• The Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) is a free online source of information about alien and invasive species. (lu.se)
  • The GISD is managed by the Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. (lu.se)
  • A species description and information about the ecology of Pycnonotus jocosus as an invasive species is provided from the Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) . (hear.org)
  • GISD was created and is maintained by IUCN's Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) . (hear.org)
  • Impact information regarding Pycnonotus jocosus as an invasive species is provided from the Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) . (hear.org)
  • Worldwide distribution information about Pycnonotus jocosus is provided from the Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) . (hear.org)
  • References regarding Pycnonotus jocosus as an invasive species is provided from the Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) . (hear.org)
  • Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) är en gratis onlineresurs med information om främmande och invasiva arter. (lu.se)
  • GISD hanteras av Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) som tillhör IUCN Species Survival Commission. (lu.se)
  • Downloaded from http://www.iucngisd.org/gisd/species.php?sc=1156 on 02-12-2023. (iucngisd.org)
  • The Global Invasive Species Database is a database of invasive species around the world run by the Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. (wikipedia.org)
  • Invasive Species Specialist Group. (invasivespeciesinfo.gov)
  • When choosing plant species to place in the permaculture garden/orchard, invasive plants of the world were checked first, (global invasive species database at www.issg.org). (laspilitas.com)
  • A worldwide scientific intergovernmental group on biodiversity, which included a professor from the University of Rhode Island, provides evidence of the global spread and destruction caused by invasive alien species and recommends policy options to deal with the challenges of biological invasions. (ecori.org)
  • The 2023 report, "Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and Their Control," compiled evidence of the threat based on 2019 data, providing an assessment of the future growth of invasive species and thoughts on controlling coming biological invasions. (ecori.org)
  • My work focuses on combining presentations with open dialog about topics related to invasive species (aquatic and terrestrial), early detection and rapid response approaches along with site restoration post treatment and the use of environmental DNA as a practical early detection tool for aquatic invasive species. (nyisri.org)
  • From 2015-2017 I managed terrestrial and aquatic invasive species for central Region State Parks and wrote the Phragmites management plan for Sandy Island Beach State Park. (nyisri.org)
  • Database from the aquatic invasive species monitoring program in Québec. (ogsl.ca)
  • Widely naturalized in Europe, tree of heaven has been included on the EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants since 2004 (EPPO, 2021 ), and on the list of the 100 worst alien plant species in Europe (DAISIE European Invasive Alien Species Gateway 2012 ). (springer.com)
  • Taxonomic harmonization and normalization using the GBIF taxonomic backbone To harmonize all species names across countries, species lists are subjected to a normalization process in which taxon rank and taxonomic status are identified and assigned. (gbif.org)
  • Fauna Europaea also contains a taxon tree and a database over taxonomic experts in Europe. (lu.se)
  • She was the lead author of the report's second chapter offering a global analysis on the status, trends, and data gaps on invasive species across regions and taxonomic groups. (ecori.org)
  • Our collections are mainly used in taxonomic research to clarify species boundaries, relationships and which name should be used. (lu.se)
  • ArtDatabanken (the SLU Swedish Species Information Centre) undertakes work within the field of Swedish biodiversity, commissioned by the Government and other authorities. (lu.se)
  • Assessment and prioritisation of risk for forty exotic animal species--a document from the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre of Australia--is now available online. (hear.org)
  • Common Prickly Pear ( Opuntia stricta ) is an aggressive invasive weed that can take over pastoral and agricultural lands. (weeds.org.au)
  • Scotch broom is an aggressive invasive species. (ubc.ca)
  • Occasional mass extinctions convulse this orderly norm, followed by excruciatingly slow recoveries as new species emerge from the remaining gene pool until the world is once again repopulated by a different catalog of flora and fauna. (motherjones.com)
  • To learn more about the different ways that a plant can become invasive, the authors of the recent study combined two extensive datasets, the Global Naturalized Alien Flora ( GloNAF ) database and the European Vegetation Archive ( EVA ). (uni-konstanz.de)
  • Indeed, the scientists found the associations between the three dimensions - local abundance, geographic extent, and habitat breadth - in the alien species that have invaded Europe to be very similar to the pattern of associations they found in the native European flora: Plants that are successful in one dimension also tend to be successful in the other ones. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • If the crisis of invasive species is not dealt with, Guam's native flora and animals will only continue to decimate, forever changing the island's diverse ecosystem. (voicesofgenz.com)
  • Over the past 15 years, a numerous studies were published on the impacts of this species on flora, fauna, and ecosystem function in natural and agricultural systems. (chinaagrisci.com)
  • The Candida fungus is both normal flora and an invasive pathogen. (medscape.com)
  • The herbarium is also an invaluable source as a reference for species determinations in all types of inventories and flora projects. (lu.se)
  • The Nordic collections are used today primarily to clarify which species have been present at a certain place at a certain time, for example, to be able to study how changes in the environment and climate have affected the flora over the past 200 years and to document newly immigrated potentially invasive species. (lu.se)
  • The Asian citrus psyllid ( Diaphorina citri ), also called the Asiatic citrus psyllid or ACP, is a notorious pest that prefers citrus and closely related plants for hosts, particularly species within the genera Citrus , Citropsis , and Murraya . (invasivespeciesinfo.gov)
  • The Kew databases contains data and resources concerning plants and fungi such as herbarium and fungarium catalogues, a seed information database, a DNA and tissue bank, accepted plant and fungal names, lists of synonyms and medicinal plant names, and much more. (lu.se)
  • This represents a large volume of literature that captures a wide variety of threats such as the collection of medicinal plants, hunting, pollution, and alien invasive species, that are particularly difficult to account for in global datasets. (sciencedaily.com)
  • It involved a rigorous search and screening of over 14,000 articles, looking for maps of where threatening human activities come into contact with wild species of animals and plants around the world. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Images of animals, plants, and other scenes relevant to conservation or alien species in Hawaii, the Pacific, and beyond are now online on the HEAR SmugMug site . (hear.org)
  • For the orchard, many species of nitrogen-fixing plants were considered, and many were rejected as too thorny, or terribly invasive. (laspilitas.com)
  • This is a mixture of long-lived plants, in association with shorter-lived, plants and pioneer, and nitrogen-fixing species. (laspilitas.com)
  • When setting out a drought-tolerant wildland planting, mixing pioneer species with the long-lived species, to act as nurse plants seems to help the planting to become established with the least loss of plant material. (laspilitas.com)
  • In a 2019 assessment, the U.N. organization found that invasive species - plants, animals, and microbes introduced into new environments - are one of the five major drivers of biodiversity loss. (ecori.org)
  • The years-ago importation of other invasive species are now ubiquitous, pulling down native trees and strangling native plants. (ecori.org)
  • Invasive alien plants are plant species that grow in an environment outside their native habitat. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • Are all invasive alien plants the same? (uni-konstanz.de)
  • Just as the model of Rabinowitz allows for different forms of rarity in native plants, it opens up the possibility of various types of "invasiveness" when applied to alien species. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • Despite the similarities in the association patterns between native and invasive plants, there is also a decisive difference between the two groups: Different from native plant species, the invasive species did not evolve in the invaded habitats into which they have only recently been introduced. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • Environmental Impacts Classification of Alien Taxa (EICAT) assessments of 100 invasive plants projected to shift their ranges into Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, or Rhode Island by 2050. (umass.edu)
  • This species prefers areas with dense vegetation because they provide an excellent source of food for these birds during the breeding season (i.e., they can feed on aquatic plants). (birdsandwetlands.com)
  • The plants can grow individually in clumps or as dense thickets, crowding out more desirable species. (iucngisd.org)
  • Small ways to help control and limit the spread of invasives includes not moving plants, potted plains, soils, or green trimmings from infested areas. (voicesofgenz.com)
  • While the peak flowering period for this species is May/early June, flowers have been observed on plants as early as February and as late as December in the Vancouver area. (ubc.ca)
  • Very detailed information on almost 400 species (with more being added) of plants that have become weeds in areas outside their native range. (theferns.info)
  • The main focus of the site is succulent plants, but it also contains information on a wide range of other species. (theferns.info)
  • This issue is being released to coincide with first International Congress on Biological Invasions , and also to bring applied perspectives in the management of invasive species to a wider readership. (hear.org)
  • The findings of the study improve our general understanding of how plant species - invasive and native ones - distribute and may help to better predict and manage future plant invasions. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • The areas in which IAS-threatened species are located do not fully match the current hotspots of invasions, or the current hotspots of threatened species. (fu-berlin.de)
  • We conducted a global meta-analysis to investigate invasions, abiotic global environmental changes, and their combined effects on native species, communities, and ecosystems.We searched the Web of Science Core Collection for articles and reviews that were available in English through September 30, 2020. (umass.edu)
  • Search terms were chosen to identify papers reporting impacts of invasions with one of six abiotic global environmental changes (GECs: warming, nitrogen deposition, O 2 depletion, drought, CO 2 addition, and altered pH). (umass.edu)
  • ArtDatabanken has developed the resource Artfakta , where you can find information (in Swedish) about species in Sweden, including their status, ecology, and identification characters. (lu.se)
  • Crested bulbul ecology, habitat, dispersal, and management are from The Global Invasive Species Database. (hear.org)
  • BIOL550 Plant Community Ecology There is a unit on invasives. (nyisri.org)
  • Experts in the field of ecology increasingly acknowledge that the term "invasive" does not describe a single property. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • The report is designed to raise public awareness to "underpin action to mitigate the impacts of invasive alien species. (ecori.org)
  • however, their impacts vary greatly across species and the ecosystems into which they are introduced. (ufz.de)
  • Here, we propose a straightforward system for classifying alien species according to the magnitude of their environmental impacts, based on the mechanisms of impact used to code species in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Invasive Species Database, which are presented here for the first time. (ufz.de)
  • The classification system uses five semi-quantitative scenarios describing impacts under each mechanism to assign species to different levels of impact-ranging from Minimal to Massive-with assignment corresponding to the highest level of deleterious impact associated with any of the mechanisms. (ufz.de)
  • A small portion of these naturalized species go on to become invasive, spreading away from sites where they initially naturalized and causing negative ecological impacts. (umass.edu)
  • We describe the ecological impacts of S. invicta on various habitats in South China, including arthropod community structure disruption and decreases in diversity and abundance of native ant species. (chinaagrisci.com)
  • With the second part of UN Biodiversity COP15 and the finalisation of the Post-2020 Biodiversity framework looming, there is an urgent need to consolidate what we understand about where and how human activities threaten species with extinction. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Researchers used a global database called InvaCost to assess only "observed, highly reliable costs related to invasive species," from 1960 to 2020, according to the study. (usf.edu)
  • An Invasive Alien Species is an alien species which becomes established in natural or semi-natural ecosystems or habitat, is an agent of change, and threatens native biological diversity. (gbif.org)
  • The comprehensive report , released Sept. 4 by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the United Nations, found the threat posed by invasive species introduced into new ecosystems is "enormous. (ecori.org)
  • If nothing changes, the report warns, the numbers of alien species will continue to grow - and their effects on ecosystems increased by the interaction with such forces as climate change. (ecori.org)
  • In this activity, students will look at the impact of invasive species on marine ecosystems. (si.edu)
  • In addition to the brown tree snake and coconut rhinoceros beetle, organisms such as the little fire ants, Asian cycad scale, banana bunchy top virus, and the giant African snail are incredibly detrimental to Guam's ecosystems, posing threats to native species. (voicesofgenz.com)
  • In 2019, invasive species caused an estimated $423 billion in damages to nature, food sources, and human health. (ecori.org)
  • Xu X, Wolfe L, Diez J, Zheng Y, Guo H, Hu S (2019) Differential germination strategies of native and introduced populations of the invasive species Plantago virginica . (pensoft.net)
  • Worked with both the United Nations Development Programme and the UN Environment Programme to raise funds from the Global Environmental Facility to design and implement the first six Marine Protected Areas in Haiti. (reefcheck.org)
  • If you are interested in getting rid of Argentine ants, check out the treatment options for this species, or look at management programme case studies to see examples of other control programmes that target them. (piat.org.nz)
  • The Web of Science is particularly useful for biologists as it includes such databases as Zoological Record®, BIOSIS®, and CABI. (lu.se)
  • In the Ocean State, however, the sale of alien plant species is allowed with little warning , even as Japanese barberry and burning bush outcompete native woodland vegetation. (ecori.org)
  • But not all alien plant species are equally effective in invading new habitats. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • For the alien plant species, our expectation was that these dimensions should be linked just like they are in native distributions. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • These parallels suggest that the same bio-geographic and ecological mechanisms are shaping the distribution in native and alien plant species," Fristoe concludes. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • This species is listed by the Greater Vancouver Invasive Plant Council one of the twelve most problematic species in the Vancouver region. (ubc.ca)
  • The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , is a problematic invasive species in China since at least 2003. (chinaagrisci.com)
  • In disturbed native forests it can become the dominant understorey species, disrupting succession and decreasing biodiversity. (iucngisd.org)
  • It reaches heights of 1-3 (4) m, shading out understorey species. (ubc.ca)
  • The book includes a CD-ROM of a worldwide database (2,142 records for 676 taxa) complete with literature citations (>4,000). (hear.org)
  • UH Hilo professor Jon Price explains the threat that strawberry guava poses to Hawaii's native forests, and explains how the (low) risks of the well-researched proposed biocontrol agent for this species outweigh the likely great benefits of its introduction. (hear.org)
  • The table below shows the species-specific information calculated from original data ( BEC database ) provided by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range. (ubc.ca)
  • Spotted lanternflies are an invasive insect that was introduced into the United States in 2014. (ecori.org)
  • By the 1840s, this species, valued for its fast-growing ability and its resistance to insect infestation and damage, was being widely planted as a shade tree for parks and public promenades in Europe, particularly in France and Italy (Shah, 1997 ). (springer.com)
  • Many insect species are undergoing rapid population decline in recent decades due to anthropogenic changes to natural landscapes and climate. (lu.se)
  • Previous attempts to observe the global distribution of threats to species have relied on globally available data that don't account for the knowledge gained from local-scale studies and don't represent the full scope of human activities that can threaten species across terrestrial, freshwater, and marine realms. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Sean Austin, The Nature Conservancy, presented on behalf of the Micronesia Invasive Species Council, which was formed to unify regional efforts towards combating invasive alien species (IAS). (iisd.org)
  • Scientists have created a new tool to fill the large gaps in our understanding of where and how human activities threaten wild species around the world. (sciencedaily.com)
  • The chytrid fungus primarily threatens amphibians, whereas invasive mammals primarily threaten other vertebrates. (fu-berlin.de)
  • A recent scientific paper in the Journal 'BioInvasion Records' documented the rapid increase and spread of an invasive alga named Sargassum horneri along the coast of Southern California and down into Baja California, Mexico. (reefcheck.org)
  • Scotch broom is a perennial shrub species in the pea family (Fabaceae) that originates in central and southern Europe and northern Asia. (ubc.ca)
  • This means that a large volume of evidence has potentially been overlooked when basing our understanding of global threats on maps produced on a global scale. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Alien invasive species and Roads & Railways were the most frequently mapped threats and were relatively well-mapped across the world. (sciencedaily.com)
  • 1981). The Mozambique tilapia's initial introduction into Dade County, Florida, is believed to have been the result of escapes or releases from aquarium fish farms that cultured the species in the 1960s (Courtenay and Stauffer 1990). (usgs.gov)
  • In some areas of Florida, this species may have been introduced by local anglers to create a commercial fishery (Dial and Wainright 1983), or intentionally stocked by aquarists (Courtenay and Stauffer 1990). (usgs.gov)
  • Lead author, Francesca Ridley, of Newcastle University's School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, said: "The findings have important implications for how conservation actions are planned to reduce the rate of species extinctions. (sciencedaily.com)
  • In this student activity, you'll investigate human interaction with the natural world and discover ways to address global environmental concerns. (si.edu)
  • Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Gulf of Mexico): common rangia. (iucngisd.org)
  • Other things that in recent years have attracted researchers to the Nordic herbarium are among other things the possibilities to obtain from the collections unique information about the phenology of species (like flowering time), chemical contents (like environmental toxins) and parasites (like micro-fungi and bile-forming insects), and how these have changed over time and space. (lu.se)
  • We report the first study linking 1372 vertebrates threatened by more than 200 IAS from the completely revised Global Invasive Species Database. (fu-berlin.de)
  • Researchers say spending more on efforts to contain invasive species and prevent their spread once they arrive, could help reduce expensive damages. (usf.edu)
  • If an alien species begins to dominate a local plant community but has low potential to expand its geographic extent and is specialised to a certain type of habitat, conservation efforts could be focused on controlling the species locally rather than preventing further spread," Dr Trevor Fristoe, lead author of the current study, gives an example. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • Using a global database, students will identify the spread of invasive species. (si.edu)
  • Unlike many invasive ant species , which prefer areas of human disturbance, Argentine ants can easily spread into pristine areas where they do even more damage to native species. (piat.org.nz)
  • Introduction of six bird species (including Chinese turtledove, Streptopelia chinensis , and the Indian mynah, ( Acridotheres tristis ) that feed on lantana berries, has been implicated in the spread of the weed throughout the Hawaiian Islands as no native bird in Hawaii has been observed to eat the fruit (Perkins and Swezey 1924 in Day et al . (iucngisd.org)
  • Germination strategies are critically important for the survival, establishment and spread of plant species. (pensoft.net)
  • Seeds spread most quickly via water, and along roadways ( Global Invasive Species Database 2011 ). (ubc.ca)
  • In GRIIS, species are recorded as having an impact (as 'yes' under 'isInvasive') if there is evidence of the species negatively impacting biodiversity, and including species that are widespread, spreading rapidly or present in high abundance (Pagad et al. (gbif.org)
  • The report found more than 37,000 alien species have been introduced by people to areas around the world, including more than 3,500 harmful invasive species that are negatively impacting nature and people's quality of life. (ecori.org)
  • Reef Check has been tracking this species since 2006 and the data collected by our citizen scientists was used as the basis for this publication. (reefcheck.org)
  • Invasive candidiasis is the most common invasive fungal infection in the United States, accounting for 70%-90% of all invasive fungal infections. (medscape.com)
  • Increasingly, the collections are also used to extract DNA and thus enable studies of species' relationships, distribution history and population genetics, or to investigate the expression, variation or change of different genes over time. (lu.se)
  • Detailed species accounts are provided for 317 species documented since 1778, including native land birds and waterbirds, breeding seabirds, migratory species, vagrants, and non-native species with established breeding populations. (hear.org)
  • Species accounts are also provided for 42 species of hypothetical occurrence or that have been erroneously reported, and 145 non-native species introduced or reported in the wild, but for which viable breeding populations have not been established. (hear.org)
  • Invasive species can destroy crops, the environment, and kill off native animals. (usf.edu)
  • For the analysis of the combined data, they adopted a three-dimensional framework that had previously been used to describe the "rarity" of native plant species. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • For native plant species, scientists have previously discovered that the three dimensions of commonness are not completely independent of each other. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • applies to subsequent 'species' questions) become naturalized where it is not native? (cal-ipc.org)
  • In New Zealand it is estimated that the weed pest is displacing valued native species and costing the forestry industry $0.5 to 2.9 million annually in control and lost production (USFS). (cal-ipc.org)
  • Thousands of non-native plant species have been introduced and naturalized outside of their native ranges. (umass.edu)
  • In some cases, abiotic limitations, such as cold temperatures, prevent naturalized species from becoming invasive within all or a portion of their non-native range. (umass.edu)
  • They also replace other ant species and have a negative effect on many native invertebrates. (piat.org.nz)
  • Species such as the brown tree snakes and coconut rhinoceros beetles were introduced to the island, an introduction that would prove detrimental to Guam's native species. (voicesofgenz.com)
  • Before the existence of brown tree snakes on Guam, the island had twelve native bird species. (voicesofgenz.com)
  • Similar to interspecific comparisons, examining the differentiation in germination patterns of an invasive species between its native and introduced ranges can also provide insights into the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms of invasion. (pensoft.net)
  • However, modern efficient seed screening has lead to a great decline in this species, to the point where it has become a rare plant in much of its native range. (theferns.info)
  • Interference competition between the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) and two native ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). (chinaagrisci.com)
  • Rreflectance measures can be taken at the leaf, individual, plot, landscape, and global level, and there is increased interest towards linking these responses in order to better understand patterns of plant performance, and to use them in broad-scale global models, especially as these approaches are often more time-efficient and less destructive than traditional harvest-based methods. (uib.no)
  • It also provides detailed information for potentially identifying key characteristics in prevention, rapid response, and prioritization of incoming invasive species. (hear.org)
  • Species potentially confounding results of in- tomyces pneumonia in a patient with the identification was determined by vitro susceptibility testing. (cdc.gov)
  • Nigéria, en décembre 2022 et publie depuis lors des rapports mensuels. (who.int)
  • The top three most expensive invasive species in the southeastern United States are feral pigs , citrus canker , and fire ants . (usf.edu)
  • Argentine ants are the only species among the worst 5 invasive ants that does not sting, spray acid on or bite people. (piat.org.nz)
  • An Introduced or Alien species means a species, subspecies, or lower taxon occurring outside of its natural range (past or present) and dispersal potential (i.e. outside the range it occupies naturally or could not occupy without direct or indirect introduction or care by humans) and includes any part, gametes or propagule of such species that might survive and subsequently reproduce. (gbif.org)
  • The EU Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information from these projects subsequently included in the EPPO Global Database. (eppo.int)
  • This is the first record of this species in France and the first insights into its intraspecific variability based on a barcode dataset. (springer.com)
  • If this species is seen please notify your local weed management authority. (weeds.org.au)
  • Since invasive species can't ever be kept out -- in a global economy like ours -- Kramer said policymakers could prevent some economic losses by spending on better management. (usf.edu)
  • I teach invasive species ID, management, and control. (nyisri.org)
  • I was the WNY PRISM Education and Outreach Assistant in 2015 and assisted with invasive species management including herbicide application, identification, and early detection/rapid response. (nyisri.org)
  • Considering this possibility is important because different types of alien invasive species may require different management strategies to deal with them. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • This database can be used to prioritize invasive species management to prevent the awakening of high-impact sleeper populations. (umass.edu)
  • We have not recorded any management information for this species. (iucngisd.org)
  • Instead, there are different characteristics in a species' distribution that can characterize it as invasive or not. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • The reflectance properties of vegetation, the percentage of light reflected throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, can provide insights into a broad range of vegetation characteristics, including: plant structural and chemical traits, plant functional types, and identifying invasive species. (uib.no)
  • Concerning pesticides, new research seems to verify that using broad-spectrum insecticides skews the natural balance of predator and pest species, and so increases pest problems. (laspilitas.com)
  • With the wide range of experiments underway in the Between the Fjords research group, there are opportunities to looks at leaf and canopy level reflectance (NDVI) across experimental systems including: drought in coastal heathlands, responses along elevation gradients, or how alpine species respond to experimental warming. (uib.no)
  • The case studies on noise monitoring and invasive alien species describe, respectively, a bottom-up approach at city level and a top-down approach at the European level. (nature.com)
  • The database includes scientific names and distributions of all multicellular land and freshwater animal species found in Europe today. (lu.se)
  • see our invasive ant distributions page for the worldwide distribution of the Argentine ant. (piat.org.nz)
  • This species lives in a variety of freshwater habitats, including rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, canals, seasonally flooded swamps and marshes, and ditches with mud or sand bottoms and plenty of organic debris (Huner and Barr 1991). (usgs.gov)
  • Much of my research is based on simulations with global or regional climate models and with physical models representing land surface processes or natural vegetation and land use. (lu.se)
  • By the end of the century, half of all species on Earth may be extinct due to global warming and other causes. (motherjones.com)
  • Today, ten of these species are extinct whilst the remaining two are critically endangered. (voicesofgenz.com)
  • The purpose of the Biocontrol in Hawaii site is to provide publicly-accessible current information about biological control (biocontrol) in Hawaii, including current and historical research, and cross-referenced lists of target species and biocontrol agents. (hear.org)
  • I wrote, administer, and manage a $100,000 NYSDEC Invasive Species Research grant focusing on unionid refuge using habitat as a biological control for dressenid mussels. (nyisri.org)
  • In Europe, this species is considered one of the most promising biological control agents of tree of heaven. (springer.com)
  • This new record provides encouraging evidence that the geographic occurrence of this species is expanding in Europe which may be indicative of its dispersal and establishment abilities, two key factors for a future biological control program. (springer.com)
  • The new study , published in PNAS , describes plant species invasiveness using three distinct dimensions: local abundance, geographic extent, and habitat breadth. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • For example, a "rare" plant species can have a high local abundance, but is restricted to a small area and grows only in a specific habitat type. (uni-konstanz.de)
  • Their isolation of Streptomyces from repeat tuberculosis among natural habitat is soil, and each species blood cultures strongly suggests a New Tuberculosis has a defined geographic distribution. (cdc.gov)
  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List is the world's most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species. (lu.se)
  • Provides access to all site resources, with the option to search by species common and scientific names. (invasivespeciesinfo.gov)
  • For material on a particular subject it is often best to search and retrieve in one of the many subject specific databases. (lu.se)
  • In a database, you also have better control over your search. (lu.se)
  • The determination of evolutionary relationships among snail populations may be useful towards the breeding efforts of the species in Nigeria. (bvsalud.org)
  • Data validation The Project Personnel complete a review and validate all the annotations, especially those on provenance and 'invasive' status of the species based on evidence of impact. (gbif.org)
  • The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) is a database of genetic and molecular biology data forthe model plant Arabidopsis thaliana . (lu.se)
  • The scheme also includes categories for species that are Not Evaluated, have No Alien Population, or are Data Deficient, and a method for assigning uncertainty to all the classifications. (ufz.de)
  • Data showed that in the 1960s, annual costs of invasive species were $2 billion. (usf.edu)
  • Data Published on St. Lawrence Global Observatory's-SLGO. (ogsl.ca)
  • There are also database opportunities, integrating existing data from within the Between the Fjords projects, or conducting meta-analysis or systematic reviews. (uib.no)
  • Unlike Google, the databases select data by quality and subject, making it easier for you to find relevant information. (lu.se)
  • It publishes the list 100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species. (wikipedia.org)
  • Birds of the World is a database of species accounts of the world's birds. (lu.se)
  • With your help, we can continue the world's only truly global reef monitoring program. (reefcheck.org)