• Moreover, transcripts representing fatty acid degradation were up-regulated indicating that fatty acids might be degraded to feed the increased need to channel carbons into fatty acid synthesis creating a futile cycle. (biomedcentral.com)
  • To be available for TAG synthesis, carbons from sucrose must first be converted to pyruvate through cytosolic or plastidic glycolytic pathways and at some point be imported into the plastid to yield acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) which feeds fatty acid (FA) synthesis with carbon backbones. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Although lipids are a distinct class of biomolecules, we shall see that they often occur combined, either covalently or through weak bonds, with members of other classes of bio-molecules to yield hybrid molecules such as glycolipids , which contain both carbohydrate and lipid groups, "and lipoproteins , which contain both lipids and proteins. (medmuv.com)