• [2] In humans , these two parts are the neurocranium and the viscerocranium ( facial skeleton ) that includes the mandible as its largest bone. (wikipedia.org)
  • Except for the mandible , all of the bones of the skull are joined by sutures - synarthrodial (immovable) joints formed by bony ossification , with Sharpey's fibres permitting some flexibility. (wikipedia.org)
  • The bones of the facial skeleton (14) are the vomer , two inferior nasal conchae , two nasal bones , two maxilla , the mandible , two palatine bones , two zygomatic bones , and two lacrimal bones . (wikipedia.org)
  • The facial bones number between twelve (not counting the mandible) and seventeen bones according to various sources. (biologydictionary.net)
  • The lower jaw bone, or mandible, is also large. (pressbooks.pub)
  • There are 14 facial bones, which are the nasal bones (2), Maxillae (2), Zygomatic bones (2), Mandible (1), Lacrimal bones (2), Palatine bones (2), Inferior nasal conchae (2) and Vomer (1). (brainkart.com)
  • 6) Chewing food is usually controlled by muscles present between the jaw bone (or mandible) and the zygomatic arch. (biolearners.com)
  • The skull is formed by the fusion of several flat bones held together by the cranial sutures. (medscape.com)
  • Your cranial bones are held together by unique joints called sutures, which are made of thick connective tissue. (healthline.com)
  • Common symptoms include a sloped forehead, extra bone within skull sutures, and an enlarged skull. (healthline.com)
  • The human skull fully develops two years after birth.The junctions of the skull bones are joined by structures called sutures . (wikipedia.org)
  • The sutures are fairly rigid joints between bones of the neurocranium. (wikipedia.org)
  • The bones which form the Cranium are flat bones which are immovably fixed to each other by sutures. (brainkart.com)
  • Synonym: One of the small, irregular bones found along the cranial sutures. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • These bones are connected by fibrous and cartilaginous sutures. (alea-quiz.com)
  • What are the four sutures that involve the parietal bone? (easynotecards.com)
  • These bones are separated from each other by sutures . (radiopaedia.org)
  • Sutures (suturae) are joints between bones of the skull, made up of thin layers of con nective tissue. (present5.com)
  • There are three kinds of sutures, depending on the shape of the bone edges involved. (present5.com)
  • Plane (harmonic) sutures are found in the facial skull, where edges of bones are straight. (present5.com)
  • Serrate sutures are formed between bones with jagged edges. (present5.com)
  • Sutures also serve as zones of bone growth. (present5.com)
  • At the rear of the head they form the lambdoid suture with the occipital bone and also the two squamous sutures, where they meet the temporal bones below them on either side of the head. (thehealthboard.com)
  • The bones in your skull can be divided into the cranial bones, which form your cranium, and facial bones, which make up your face. (healthline.com)
  • The superior sagittal sinus commences in the anterior fossa of the cranium, at the crista galli, where it communicates, through the foramen cæcum, with the veins of the nasal cavity or with the angular vein. (co.ma)
  • It also communicates, by emissary veins, which pass through the foramen cæcum and through each parietal foramen, with the veins on the exterior of the cranium. (co.ma)
  • The cranium has a domelike root - the Calvaria - skullcap - and a floor or cranial base consisting of the ethmoid bone and parts of the occipital and temporal bones. (medmuv.com)
  • There are eight bones in the cranium, which encloses the brain, and 14 bones in the face. (pressbooks.pub)
  • The other bones of the cranium are large and plate-like. (pressbooks.pub)
  • Figure 11.3.3 The cranium consists of eight bones that are fused together at their joints. (pressbooks.pub)
  • The 14 facial bones of the skull are located below the frontal bone of the cranium, and they are depicted in Figure 11.3.4. (pressbooks.pub)
  • It is the bony framework of the head arranged in two parts - the cranium which consists of eight bones and the facial skeleton of fourteen bones. (brainkart.com)
  • The cavity of the cranium presents an upper surface known as the vault of the skull. (brainkart.com)
  • Such bone is formed without a cartilage model and includes the bones of the face and cranium. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • It is fairly represented in the foregoing wood-cuts as the vault of the cranium, showing a contusion of the right parietal bone at the middle of its superior border. (civilwardc.org)
  • The single frontal bone forms the anterior roof and anterior floor of the cranium, the forehead, a portion of the nasal cavity roof, and the superior arch of the orbits. (pdfslide.us)
  • The parietal bones form the lateral walls and roof of the cranium. (pdfslide.us)
  • 1. Be prepared to identify visually, verbally, and in writing all of the bones, bone markings which make up the cranium and face. (solutionessays.com)
  • The cranium is the rounded part of the skull that protects your brain, while the face contains the bones that support your facial features. (primesound.org)
  • The cranium has eight bones fused to form a solid, protective structure. (primesound.org)
  • 9) The parietal region of the cranium is present in front of the occipital region. (biolearners.com)
  • Whereas, carnivorous mammals usually have large sites along the top of their cranium to attach their large jaw muscles and give them strength to chew hard materials such as bones and flesh. (biolearners.com)
  • The cranial bones are a group of eight different bones that make up the cranium or top portion of the skull. (thehealthboard.com)
  • The cranium of a dog's skull is almost entirely composed of three rings of bones, the occipital, parietal and frontal rings. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • Embedded in the wall of the cranium of a dog's skull, below the squamosal, is the periodic bone, which enclose the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • [1] The skull is composed of four types of bone i.e., cranial bones, facial bones, ear ossicles and hyoid bone. (wikipedia.org)
  • some sources include the hyoid bone or the three ossicles of the middle ear but the overall general consensus of the number of bones in the human skull is the stated twenty-two. (wikipedia.org)
  • It also includes the three tiny ossicles (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) in the middle ear and the hyoid bone in the throat, to which the tongue and some other soft tissues are attached. (pressbooks.pub)
  • The parts of the axial skeleton are the skull, hyoid bone, auditory ossicles, vertebral column, sternum and ribs. (brainkart.com)
  • What is the function of the hyoid bone? (easynotecards.com)
  • 2) The skull is made of 29 bones of which 8 are cranial bones, 14 are facial bones, 6 auditory bones and 1 hyoid bone. (biolearners.com)
  • Prygopalatine fossa communicates with internal cranial base through foramen rotundum , with orbit thruogh inferior orbital fissura , with mouth cavity through greater and lesser palatine canals, with external cranial base (foramen lacerum ) through pterygoid canal. (medmuv.com)
  • This fossa communicates with the orbit by the inferior orbital fissure, with the nasal cavity by the sphenopalatine foramen, and with the infratemporal fossa by the pterygomaxillary fissure. (medmuv.com)
  • Note that the internal carotid artery (which brings blood to the brain) enters the carotid canal at an angle and then exits into the cranial cavity via the foramen lacerum. (pdfslide.us)
  • The jugular foramen, located between the temporal and occipital bones, allows the internal jugular vein (which drains blood from the brain) to exit. (pdfslide.us)
  • the chiasmatic groove ends on either side at the optic foramen, which transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery to the orbital cavity. (bartleby.com)
  • Enclosed by these bones is the foramen magnum at the sides of which are two occipital condyles for articulation with the atlas. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • The skull is made up of a number of fused flat bones , and contains many foramina , fossae , processes , and several cavities or sinuses . (wikipedia.org)
  • The skull also contains sinuses , air-filled cavities known as paranasal sinuses , and numerous foramina . (wikipedia.org)
  • The sigmoid sinus receives blood from the transverse sinuses, which track the posterior wall of the cranial cavity, travels inferiorly along the parietal bone, temporal bone and occipital bone, and converges with the inferior petrosal sinuses to form the internal jugular vein. (bizzieme.com)
  • There are 4 sets of paranasal sinuses that all drain into the nasal cavity. (pdfslide.us)
  • The sinuses of the frontal bone are called frontal sinuses, while those of the sphenoidal bone are called sphenoidal sinuses. (alea-quiz.com)
  • The skull contains cavities, sinuses and orifices for the passage of nerves and blood vessels. (alea-quiz.com)
  • The frontal and maxillary sinuses, along with sinuses in the ethmoid and sphenoid bones, collectively form the paranasal sinuses. (easynotecards.com)
  • What painful condition results when the passages from these sinuses into the nasal cavity are blocked? (easynotecards.com)
  • The paranasal sinuses also communicate with the nasal cavities. (vetbloom.com)
  • On radiographs, increased soft tissue opacification of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, along with bone lysis of turbinates and paranasal sinuses may be seen in both conditions. (vetbloom.com)
  • The frontal bone contains the frontal sinuses and also forms a part of the structure that holds the frontal lobes of the brain. (thehealthboard.com)
  • The squamous region of the temporal bone is the lateral flat surface below the squamosal suture. (pdfslide.us)
  • The squamous part of temporal bone squama forms the anterior and upper part of the bone, located between the sphenoid, parietal and occipital bones, and is scale-like, thin, and translucent. (vumc.org)
  • What is squamous part of frontal bone? (vumc.org)
  • Sometimes a third part is included as the nasal part of the frontal bone, and sometimes this is included with the squamous part. (theinfolist.com)
  • articulate with the highest number of other bones: the frontal, ethmoid, nasal, zygomatic, lacrimal, palatine, and vomer bones and with the inferior nasal concha and each other. (biologydictionary.net)
  • This video covers the anatomy, location and relations of the vomer, a vertical bone of the viscerocranium that runs within the nasal cavity. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Finally, the vomer is a small bone located in the nasal cavity. (primesound.org)
  • The veins empty into the frontal and parietal regions of the superior sagittal sinus. (bizzieme.com)
  • Sagittal Suture between the two parietal bones. (brainkart.com)
  • A depressed stellate fracture of the vitreous table of the right parietal was discovered near the sagittal suture. (civilwardc.org)
  • The parietal bones interlock with each other at the sagittal suture at the crest of the head, which runs from front to back. (thehealthboard.com)
  • Perpendicular plate: forms posterior part of lateral wall of nasal cavity 2. (slideshare.net)
  • [ 1 ] MRI more accurately evaluates en plaque and posterior fossa meningiomas, which may be missed on CT scanning. (medscape.com)
  • The frontal bone forms the anterior part of the skull, while the occipital bone forms its posterior limit. (alea-quiz.com)
  • the posterior runs lateralward and backward across the temporal squama and passes on to the parietal near the middle of its lower border. (bartleby.com)
  • It is divisible into three major regions: anterior frontal region, parietal region, and posterior occipital region. (biolearners.com)
  • The occipital artery (Figs. 759, 760, 787) arises from the posterior aspect of the external carotid artery, below the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, and terminates, near the medial end of the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone, by dividing into medial and lateral terminal branches. (co.ma)
  • The transverse sulcus of the occipital connects with the sigmoid sulcus of the temporal and endocranial jugular course of, usually through the transverse sulcus on the mastoid angle of the parietal. (dougr.net)
  • Lateral skull radiograph in a child shows a long, linear fracture extending from the midline in the occipital region across the occipital bone into the temporal bone. (medscape.com)
  • Unites with frontal bone to form lateral orbital margin b. (slideshare.net)
  • It is the border between the lateral and orbital surfaces of the zygomatic bone. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • 7) The anterior part of frontal region consists of six bones: (a) two dorsal frontals, (b) one ventral presphenoid, and (c) two lateral orbitosphenoids. (biolearners.com)
  • It has a ventral basisphenoid, two dorsal parietal bones and two lateral alisphenoid bones. (biolearners.com)
  • First are the middle cerebral arteries that supply the lateral portions of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes . (osmosis.org)
  • Anteriorly and inferiorly the sphenoid bone articulates with the maxillary and palatine bones, superiorly with the parietal bones, and anteriorly and superiorly with the ethmoid and frontal bones. (dougr.net)
  • it articulates with the parietal and temporal bones anteriorly, and the atlas inferiorly. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • s inferiorly, and with the lacrimal and maxilla bones laterally. (theinfolist.com)
  • A linear fracture in a cranial bone means there's a break in the bone, but the bone itself hasn't moved. (healthline.com)
  • The parietal bone or os parietale is a paired, flat cranial bone that covers the mid portion of the skull. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • The fusion of these centers forms the different parts of the cranial bone. (alea-quiz.com)
  • A linear skull fracture is a break in a cranial bone resembling a thin line, without splintering, depression, or distortion of bone. (justinziegler.net)
  • A depressed skull fracture is a break in a cranial bone (or "crushed" portion of skull) with depression of the bone in toward the brain. (justinziegler.net)
  • What is the Cranial Bone? (thehealthboard.com)
  • The palatine bones form the roof of the mouth, while the zygomatic bones form the cheekbones. (primesound.org)
  • Each bone articulates (joins) with neighboring bones. (biologydictionary.net)
  • Two fused bones, dentaries form the lower jaw which articulates by articular processes with the glenoid fossae beneath the squamosals. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • All the affected bucks presented a cutaneous wound (1.5-15 cm in diameter) around the pedicles with extensive tissue destruction, exposition of frontal and parietal bones, and massive infestation by dipteran larvae (2-12 mm long). (bvsalud.org)
  • The internal carotid artery also gives rise to the anterior cerebral artery , which supplies the medial portion of the frontal and parietal lobes . (osmosis.org)
  • For details and the constituent bones, see Neurocranium and Facial skeleton . (wikipedia.org)
  • The human skull is the bone structure that forms the head in the human skeleton . (wikipedia.org)
  • The facial skeleton is formed by the bones supporting the face. (wikipedia.org)
  • The human skull is generally considered to consist of twenty-two bones -eight cranial bones and fourteen facial skeleton bones. (wikipedia.org)
  • The skull is the skeleton of the head , a series of bones from its two parts, the Neurocranium and Facial skull. (medmuv.com)
  • The facial skeleton consists of the bones surrounding the mouth and nose and contributing to the orbits (eye sockets, orbital cavities). (medmuv.com)
  • The axial division of the skeleton consists of the bones that lie around the axis. (brainkart.com)
  • Appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the girdle and the upper and lower limb. (brainkart.com)
  • A bone is a rigid organ that constitutes part of the vertebrate skeleton in animals. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Although ancestors of the cyclostomes and elasmobranchs had armoured headcases, which served largely a protective function and appear to have been true bone, modern cyclostomes have only an endoskeleton, or inner skeleton, of noncalcified cartilage and elasmobranchs a skeleton of calcified cartilage. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • The axial skeleton (dark bones in this picture) are the skull and associated bones, the vertebral column, and the bones of the rib cage. (pdfslide.us)
  • Also classify each bone as belonging to the axial or appendicular skeleton. (solutionessays.com)
  • Numerous osteolytic lesions in the skull skeleton and multifocal bone injuries were observed, also. (nel.edu)
  • Your answer could list 14 facial bones, 12 facial bones, or even 17 facial bones depending on which anatomy textbook you consult. (biologydictionary.net)
  • Anatomy of the Scaphoid Bone. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Chemical composition and physical properties, https://www.britannica.com/science/bone-anatomy, University of Rochester Medical Center - Bone, bone - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), bone - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Q. Anatomical terms of bone [edit on Wikidata] In anatomy, the atlas (C1) is the most superior (first) cervical vertebra of the spine and is located in the neck. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Anatomy of a Phalanx Parts of the Bone. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Osteology is the branch of anatomy that studies the bones of the human body. (alea-quiz.com)
  • The feline skull has very complex anatomy with more than fifty bones that are usually paired. (vetbloom.com)
  • orbital cavity In anatomy, the orbit is the cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are situated. (theinfolist.com)
  • It passes backwards in the convex margin of the falx cerebri, grooving the frontal, both the parietal bones, and upper part of the occipital. (co.ma)
  • 6 Cranial and facial Bones  Inferior nasal concha: surrounded anteriorly by maxillary bone  Lacrimal bone: visible between maxilla anteriorly and ethmoid posteriorly  Palatine bone 1. (slideshare.net)
  • Pterygopalatine fossa formed anteriorly by maxillary body, posteriorly by base of pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and medially - by the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone. (medmuv.com)
  • Separating the cavities is the mesethmoid which is prolonged into cartilage anteriorly. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • Each of the flat bones consists of a thick outer table, the spongy diploe, and a thinner inner table. (medscape.com)
  • The ethmoid is a light spongy bone, cubical in shape, situated at the roof of the nose wedged in between the orbits. (brainkart.com)
  • A spongy bone in which the matrix forms connecting bars and plates, partially enclosing many intercommunicating spaces filled with bone marrow. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Spongy bone m. (solutionessays.com)
  • 2. Bone Histology: Be prepared to identify visually, verbally, and in writing the following histological tissues: hyaline cartilage, compact and spongy bone. (solutionessays.com)
  • Bone of the base of the skull Maxilla bone 1. (slideshare.net)
  • The lower surface of the cavity is known as the base of the skull. (brainkart.com)
  • The temporal bone or os temporale is a paired, irregular bone and the thickest in the human body, located at the sides and base of the skull. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • The occipital bone is the skull's back, and the temporal bones are located on the sides and base of the skull. (primesound.org)
  • The base of the skull (or skull base ) forms the floor of the cranial cavity and separates the brain from the structures of the neck and face. (radiopaedia.org)
  • the orbital plates also articulate with the maxillary and lacrimal bones. (dougr.net)
  • 4 The maxillary bone houses the nasal cavity, along with the smaller incisive and nasal bones. (vetbloom.com)
  • 5) The maxillary bone (commonly called cheekbone) fuses with a bone present on the side of the skull and forms an arch called, the zygomatic arch. (biolearners.com)
  • they are ingrowth of the nasal, maxillary and ethmoid bones and serve to increase the area of the epithelial layer. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • A skull fracture is a break in the skull bone and generally occurs as a result of direct impact. (medscape.com)
  • A fracture refers to any type of break in a bone. (healthline.com)
  • When the bone is weakened by some underlying medical condition, the individual becomes more susceptible to fracture. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • By Denice Rackley Avulsion fracture Is an Injury to the Bone Attached to a Ligament. (flyinggiraffeteas.com)
  • Depressed fracture of vitreous table of the right parietal from gunshot contusion. (civilwardc.org)
  • Fracture healing and bone repair. (scielo.br)
  • A compound fracture involves a break in, or loss of, skin and splintering of the bone. (justinziegler.net)
  • In young children the possibility exists of developing a growing skull fracture especially if the fracture occurs in the parietal bone . (justinziegler.net)
  • articulate with the frontal, ethmoid, and maxilla bones, as well as with each other. (biologydictionary.net)
  • Large bones in the face include the upper jaw bones, or maxillae (singular, maxilla), which form the middle part of the face and the bottom of the two eye sockets. (pressbooks.pub)
  • Forming a new roof to the buccal cavity are the palatal ingrowths of the premaxilla, maxilla and palatine. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • The tympanic portion of temporal bone contains the external acoustic meatus and the styloid process. (pdfslide.us)
  • In the case of the tentorium, however, a localised increase in stress was observed in the parietal and temporal bones, including the tympanic bulla, when a non-ossified tentorium was modelled. (datadryad.org)
  • Outside the periodic is the tympanic bone consisting of a short bony external auditory meatus and a swollen tympanic chamber. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • Within the rostral nasal cavity are nasal turbinates, which are thin scrolls of bone that make up the dorsal and ventral nasal conchae. (vetbloom.com)
  • This is because, as already mentioned, some bones of the face are also part of the neurocranium (the bony covering of the brain). (biologydictionary.net)
  • Bony adhesions (synostoses) are formed as a result of substitution of synchondroses by bone tissue. (present5.com)
  • An example of synostosis is the substi tution of cartilage between pubic, iliac and ischial bones by bony tissue and formation of the hipbone. (present5.com)
  • [6] The upper areas of the cranial bones form the calvaria (skullcap). (wikipedia.org)
  • The calvaria, the upper dome-like portion of the skull, consists of portions of the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones. (pdfslide.us)
  • Together the cranial bones form the skullcap, which is also called the calvaria . (thehealthboard.com)
  • A case is presented of 41-year-old woman with giant cell tumor in parieto-occipital region with injury of external bone lamina, growing into the skull cavity. (nel.edu)
  • Lacrimal bones provide structure for the orbital cavity and support the eye. (vumc.org)
  • Lacrimal bones are a part of the lacrimal tear production system. (vumc.org)
  • Cribriform plate: forms narrow roof of nasal cavity  Sphenoid bone 1. (slideshare.net)
  • 3 The nostrils are rostral openings to the nasal cavity, extending caudally to the cribriform plate and nasopharynx. (vetbloom.com)
  • The caudal nasal cavity houses the ethmoid turbinates that attach to the cribriform plate. (vetbloom.com)
  • Its cavity, which is triangular in transverse section, is crossed by several fibrous strands called the chorda Willisii. (co.ma)
  • Private Daniel C--, Co. D, 76th New York Volunteers, was wounded at the second battle of Bull Run, August 30th, 1862, by a musket ball which inflicted a long transverse scalp wound near the vertex, the greater portion of the wound being over the right parietal. (civilwardc.org)
  • DSRCT was first described by Gerald and Rosai in 1989 as a primitive neoplasm of children and young adults that most frequently occurs in the serosa of the pelvic cavity. (medscape.com)
  • The nasal septum, composed of bone and cartilage, divides the nasal cavity into left and right halves. (pdfslide.us)
  • It forms a part of the nasal septum, as well as part of the roof and sides of the nasal cavities. (thehealthboard.com)
  • a portion of the physique is hole, forming the sphenoid sinus cavity. (dougr.net)
  • They are subdivided into constant synchondroses, which exist throughout life (e. g. intervertebral diskc), and temporary synchondroses, which become replaced at a certain age by bone tissue (e. g. epiphyseal cartilage of tubular bones). (present5.com)
  • They are typically formed by cartilage-covered articular surfaces, an articular capsule, and a joint cavity, filled with syn ovial fluid. (present5.com)
  • The skull vault is composed of cancellous bone, the diploe, which is sandwiched between the inner and outer tables and consists of the lamina externa (1.5 mm) and the lamina interna (0.5 mm). (medscape.com)
  • shown in blue in Figure 11.3.2, consists of a total of 80 bones. (pressbooks.pub)
  • It consists of 22 different bones. (pressbooks.pub)
  • As shown in Figure 11.3.3, it consists of eight bones: one frontal bone, two parietal bones, two temporal bones, one occipital bone, one sphenoid bone, and one ethmoid bone. (pressbooks.pub)
  • What does frontal bone consists of? (vumc.org)
  • The bone consists of two portions. (theinfolist.com)
  • 1. The outer margins of the abdomen, extending from the osteocartilaginous thoracic cage to the pelvis: Although its major part is muscular, the abdominal wall consists of at least seven layers: the skiln, subcutaneous fat, deep fascia, abdominal muscles, transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat, and the parietal peritoneum. (wordinfo.info)
  • The large nasal cavities of a dog's skull are roofed over by narrow nasal bones, the floor consists of the vomers, and the sides, of the premaxillae and maxillae. (gulpmatrix.com)
  • medially, by the vertical part of the palatine bone with its orbital and sphenoidal processes. (medmuv.com)
  • The skull comprises several bones, including the frontal bone at the front, the parietal bones at the sides, the occipital bone at the back and the temporo-sphenoidal region at the back of the skull base. (alea-quiz.com)
  • Pages 49-50 of optional Mink manual have instructions for opening the ventral body cavity. (msudenver.edu)
  • Mink Dissection: Obtain a mink and open the ventral body cavity by cutting through linea alba on the abdomen and then using scissors to cut through the ribcage on the ventral side of the mink, but slightly off center. (msudenver.edu)
  • 5 Cranial and facial Bones  Zygomatic bone ("cheekbone") 1. (slideshare.net)
  • The pericranium is the periosteum of the skull bones. (medscape.com)
  • It ac cretes firmly with the periosteum, forming a closed articular cavity, the pressure inside which is maintained below atmospheric. (present5.com)
  • The neurocranium (or braincase ) forms the protective cranial cavity that surrounds and houses the brain and brainstem . (wikipedia.org)
  • In the neurocranium these are the occipital bone , two temporal bones , two parietal bones , the sphenoid , ethmoid and frontal bones . (wikipedia.org)