• The gene on Hsa1q was named GABPB2 and the gene on Hsa15q was named GABPB1. (nih.gov)
  • GABP is a multimeric protein consisting of GABPA and GABPB with its isoforms GABPB1, GABPB1-L, GABPB1-S, GABPB2. (oncotarget.com)
  • 2 disease terms (MeSH) has been reported with GABPB2 gene. (cdc.gov)
  • To determine if the mutation arises from repeated passages of the computer virus or if the mutation exists GABPB2 in the computer virus that is replicating in SARS-CoV infected patients we analyzed viral RNA isolated directly from 8 clinical samples and decided the sequence of the 3a gene. (biotech2012.org)