• Thromboxane A2 synthesis is the target of the drug aspirin, which inhibits the COX-1 enzyme (the source of thromboxane A2 in platelets). (wikipedia.org)
  • The remainder of the drug was found in the stool as both metabolites and unabsorbed drug. (laodongdongnai.vn)
  • Ifetroban is a potent and selective thromboxane receptor antagonist. (wikimili.com)
  • The inhibitors of the target effects of thromboxane are the thromboxane receptor antagonist , including terutroban . (wikimili.com)
  • Picotamide has activity both as a thromboxane synthase inhibitor and as a thromboxane receptor antagonist. (wikimili.com)
  • Thromboxane inhibitors are broadly classified as either those that inhibit the synthesis of thromboxane, or those that inhibit the target effect of it. (wikimili.com)
  • Thromboxane synthase inhibitors inhibit the final enzyme ( thromboxane synthase ) in the synthesis of thromboxane. (wikimili.com)
  • Ex vivo, meloxicam (at doses of 7.5 mg and 15 mg) was found to be more active in inhibiting COX-2, having a greater inhibitory effect on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated prostaglandin E2 production (COX-2-controlled response) than on thromboxane production involved in blood clotting (COX-1-controlled response). (ru-pills.com)
  • The inactive ingredients in naproxen sodium tablets include: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone and talc. (medlibrary.org)
  • Thromboxane is named for its role in blood clot formation ( thrombosis ). (wikimili.com)
  • People with asthma tend to have increased thromboxane production, and analogs of thromboxane act as bronchoconstrictors in patients with asthma. (wikimili.com)