  • Embryonic stem cell propagandists will tell you adult stem cell research had a huge head start and embryonic stem cells only need time (and more importantly, massive government funding) to catch up. (freerepublic.com)
  • Yet as a new book called The Proteus Effect points out, both types of stem cell research date back half a century. (freerepublic.com)
  • Research with embryonic stem cells has progressed at snail's pace simply because they are so terribly difficult to work with. (freerepublic.com)
  • Our research and radio programs are changing minds and saving lives across America. (lifeissues.org)
  • I want to teach today on the realities around embryonic stem cell research. (preachingtoday.com)
  • The phrase embryonic stem cell research doesn't necessarily reach out and grab you. (preachingtoday.com)
  • 2 Furthermore, the National Cancer Institute commissioned a study lead by Dr. Janet Daling, an abortion supporter, and her colleagues at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center which found a link between abortion and cancer: "among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women. (lifenews.com)
  • Its new frontier is embryonic stem-cell and human cloning research. (lifenews.com)
  • Why is stem cell research controversial? (howtoaccess.com)
  • Stem cell research is legal in the United States, however, there are restrictions on its funding and use . (howtoaccess.com)
  • HESC research is morally wrong since it is the direct destruction of innocent human life and does not benefit the individual embryo undergoing the research (3). (howtoaccess.com)
  • What countries have banned stem cell research? (howtoaccess.com)
  • What religions are against embryonic stem cell research? (howtoaccess.com)
  • Great Iranian Muslim scholars netics, stem cell research, and organ trans- laid huge emphasis on teaching and practis- plantation are some of the medical issues ing ethics. (who.int)
  • That means that we oppose practices such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), embryonic stem cell research (ESCR), and abortifacient birth control as dehumanizing and destructive to the weakest members of our society. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • However, human embryonic stem cell (HESC) research is unethical since it results in the destruction of human life for research purposes . (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • Opponents argue that the research is unethical, because deriving the stem cells destroys the blastocyst, an unimplanted human embryo at the sixth to eighth day of development . (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • Stem cell research would deviate efforts from other health strategies. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • In both cases, the embryo is ultimately destroyed, which opponents of embryonic stem cell research argue is immoral. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • However, supporters of embryonic stem cell research frequently contend that even the comparison to abortion is inappropriate, since while a several month old fetus might have sufficient neurological development to be conscious in some meaningful sense, a human embryo in the blastocyst stage has so little development that one can safely conclude that it cannot exist as a conscious being. (citizendium.org)
  • The Catholic Answers Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics identifies five non-negotiables involving intrinsically evil actions: abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning and homosexual "marriage. (legatus.org)
  • Investment money by the billions rained down on scientists or institutions conducting research into the seemingly endless potential of stem cells. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • Moreover, embryonic stem cell research ignited a firestorm of bioethical woes over when life begins, how to determine legitimate research, and which studies should be funded-concerns that particularly plagued the Roman Catholic Church, with its emphasis on the seamless garment of a consistent ethic of life. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • Thus, they could circumvent the bioethical issues that plagued embryonic stem cell research. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church as early as 1983, when Pope John Paul II addressed the World Medical Association on genetic manipulation. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • I guess I find the juxtaposition of discussing abortion and embryonic stem cell research fascinating. (prowomanprolife.org)
  • His recent OpEd, " Stem-cell research a pawn in election politics ," is an excellent critique of Bush's confused and misguided stem cell policy. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • And the president says that embryo destruction is wrong, but does not tell us what he proposes to do about American scientists heading overseas to conduct embryonic stem-cell research in South Korea, Britain, China or Singapore, and then publishing the results in American journals and seeking American patents. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • Furthermore, consider Bush's position on cloning for stem-cell research. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • While it otherwise has little time for the United Nations, the Bush administration is currently devoting much energy to trying to persuade the world body to ban cloning for the purposes of stem-cell research. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • So, the Bush administration made a political calculation to use opposition to stem-cell research and cloning as a low-risk stalking horse to advance its anti-abortion agenda and secure support among its most avid anti-abortion constituents. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • Interestingly, Caplan ends the piece with a moderately partisan outro in which he says, "Whatever your views about the upcoming presidential election, have no doubt about where the candidates stand on this issue - Bush is opposed to stem-cell research, Sen. John Kerry is not. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • They highlighted five "non-negotiable" items for voters to consider: abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem call research, human cloning and gay marriage. (americamagazine.org)
  • scientists knew that, but used these human beings for research. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • This reason has convinced some people who otherwise are pro life to nevertheless support embryonic stem-cell research. (blogspot.com)
  • If this argument is valid, it justifies not only embryonic stem-cell research, but also elective abortions. (blogspot.com)
  • Of course this argument must overcome the facts of fetal development, but if it is defended successfully, embryonic stem-cell research is a moral piece of cake. (blogspot.com)
  • In 2007, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in London, UK, published Hybrids and Chimeras: A Report on the Findings of the Consultation, which summarized a public debate about research on, and suggested policy for, human animal chimeras. (asu.edu)
  • Forbes v. Napolitano (2000) was a US court case that established that Arizona researchers could use fetal tissues from induced abortions for basic scientific research, for instance, as a source of stem cells. (asu.edu)
  • Your donation helps us continue to provide world-class research in defense of life. (lozierinstitute.org)
  • The way I vote now is to look at the issues, starting with the five non-negotiables: Abortion, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Human Cloning, and Same-Sex Marriage. (lifesitenews.com)
  • Research involving aborted babies is an ongoing ethical concern, so people have a right to know if a medicine they are taking involved purposefully taking human life. (rtl.org)
  • In a form letter response the Cancer Society said, "Human embryonic stem cell research offers great promise in advancing our knowledge of cancer. (lifesitenews.com)
  • STEM CELL RESEARCH is a very controversial topic in today's time. (ipl.org)
  • Stem cell research is not worth supporting. (ipl.org)
  • Advocates of stem cell research believe that the cells are not equivalent to human life because it is inside the womb even facing the fact that the start of a human life is in the moment of conception. (ipl.org)
  • Is it right for one's life to be manipulated for the use of scientific research or is it just a evasion on the person's privacy. (ipl.org)
  • They argue that the research supports abortions but have taken part in receiving vaccines and therapy that comes from the research. (ipl.org)
  • In recent years, several competing viewpoints have emerged about embryonic stem cell research. (ipl.org)
  • All of this debate raises an important question, Should embryonic stem cell research be conducted for treatment of present and future diseases? (ipl.org)
  • People who believe that an embryo should not be destroyed tend to say that embryonic stem cell research should not be conducted. (ipl.org)
  • Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services. (ontheissues.org)
  • The anti-abortion struggle has always been a religious battle and foremost in its ranks have been Catholics across the country. (lifenews.com)
  • While anti-abortion efforts have historically been associated with opposition to surgical abortion, Abolitionists understand the necessity of rejecting ageism and protecting the unborn beginning at fertilization. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • Much of the debate surrounding human embryonic stem cells, therefore, concern ethical and legal quandaries around the destruction of an embryo. (wikipedia.org)
  • and "Is it just to destroy a human embryo if it has the potential to cure countless numbers of patients and further our understanding of disease? (wikipedia.org)
  • I want to ask you to open your heart to Noah and to the tiniest human person, the embryo. (preachingtoday.com)
  • The most common way of removing stem cells involves taking them from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, which destroys the embryo . (howtoaccess.com)
  • It is important to grasp the full force of the claim that the embryo is morally equivalent to a person, a fully developed human being. (howtoaccess.com)
  • Such tissue renewal may be accomplished via the use of adult stem cells, or embryonic stem cells, which may be derived from a human embryo in the blastocyst stage. (citizendium.org)
  • Those who oppose this practice often argue that human life begins from the moment of conception, and that, therefore, destruction of a blastocyst stage embryo is morally equivalent to abortion and infanticide . (citizendium.org)
  • A human embryo is not a bearer of moral rights until much later in its development. (blogspot.com)
  • The first is that the essential moral moment for a human embryo is implantation into the uterine wall. (blogspot.com)
  • Therefore, according to this line of reasoning, the moral significance of an in vitro embryo falls short of the moral rights of an implanted and growing human embryo in the womb. (blogspot.com)
  • The second version of this argument claims that neither the human embryo in a dish nor the fetus in a womb is a bearer of moral rights until birth or perhaps viability. (blogspot.com)
  • So, is the human embryo in a dish really a bearer of moral rights? (blogspot.com)
  • For instance, he wonders-just an intellectual puzzle, he assures me, that he would never want to do-What would happen if scientists injected human stem cells into a monkey embryo? (discovermagazine.com)
  • This means that anything that happens to the embryo from that point onward is the harming of a human being. (ipl.org)
  • In fact to get a embryonic stem cell a human embryo has to be disassembled. (ipl.org)
  • The destruction and use of a human embryo should not be allow to happen. (ipl.org)
  • Ethical and legal questions such as "At what point does one consider life to begin? (wikipedia.org)
  • It cuts to the heart of society's moral duty to help the living, but within ethical boundaries. (prolifeaction.org)
  • In short, the remaining ethical barriers that preserve human dignity and God's rights in Creation are steadily coming down. (lifenews.com)
  • Is it ethical to harvest stem cells? (howtoaccess.com)
  • There are no ethical or moral concerns with the appropriate use of adult stem cells. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • Adult stem cells hold great promise in mitigating much of the ethical debate over embryonic stem cell use. (citizendium.org)
  • Right to Life of Michigan believes everyone has a right to know to make their own ethical determinations. (rtl.org)
  • Embryonic stem cell transplants have been an ethical, social, and legal controversy since the first successful transplant of human stem cells in 1998. (ipl.org)
  • Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 54 million unborn children have been killed, more than the entire population of Spain. (lifenews.com)
  • Q: On Healthcare: Should Planned Parenthood be eligible to receive public funds for non-abortion health services? (issues2000.org)
  • This Lent's 40 Days for Life campaign to end abortion began locally on Wednesday outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Worcester. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • Creepy advertisements began to glut the Internet, preying on the desperate and trustful by promising "targeted cancer tumor vaccines" and "non-surgical stem cell transplants. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • Yet further treatments using stem cells could potentially be developed due to their ability to repair extensive tissue damage. (wikipedia.org)
  • Adult stem cells are generally limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. (wikipedia.org)
  • It's well established that embryonic stem cells can generate any kind of tissue found in the body,' Mooney writes flatly. (freerepublic.com)
  • But we already know embryonic cells cannot generate placental tissue . (freerepublic.com)
  • This versatility allows embryonic stem cells to be used to regenerate or repair diseased tissue and organs . (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • The term stem cell is also used in reference to any adult cells that are capable of assisting in the restoration of adult tissue via self-renewal. (citizendium.org)
  • The use of the pluripotent and/or self-renewing qualities of stem cells is believed to have therapeutic benefits for the regeneration of tissue in humans. (citizendium.org)
  • In a 2010 letter to investors, Neostem's CEO, Dr. Robin L. Smith, wrote: "The potential for very small embryonic-like stem cells is open-ended, as we have found that they may have significant potential to repair degenerated, damaged, or diseased tissue. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • The language in the bill states vaccine recipients "shall be provided with information or informed if and in what manner the development of the vaccine utilized aborted fetal tissue or human embryonic stem cell derivation lines. (rtl.org)
  • Right to Life of Michigan is asking people receiving the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine to inform us if they were not given proper informed consent involving the use fetal tissue in vaccine development-either verbally or in written documentation-as well as contact the MDHHS's Division of Immunization at (517) 335-8159. (rtl.org)
  • One of the greatest controversies triggered tissue, a stem cell encoding for heart tissue by the rapid pace of evolution in biology, will eventually develop into heart tissue particularly in genomics and biotechnology, and so on. (who.int)
  • Tissue samples were immunostained with a commercial anti-human CD44 rabbit monoclonal antibody at 1:100 dilution. (bvsalud.org)
  • Many less controversial sources of acquiring stem cells include using cells from the umbilical cord, breast milk, and bone marrow, which are not pluripotent. (wikipedia.org)
  • Further work by Alexander Maximow and Leroy Stevens introduced the concept that stem cells are pluripotent. (wikipedia.org)
  • Since pluripotent stem cells have the ability to differentiate into any type of cell, they are used in the development of medical treatments for a wide range of conditions. (wikipedia.org)
  • These are pluripotent (ploo-RIP-uh-tunt) stem cells, meaning they can divide into more stem cells or can become any type of cell in the body. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • The term stem cell is generally used to describe cells that are totipotent , pluripotent , or multipotent . (citizendium.org)
  • If the American people had elected John Kerry in 2004, we have no doubt it would be full steam ahead for taxpayer support for embryonic stem cell experimentation. (prolifeaction.org)
  • Human experimentation that results in the destruction of the human being is never acceptable under any notion of human rights. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • in order to justify the creation of people for the sole purpose of experimentation, she uses the treatment argument-"it could save your life. (prowomanprolife.org)
  • The case challenged the constitutionality of the Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) 36-2303 in the Ninth Circuit US Court of Appeals, a law that banned researchers from using fetal tissues from abortions for any type of medical experimentation or investigation. (asu.edu)
  • Oppose limiting abortions to under 20 weeks of pregnancy. (ontheissues.org)
  • The destruction and dehumanization of our embryonic neighbors by the practice of IVF demands our response and we are compelled to protest it as vehemently as we oppose abortion. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • We believe that these drugs need to be clearly identified and fiercely opposed in the public sphere, just as one would oppose surgical abortion. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • In the same way that it would be absurd to oppose D&C abortions but not saline abortions, we believe that IVF, ESCR, and certain birth controls are merely alternate techniques and not fundamentally different practices. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • What are three reasons that oppose the use of embryonic stem cells? (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • According to a nonpartisan voter guide prepared by Priests for Life,McCain has voted to oppose Roe v.Wade , the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, while Obama has made unrestricted abortion a priority. (legatus.org)
  • Maybe now the scientists can get back to working with adult stem cells and come up with some more actual cures. (prolifeaction.org)
  • Scientists have already discovered at least 14 different types of adult stem cells. (freerepublic.com)
  • Scientists are discovering that many tissues and organs contain a small number of adult stem cells that help maintain them. (howtoaccess.com)
  • Scientists are also working on ways to develop stem cells from other cells, using genetic "reprogramming" techniques. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • In subsequent documents, including the 1987 "Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin," the Church and its leadership have reminded all-scientists, politicians, and subjects alike-that life begins at conception, a moral fact that remains unchanged and unchanging. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • Scientists use cerebral organoids, which are artificially produced miniature organs that represent embryonic or fetal brains and have many properties similar to them, to help them study developmental disorders like microcephaly. (asu.edu)
  • Like many scientists, he likes to live in a space at the edge of what is possible. (discovermagazine.com)
  • The con- is removed and replaced by a nucleus of cept of human cloning has long been in the another cell type, the stem cell will then imagination of many scientists, scholars and be reprogrammed to produce the product fiction writers [ 1 ]. (who.int)
  • Then when a person gets into a position of power, like Governor Katie Hobbs, who claims to be Catholic, and starts publicly supporting and promoting something which is intrinsically evil, people will listen to her and think that she is embracing the truth and being compassionate. (lifesitenews.com)
  • Rated 100% by the NRLC , indicating a pro-life stance. (ontheissues.org)
  • Mr. Duffy, a senior at Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Still River and president of its St. John the Baptist Pro-Life League, talked about influences on his pro-life stance. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • She even publicly stated that her stance on abortion is at odds with Catholicism and that she opposes Bishop John Dolan on this matter. (lifesitenews.com)
  • As LifeSite reported yesterday, the document was explicit in its calls to have states which apply for membership accept its pro-abortion stance. (lifesitenews.com)
  • The International Right to Life Federation is dedicated to the protection of innocent human life across the globe. (lifeissues.org)
  • As Bush declared when he vetoed last year's stem cell bill, the federal government should not support "the taking of innocent human life. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • As Wayne Grudem warns, "If we ever deny our unique status in creation as God's only image-bearers, we will soon begin to depreciate the value of human life, will tend to see humans as merely a higher form of animal, and will begin to treat others as such4. (arfaith.org)
  • At the kickoff Mass, Father Kenneth R. Cardinale, St. Mary's pastor, told listeners they were like antibodies sent to fight the infection of abortion and that God's love triumphs. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • Any person that hears God's message about promoting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, like I strive to promote in my homilies should (must! (lifesitenews.com)
  • Although there are no exact statistics for the number of women who die from botched procedures, LifeDynamics.com compiled a list of 347 women killed by legal abortions since 1973. (lifenews.com)
  • We recognize that in 1973 surgical abortion was the primary target of pro-life organizations. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • For those who hold this view, extracting stem cells from a blastocyst is as morally abhorrent as harvesting organs from a baby to save other people's lives. (howtoaccess.com)
  • Cultures of cancer cells are already used for screening cancer drugs, and growing embryonic stem cells into heart, liver or nerve cells could be useful for testing drugs that affect those organs. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • When the Republicans in South Dakota passed a draconian abortion ban, making all abortions illegal except those that would save the life of the mother, McCain said he "would take appropriate steps under state law to ensure that the exceptions of rape, incest of life of the mother were included. (issues2000.org)
  • Embryonic stem cells are usually harvested shortly after fertilization (within 4-5 days) by transferring the inner cell mass of the blastocyst into a cell culture medium , so that the cells can be multiplied in a laboratory. (howtoaccess.com)
  • That,' he says, 'is a kind of new biology that I find a million times more interesting than these specious arguments over whether life begins at fertilization. (discovermagazine.com)
  • Protect unborn children and promote a culture of life. (ontheissues.org)
  • Many question whether war, for example, isn't as evil as abortion - or whether providing healthcare for the poor isn't as important as helping unborn children. (legatus.org)
  • Topping the list is protecting "the weakest in our midst - innocent unborn children" through an end to abortion, followed by such issues as immigration reform (on which Obama and McCain have nearly the same voting record), poverty, prejudice, peace, human rights and healthcare. (legatus.org)
  • A living human person begins to exist at the moment of conception, even though only as a cell. (lifenews.com)
  • For example, while we believe people conceived in rape are just as human as those who weren't, the circumstances of their conception were sinful and wicked. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • Then, at a small rally, he told the crowd, "I believe life begins at conception. (issues2000.org)
  • Bush believes that human life and human rights begin at conception even if conception occurs in a Petri dish. (sentientdevelopments.com)
  • Pray for the courage and strength to stand up for your Catholic faith instead of cowering in fear as to what might happen to your political career if you defend the right to life from conception to natural death. (lifesitenews.com)
  • The human life starts at the moment of conception. (ipl.org)
  • Information from studies of exposed humans and laboratory animals indicates that absorbed CDDs are distributed preferentially to fatty tissues and to a lesser extent, the liver (ATSDR 1998). (cdc.gov)
  • In a cynical but logical progression, the culture of death is now bent on engendering human life so as to destroy it. (lifenews.com)
  • We reject the notion that the bloodguilt of abortion is expunged in our communities merely by the closing of all abortion surgery clinics because we know that nearly every pharmacy in the country carries drugs which destroy an increasing number of our preborn neighbors. (abolishhumanabortion.com)
  • Most of the studies have been conducted by abortion supporters. (lifenews.com)
  • When it comes to the life issues, there's little doubt that the differences between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama are profound. (legatus.org)
  • McCain also supported legislation providing protection for infants who survive abortion while Obama opposed a similar bill in the Illinois State Senate. (legatus.org)
  • But with both McCain and Obama touting their positions on an array of other issues from the economy to the Iraq war, some Catholics may wonder whether a single issue like abortion should hold sway over others in their choice of a candidate. (legatus.org)
  • McCAIN: Sen. Obama, as a member of the Illinois State Senate, voted against a law that would provide immediate medical attention to a child born of a failed abortion. (issues2000.org)
  • They not only endorsed Bush, they ran ads attacking McCain--despite the fact that the two candidates' positions on abortion were essentially identical. (issues2000.org)
  • In 2006, McCain wrote a letter to the National Right to Life Committee stating, "I share our common goal of reducing the staggering number of abortions currently performed in this country and overturning the Roe v. Wade decision. (issues2000.org)
  • Almost 'every other week there's another interesting finding of adult (stem) cells turning into neurons or blood cells or heart muscle cells,' notes molecular biologist Eric Olson at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. (freerepublic.com)
  • This result suggests that the observed increase in motor function was indeed produced by neurons derived from the human embryonic stem cells. (citizendium.org)
  • Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. (wikipedia.org)
  • This significant discovery led to the first human bone marrow transplant by E. Donnall Thomas in 1956, which although successful in saving lives, has generated much controversy since. (wikipedia.org)
  • Those of us who lived through the great embryonic stem cell controversy are enjoying the sweet aroma of vindication. (lifeissues.org)
  • STRAUSBOURG, May 24, 2002 (LSN.ca) - LifeSite News has learned that the European Parliament vote on the document to push abortion on member states was to be held this month but was delayed until June thanks in part to pro-life efforts. (lifesitenews.com)
  • Their rulings mean the difference between the survival of innocent life and the state-sanctioned killing of innocent life. (ontheissues.org)
  • Craig Friedley reminded Hobbs, who is a professed Catholic, of the Church's teaching on the gravity of the crime of abortion and the public scandal of pushing the abortion agenda in every way possible. (lifesitenews.com)
  • It is true that the Catholic position on assisted reproduction is clear and well-documented, but in my years of struggling with infertility I found few options or resources for discussing the church's teachings with a real human being or for sharing my pain with others in the same situation. (americamagazine.org)
  • The church's official teaching, first outlined in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's instruction The Gift of Life (1987), was reiterated in the Instruction on Certain Bioethical Questions ( Dignitas Personae) , which was released late last year. (americamagazine.org)
  • Project Rachel is the church's post-abortion ministry, which operates as a network of priests and counselors trained to give spiritual and psychological care to people suffering from the aftermath of an abortion. (americamagazine.org)
  • In 1998, James Thomson and Jeffrey Jones derived the first human embryonic stem cells, with even greater potential for drug discovery and therapeutic transplantation. (wikipedia.org)
  • We need to be informed about the embryonic stem cell debate to be effective advocates for this tiniest form of human life. (preachingtoday.com)
  • Both IVF and abortion involve the destruction of fertilized eggs that could potentially develop into people. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • In 2006, a Polish biologist named Mariusz Z. Ratajczak published his discovery of these cells in the bone marrow of mice, claiming they possessed all the qualities of embryonic stem cells and could potentially do everything embryonic cells could. (religionandpolitics.org)
  • Living beings come into existence all at once and gradually unfold their world of innate potential. (lifenews.com)
  • While numerous Christians have fought against slavery, racism, discrimination, and segregation in the past three centuries, the numbers of those who have directly promoted racial disunity or simply stood silent while fellow human beings were being greatly mistreated is harrowing. (arfaith.org)
  • All human beings are created in the image of God. (arfaith.org)
  • Groopman specifically mentions Fanconi's Anemia, but it was first treated with umbilical cord stem cells 16 years ago. (freerepublic.com)
  • Cross-species transplantation was possible without the rejection of the human embryonic stem cells by the mice's immune systems because the mice were genetically modified to suppress certain immune responses that would have interfered with transplantation. (citizendium.org)
  • Calls Ruling "ambiguous, unjust, ill-considered, prejudiced and destructive of constitutional free speech, free media and democratic liberty" EDMONTON, May 24, 2002 (LSN.ca) - Report Newsmagazine editor Link Byfield issued a stinging rebuke to Alberta Human Rights Commissioner Charlach Mackintosh over a bizarre AHRC panel decision in the magazine's dispute with Harvey Kane, a Calgary man who accused the magazine of anti-Semitism. (lifesitenews.com)
  • 2002). In humans, SSEA4 is expressed by building the nervous system but also for their prospec- nonneural cells such as the erythrocytes (Kannagi et al. (lu.se)
  • Something that shocks people who favor a right to abortion is learning pro-lifers are nice, she said. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • He is the executive director and co-founder with Willke of Life Issues Institute, an organization established to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. (lifeissues.org)
  • He hosts a daily radio commentary on abortion and related issues and is also a 2010 Regional Emmy® award winning host and executive producer of the weekly pro-life television program Facing Life Head-On . (lifeissues.org)
  • The USCCB's 2007 statement on political responsibility, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship , draws a line between issues involving "matters of intrinsic evil" such as abortion and "affirmative obligations to seek the common good," such as helping the poor. (legatus.org)
  • Guides developed by Priests for Life and Catholic Answers Action differ slightly in approach, but emphasize the pre-eminence of abortion and other life issues. (legatus.org)
  • Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput has staunchly defended Catholic teaching on the life issues this election season. (legatus.org)
  • Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, said common sense also dictates that all issues are not equal. (legatus.org)
  • So here I am, working the front desk at a little urgent care center and twiddling my thumbs, basically, in my free time going, "Okay, well, I still care about all of these different issues of human rights, but I have no outlet for that. (plough.com)
  • Youth group members talk about life issues and pray outside the abortion facility, she said. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • She is not only at odds on the matter of abortion, she is at odds with other 'Catholic issues. (lifesitenews.com)
  • This ban was in part revoked by his successor Barack Obama, who stated: "As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering. (wikipedia.org)
  • People of good conscience on both sides of the stem cell issue have struggled with it. (prolifeaction.org)
  • We are presented with the illogical argument that since some people prefer adult stem cells for non-scientific reasons, they must therefore have little scientific value. (freerepublic.com)
  • Stem cell technologies would be very expensive and available only to rich countries and to rich people. (goodmancoaching.nl)
  • The key difference, he added, is that in war, although innocent people are sometimes killed, the government does not authorize their deliberate killing, as is the case with every single abortion. (legatus.org)
  • It really was a sort of avalanche sort of movement where other people saw the energy and the consistency and the authenticity of our organization, and really took that opportunity to allow the consistent life ethic to infuse their movements with this deeply authentic care for the human person in all stages and all circumstances. (plough.com)
  • pro-life work includes helping people who are depressed or on death row. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • Jesus talked a lot about life … making sure we appreciate and save life … rejuvenating people, making sure that they have hope," she said. (catholicfreepress.org)
  • COCA-COLA, BELLSOUTH TO SPONSOR HOMOSEUXUAL 'ATLANTA PRIDE' FESTIVAL The American Family Association (AFA) says that by providing sponsorship dollars to the Atlanta Pride festival in June, Coca-Cola and Bell South will encourage possibly hundreds of young people to make decisions which will ultimately ruin their lives. (lifesitenews.com)
  • Ottawa Citizen Tuesday May 21) SCIENCE LETS US LIVE LONG AND SUFFER Modern people "may be living longer," reports the London Times, "but many of us will spend those extra years in the grip of ill-health. (lifesitenews.com)
  • In many of these people, the mechanism is a spontaneous mutation occurring early in their embryonic life. (msdmanuals.com)
  • This appears of paramount importance in planning the implementation of food and nutrient support to ameliorate the hidden hunger and the quality of life of people especially in developing countries and limiting poisons both in the air and food. (bvsalud.org)
  • CD133+), but are rarely codetected with the neural stem dents, very few human-specific NSC markers have been cell (NSC) marker CD15. (lu.se)
  • After sixteen weeks, the injured mice who received human stem cell injections experienced a significant improvement in the motor functions that had been impaired by their injuries. (citizendium.org)
  • The stage-specific embryonic antigen 4 (SSEA4) is com- isolate the NSCs from neonatal mice and rats (Campos monly used as a cell surface marker to identify the pluri- et al. (lu.se)
  • Immunohisto- have been used for positive selection of NSCs from em- chemistry on human embryonic central nervous system bryonic mice (Nagato et al. (lu.se)