• Alice: Does supplemental LH changes rate and time to ovulation and embryo yield in Santa Ines ewes treated for superovulation with FSH plus eCG? (embrapa.br)
  • This is because there will still be some HCG in your body as a result of the HCG trigger shot ( Choragon or Ovidrel) which the doctor gave you to trigger off ovulation 36 hours prior to egg collection. (drmalpani.com)
  • A team of researchers from Washington State University (USA) and the University of Calgary (Canada) conducted a study to determine the effect of body condition (BCS), the presence of subclinical endometritis and the concentration of various circulating metabolic markers (adiponectin, leptin, insulin, IGF1, tumor necrosis factor a, urea and interleukines 1b and 6) on the response to superovulation of embryo donor cows . (dellait.com)
  • Kasimanickam R, Kasimanickam V, Kastelic JP, Ramsey K. Metabolic biomarkers, body condition, uterine inflammation and response to superovulation in lactating Holstein cows. (dellait.com)
  • If downregulation was not used the follicles may grow at different rates in response to superovulation. (slideoffice.com)
  • Donor does are subjected to both estrous synchronization (using progesterone in CIDR-G device) and superovulation protocols using follcle stimulating hormone in Folltropin-V. However, recipient does are only subjected for estrous synchronization protocol. (kemdikbud.go.id)
  • More efficient and economical embryo transfer relies on the ability to induce multiple ovulations or superovulation in the donor mare, and it also depends on careful and accurate reproductive management of both the donor and recipient mares. (ivis.org)
  • Included: Experimental consultation, donor and recipient females, all materials for IVF, superovulation of donor females, collection and transplantation of embryos into recipient females, ear/tail tissue collection and animal housing until weaning. (fredhutch.org)
  • AQHA donor mares must be enrolled before the embryo's collection. (stablemanagement.com)
  • The standard protocol for in vitro fertilization includes hormonal stimulation of superovulation, the collection of egg cells from a woman and sperm from a man, the connection of sex cells in a test tube for the purpose of fertilization, and the implantation of the embryo into the uterus of the surrogate mother. (newmiddleclassdad.com)
  • To examine these events further, this study was conducted to assess the effect of superovulation, in vitro culture and vitrification o. (virascience.com)
  • In addition, higher quality embryos would be obtained by superovulation of cows during embryo transfer, thus increasing the pregnancy rates of this alternative reproduction technique. (dellait.com)
  • Embryo collection was carried out seven days after inseminating for the second time, and blood and fluid samples obtained with the embryos to determine metabolic marker levels and whether subclinical endometritis existed. (dellait.com)
  • After the superovulation treatment, all cows were randomly inseminated with two doses (separated by 24 hours) of frozen/thawed semen from three bulls with a conception rate of +4. (dellait.com)
  • La pasante logró participar de manera activa y adquirir experiencia teórico-práctica en distintas técnicas de biotecnología, tales como colecta, evaluación, procesamiento y conservación de semen (53 machos), inseminación artificial (630 cervicales, 104 intrauterinas), súper ovulación y sincronización de celo (676 hembras), transferencia de embriones (548 embriones), diagnóstico e interpretación de hallazgos al examen ecográfico del aparato reproductor (638 trans rectales y 776 trans abdominales), entre otros. (una.ac.cr)
  • The first step in the IUI procedure is the collection of ejaculated semen by masturbation. (marinfertilitycenter.com)
  • and when the follicle is 18 mm with an E2 level of more than 250 pg/ml, we trigger with HCG and do an egg collection 36 hours later. (drmalpani.com)
  • At the time of egg collection , we flush the follicle, to ensure we can collect the egg. (drmalpani.com)
  • Once your follicle is mature ( size of about 18 mm with an E2 level of about 200 pg/ml) , we will give you the HCG trigger shot and do the egg collection after 36 hours. (drmalpani.com)
  • The patients needs to monitor regularly for the right follicle size and stage of development for egg collection. (slideoffice.com)
  • The goal of superovulation is to increase both the number of eggs released (3-4 per cycle) to help offset the normal age-related decline in egg quality, that all patients experience to a certain degree. (pacificfertility.ca)
  • This treatment is also commonly combined when going through the IVF process by stimulating multiple eggs for collection and fertilization. (reproductivefertility.com)
  • A so-called "superovulation" is induced by the medication, where multiple eggs are produced to increase the chances of a women's success in getting pregnant. (reproductivefertility.com)
  • Genetic mother is used for superovulation to produce 6-8 eggs (under the influence of FSH). (ncertbooksolutions.com)
  • For superovulation, the mice received 10 IU pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG, Sigma, China) intraperitoneally. (ijfs.ir)
  • On Day 3, you need to do an Ultrasound scan to confirm there is no ovarian cyst, after which we start Your superovulation with 4 ampoules of HMG (Menogon) daily. (donoreggs.in)
  • Superovulation, or Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation (COH), combined with IUI has been demonstrated to be an effective method of treatment for couples where less invasive therapies have not been successful in achieving a pregnancy. (pacificfertility.ca)
  • Sexual abstinence is recommended 2-5 days prior the collection in aim to get the best possible quality sample. (ivf-zlin.com)
  • Spotted on the shelves of Circus of Books were many titles that sit on our very own shelves in the Neil Richards Collection of Sexual and Gender Diversity. (usask.ca)
  • All these and many more books, magazines, and movies are available for viewing in the Neil Richards Collection of Sexual and Gender Diversity . (usask.ca)
  • La pasantía, gestionada por medio del Programa de Investigación en Andrología Animal Aplicada de la Escuela de Medicina VeterinariaUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de Costa Rica (UNA), fue realizada bajo la tutela de los profesores del Departamento de Salud en Sistemas Pecuarios, Área de Teriogenología y Producción Ovina de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad de la República del Uruguay (UdelaR). (una.ac.cr)
  • Ed Squires and Pat McCue have been involved with the development of embryo collection and transfer procedures since the early 60s and have both contributed important techniques and innovations to the process through their research and clinical experience. (routledge.com)
  • Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are a collection of different techniques designed to help those who are infertile achieve a successful pregnancy [4]. (virascience.com)
  • They must be able to facilitate germplasm collection, processing, and long term storage, all in a hygienic and organized manner. (wikipedia.org)
  • The Neil Richards Collection is also home to a wide variety of fiction - from classics, to contemporary, erotic and non-erotic, popular fiction, pulp fiction, and everything in between - as long it is has ties to LGBTQ issues, whether in it's themes, characters, or authorship. (usask.ca)
  • On weekends and holidays, the sample collection and IUI are performed in the morning. (pacificfertility.ca)
  • Este material no está traducido en su totalidad. (mayoclinic.org)
  • The Neil Richards collection, MG 355, is more well known for its LGBT material but it also has an extensive collection of material on professional (& amateur) wrestling! (usask.ca)