• Relative direction is a concept found in many human languages. (wikipedia.org)
  • CIOs must master critical business concepts to fulfill their new mandate of being business partners with their leadership peers. (cio.com)
  • Speaking to that latter point, CIO.com polled analysts, consultants, and CIOs about the must-have business concepts of today. (cio.com)
  • That's one reason why Joel Schwalbe, CIO of biotech company Transnetyx, lists accounting as one of the must-have business concepts for tech leaders. (cio.com)
  • Next to considering integration as a concept for specific solutions, there is also the matter of connecting ecosystem services with monetary value, making it necessary to pay for the destruction or use of such a service, such as potable water or nitrogen fixation. (mit.edu)
  • Thus, a word activates, or evokes, a frame of semantic knowledge relating to the specific concept to which it refers (or highlights, in frame semantic terminology). (wikipedia.org)
  • Another main concept underlying ecosystem integration is biomimicry (Biomimicry 3.8, 2011), which is the study and adaptation of natural processes into our own technical applications. (mit.edu)