• Commelina eckloniana Kunth Commelina elliptica Kunth in Humb. (wikipedia.org)
  • This is an alphabetically ordered list of Commelina species. (wikipedia.org)
  • It was originally described by Rafinesque (1836) , together with several other small genera, in order to better organize the many species misplaced in Commelina L. and Tradescantia L. Rafinesque (1836) mentioned a possible affinity between Siderasis , Callisia Loefl. (pensoft.net)
  • C. S. Kunth, Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto ed.) 5: 207-209. (inomidellepiante.org)
  • Lectotypification and further notes on the identity of Commelina hirsuta , an endemic Indian species of Commelinaceae. (wikimedia.org)