• An anal sac adenocarcinoma is an uncommon and aggressive malignant tumor found in dogs that arises from the apocrine glandular tissue of anal sac. (wikipedia.org)
  • The most common type is known as anal sac adenocarcinoma or apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGASACA). (cornell.edu)
  • Complications associated with iliosacral lymphadenectomy in dogs with metastatic apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma. (ufl.edu)
  • Cases in which toceranib was used to treat dogs with apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGASACA), metastatic osteosarcoma (OSA), thyroid carcinoma, head and neck carcinoma and nasal carcinoma were included. (avmi.net)
  • What is apocrine adenocarcinoma? (lyotomachida.net)
  • You get adenocarcinoma when cells in the glands that line your organs grow out of control. (lyotomachida.net)
  • What is the survival time for canine apocrine gland adenocarcinoma? (lyotomachida.net)
  • When considering all data, the estimated median survival time for patients with anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma is between 1.5 - 2.5 years. (lyotomachida.net)
  • What are the symptoms of apocrine gland adenocarcinoma? (lyotomachida.net)
  • Development of Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting Canine PD-L1 and PD-1 and Their Clinical Relevance in Canine Apocrine Gland Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma. (edu.pl)
  • Two dogs each developed an apocrine gland adenocarcinoma (one dermal, one anal sac) after approximately 210 and 320 days of APOQUEL administration, respectively. (johnsonvet.com)
  • Perianal skin contains apocrine sweat glands (ie, sweat glands associated with hair follicles that secrete a viscous, odorless sweat) and eccrine sweat glands (ie, coiled sweat glands). (medscape.com)
  • This skin can be differentiated from the distal anal canal by the presence of the epidermal appendages mentioned previously (ie, sweat glands and hair follicles). (medscape.com)
  • Hydradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory condition of the sweat glands (called as apocrine or sebaceous glands) and hair follicles. (homeodoctor.co.in)
  • Apocrine sweat glands, which are usually associated with hair follicles, continuously secrete a fatty sweat into the gland tubule. (lyotomachida.net)
  • Duct portions are similar to those of eccrine sweat glands but open onto hair follicles instead of onto the epidermal surfaces. (hsimm.ru)
  • Apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinomas first appear as small lumps associated with one of the anal sacs (rarely bilateral), but they can grow to a large size. (wikipedia.org)
  • The anal sacs (also called anal glands) are two small structures that are positioned under the skin, one on each side of the anus. (cornell.edu)
  • Under normal circumstances, it is released as the dog defecates - when there is pressure against the anal sacs. (cornell.edu)
  • In addition to benign disease conditions of the anal sacs including impaction, sacculitis and abscessation, the anal sacs can also be affected by cancer. (cornell.edu)
  • The diagnosis generally begins when your veterinarian finds a mass in the area of one or both anal sacs while performing a rectal examination. (cornell.edu)
  • The anal sacs are glands located near the anus (rectum) that produce secretions that are normally expressed during defecation. (petplace.com)
  • For simple impactions and cases of inflammation, expressing the anal sacs may be all that is necessary. (petplace.com)
  • If the anal sacs cannot be expressed while your pet is awake, then anesthesia may be necessary to express and flush the anal sacs. (petplace.com)
  • Chronic cases of impaction or inflammation may require surgical removal of the anal sacs. (petplace.com)
  • Abscesses of the anal sacs are lanced and flushed, and then treated with oral antibiotics. (petplace.com)
  • Tumors of the anal sacs are treated by complete removal of the affected sac. (petplace.com)
  • The anal sacs are located at the 4:00 and 8:00 positions around the anus, embedded in the muscle of the anal sphincter (the muscle that closes the anus). (petplace.com)
  • This is inflammation of the anal sac, which can be caused by impacted anal sac secretions or bacterial infections of the anal sacs. (petplace.com)
  • When you notice clogged anal sacs, call your vet to help relieve your dog's discomfort and prevent other issues. (fluentwoof.com)
  • To treat, vets usually need to manually empty the anal sacs - Manual expression and an antibiotic or steroid ointment clear up most cases. (betterpet.com)
  • The anal sacs are paired structures, approximately 1 centimeter in diameter. (betterpet.com)
  • To treat anal gland infections, vets empty the anal sacs and apply an antibiotic into the sacs through the duct openings. (betterpet.com)
  • It occurs in the apocrine glands in the walls of the anal sacs. (betterpet.com)
  • How does the vet empty the anal sacs? (betterpet.com)
  • Also referred to as anal sacs, these glands can be seen on either side of a dog's anus, and they're lined with both sebaceous and apocrine glands. (cuteness.com)
  • Healthy anal sacs can help your dog mark his territory and assist in the easy passing of stool. (cuteness.com)
  • Technically, dogs empty their anal sacs every time they defecate. (cuteness.com)
  • Sometimes, dogs can also empty their anal sacs when they become scared. (cuteness.com)
  • The fluid inside the anal sacs can shoot or spray outward when your dog becomes scared, not as a deterrent or protective measure, but more likely thanks to an involuntary contraction of the sphincter muscles. (cuteness.com)
  • Because emptying his anal sacs are a natural response for your dog, there is no way to stop him from doing it unless you're able to keep him from being scared. (cuteness.com)
  • If your dog's anal sacs are impacted or abscessed, you will need to seek medical assistance from a veterinarian to address the issue. (cuteness.com)
  • Impacted glands can be resolved with a simple expressing of the sacs, while abscesses or infections are generally treated with cleaning and antibiotics. (cuteness.com)
  • The ducted glands are further divided into those in which there is only a single sac (simple tubular glands or simple alveolar glands) and those in which the sacs are connected by branching ducts (branched or compound glands). (unboundmedicine.com)
  • Anal sac carcinoma in the dog" (PDF). (wikipedia.org)
  • My mom has been diagnosed Stage IV-Apocrine Carcinoma. (cancer.org)
  • Ive just recently been diagnosed with sweat gland carcinoma. (cancer.org)
  • Apocrine carcinoma is a cancer of a sweat gland. (lyotomachida.net)
  • The cause of apocrine carcinoma is unknown. (lyotomachida.net)
  • Cancer, including lymphoma and apocrine gland carcinoma of the anal gland, is a leading cause of blood calcium elevations in dogs. (criticalcaredvm.com)
  • Eccrine carcinoma is a quite rare malignant tumor that typically arises from a normal sweat gland and that features a rather high recurrence rate subsequent to simple excision. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Eccrine carcinoma is a rare, malignant sweat gland tumor, generally featuring a slow growth rate and a rather high local recurrence rate [ 2 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Sweat gland carcinomas were first reported by Stout and Cooley in 1951 with the observation that, "sweat gland carcinoma often developed at the site of pre-existing nodules of longstanding and they have a propensity to metastasize" [ 2 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Appropriate sweat gland carcinoma classification is clearly important since each of the specific sweat gland carcinomas features its own characteristic biological behavior [ 4 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Anal sac abscesses are more painful than anal sac impaction. (petplace.com)
  • Prolonged impaction can also lead to other diseases like abscesses and ruptured glands. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Major anal gland problems may start when abscesses form within the glands themselves. (betterpet.com)
  • More importantly, healthy anal glands are important to reduce the risk of possible diseases or problems, which include impacted glands, abscesses, infection, and even anal sac tumors. (cuteness.com)
  • To understand the different fistula types of anal fistulae, clinicians must be familiar with the different anorectal spaces from which abscesses arise (see the image below). (medscape.com)
  • Second, the anal glands in the crypts are the site of anorectal abscesses and anal fistulas. (mhmedical.com)
  • Anatomically the anal glands in the crypts extend to a variable depth resulting in perianal, intersphincteric, or ischiorectal abscesses when these glands become blocked. (mhmedical.com)
  • Bartholin's gland abscesses can be associated with sexually transmitted diseases that need to be treated at the time of drainage. (aneskey.com)
  • Abscesses can also be the result of an obstruction of the apocrine and sebaceous glands. (aneskey.com)
  • The secretions from these glands are normally pungent (in fact, very smelly) and straw-colored with brown flecks. (petplace.com)
  • This disease is the result of large amounts of thick anal sac secretions that cannot be expressed by the cat during defecation. (petplace.com)
  • However, if your pooch has a chronic soft stool or certain other conditions, the oily secretions may collect and thicken in the glands. (fluentwoof.com)
  • The dominant dog between two dogs can also be determined by the anal secretions of the other dog, which lays the groundwork for their canine partnership. (knowyourdoggo.com)
  • The ceruminous gland and sweat gland secretions may differ in many Asian people due to a mutation in the ABCC11 gene due to which they produce less body odor than others. (researchtweet.com)
  • Some veterinarians suggest increasing fiber (thus bulk) to the diet to prevent anal sac impaction. (petplace.com)
  • Anal sacculitis is more painful than anal sac impaction. (petplace.com)
  • Small-breed and adult dogs have a higher risk of anal gland impaction. (fluentwoof.com)
  • This condition is called an anal gland impaction or blockage, and it can be extremely uncomfortable or painful for your pooch. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Anal gland impaction. (betterpet.com)
  • Vets treat anal sac impaction by manually emptying a dog's anal glands. (betterpet.com)
  • The anal verge is the transitional zone between the perianal skin and the moist, hairless, modified skin of the anal canal. (medscape.com)
  • The anal canal is the portion of the distal segment of the intestinal tract that lies between the termination of the rectal mucosa superiorly and the beginning of the perianal skin. (medscape.com)
  • The anal canal has an average of six to 12 anal ducts, which open into anal crypts (also known as anal sinuses or Morgagni sinuses). (medscape.com)
  • Most of these ducts have orifices in the posterior portion of the anal canal. (medscape.com)
  • These glands, imbedded in the mucous membrane of the anus, secrete a viscous sweat, lubricating the anal canal. (medscape.com)
  • A modified apocrine gland is a ceruminous gland that produces ear wax in the external ear canal. (antranik.org)
  • The apocrine glands are found in the axillae (arm pits), areola surrounding the nipples and anal canal. (homeodoctor.co.in)
  • Anorectal abscess, which can be an incapacitating condition, originates from a cryptoglandular infection in the anal canal. (medscape.com)
  • Anal fistula, or fistula-in-ano, is a persistent, abnormal tract from the anal canal to the perianal skin, and is estimated to occur in 50% of patients with anorectal abscess. (medscape.com)
  • Anal fistulae are hollow tracts lined with granulation tissue connecting a primary (internal) opening inside the anal canal to a secondary (external) opening in the perianal skin. (medscape.com)
  • A solid knowledge of the anatomy of the anal canal, the perirectal tissues and the sphincteric muscles is a prerequisite for any operative treatment of anal fistula. (medscape.com)
  • The surgical anal canal, which is approximately 2-4 cm long, is located between the anorectal ring (a palpable convergence of the internal sphincter, the deep external sphincter, and the puborectalis) superiorly and extends inferiorly to the anal verge (the junction of the anal canal and the hair-bearing keratinized perineal skin). (medscape.com)
  • The lining of the anal canal is composed of columnar cells, transitional epithelium, and non-hair-bearing squamous epithelium. (medscape.com)
  • The anal canal is surrounded by two layers of funnel-shaped musculature. (medscape.com)
  • Lymphatics from the anal canal above the dentate line drain via the superior rectal lymphatics to the inferior mesenteric lymph nodes and laterally to the internal iliac nodes. (mhmedical.com)
  • Specialized apocrine glands in the ear canal (ceruminous glands) produce a secretion in conjunction with adjacent sebaceous glands to form the protective earwax (cerumen). (hsimm.ru)
  • E. Proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal canal anastomosis. (latestinterviewquestions.com)
  • In this article, I'll explain what you need to know about your dog's anal glands and which dogs are more at risk. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Remember that it's important a vet or vet tech express your dog's anal glands. (betterpet.com)
  • The distinctive aroma that distinguishes each dog is centered around specific glands on the dog's behind. (knowyourdoggo.com)
  • The sex of the dog, what the dog is eating, and even some hints about the dog's emotional state or preparation for mating are all communicated by these organs, known as anal glands. (knowyourdoggo.com)
  • It's not surprising that a dog's keen nose would find the smell alluring because humans too have a variety of scent glands in their genital region. (knowyourdoggo.com)
  • Apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinomas also have a tendency to metastasize to the regional lymph nodes, spleen, and eventually lungs and, less commonly, bones. (wikipedia.org)
  • Anal sac adenocarcinomas are often suspected due to location (palpable masse in anal sac) and behavior, but a biopsy and histopathology is necessary for a definitive diagnosis. (wikipedia.org)
  • Anal sac tumors ("apocrine gland adenocarcinomas") are not often painful and do not usually have redness on the overlying skin or any open wounds. (petplace.com)
  • Apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinomas (AGASACA) are malignant tumors of the anal glands. (lyotomachida.net)
  • Treatment of perianal and anal sac tumors" (PDF). (wikipedia.org)
  • Cats with anal sac tumors can also have symptoms associated with other types of anal sac disease ("scooting," excessive licking, straining to defecate, reluctance to sit, or sitting asymmetrically). (petplace.com)
  • Thus, appropriate classification of such sweat glands, and associated tumors, enables us to devise a specific and appropriate sweat gland tumor therapeutical plan, and also an associated precise prognosis, i.e. apocrine carcinomas are able to metastasize to regional lymph nodes and do so frequently, whereas eccrine carcinomas are typically not able to metastasize [ 4 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Radiation therapy may be used preoperatively, intraoperatively or postoperatively on the anal sac mass and the lymph nodes - reducing the risk of recurrence in cases where complete removal is not possible. (cornell.edu)
  • Apocrine gland = confined to axillary (armpit), anal and genital areas. (antranik.org)
  • Favorite places of localization of this type of lice are areas with apocrine sweat glands: pubis, genito-anal area, axillary hollows, and also, with thick hair, chest and abdomen. (iliveok.com)
  • They can be found in the axillary, areolar, and anal regions. (hsimm.ru)
  • Surgery to remove the mass and the entire anal sac (anal sacculectomy) is the treatment of choice. (cornell.edu)
  • Some specific varieties of cysts are only found in the perianal region, including anal duct/gland cysts and sacrococcygeal teratomas. (medscape.com)
  • In addition, a variable number of sebaceous (ie, oil-secreting) glands are present in the perianal region, either opening into a hair follicle or existing as individual free sebaceous glands at the anal verge. (medscape.com)
  • Intersphincteric fistulae (see the image below) account for about 70% of all anal fistulae and usually result from a perianal abscess. (medscape.com)
  • Perianal hidradenitis is also relatively common and develops in the apocrine sweat glands of the perianal skin. (mhmedical.com)
  • Unlike anal condyloma, perianal hidradenitis can only occur in the gluteal skin as there are no sweat glands in the anoderm. (mhmedical.com)
  • Dogs have two anal glands on either side of the anus around the 7-8 o'clock and 4-5 o'clock positions. (fluentwoof.com)
  • A 2021 cross-sectional study of anal sac disease in dogs and cats suggested that certain dogs are more predisposed to developing anal gland problems. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Anal sac disease was more common in adult dogs than in puppies. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Dogs have a pair of anal glands. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Some dogs are at a higher risk of developing blocked anal glands, including adult dogs vs. puppies and smaller breed dogs. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Dogs with blocked anal glands often have symptoms that include scooting, excessive licking, a foul odor, swelling by the anus, and straining to poop. (fluentwoof.com)
  • In addition to breed predispositions, there are several causes of blocked anal glands in dogs . (fluentwoof.com)
  • Food allergies or other sensitivities - When dogs have food allergies, the poop is usually softer, so the anal glands aren't effectively expressed. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Anal sac disease in dogs is very common. (betterpet.com)
  • Dogs also use these anal glands to express extreme fear - which is why you might smell a fishy odor when your doggie is scared. (betterpet.com)
  • In most dogs, it's NOT necessary to express the glands unless there is a medical reason to do so. (betterpet.com)
  • Anal sac disease is very common in dogs Trusted Source The Merck Veterinary Manual Trusted provider of veterinary medicine. (betterpet.com)
  • On each side of their rectums, dogs have apocrine smell glands, which are a significant component of canine communication. (knowyourdoggo.com)
  • Do Dogs Empty Their Anal Glands When Scared? (cuteness.com)
  • Most dogs never encounter any trouble with their anal glands. (cuteness.com)
  • For instance, dogs do have few sweat glands on their feet pads that help them to feel cool but they use panting as a mechanism for thermoregulation as the water evaporates from the throat and mouth. (researchtweet.com)
  • There are several types of anal gland or anal sac diseases - Anal glands can become impacted, infected, or abscessed. (betterpet.com)
  • To prevent any of these possible anal sac diseases, AKC lists regular exercise and access to plenty of clean water among the top ways to keep your dog healthy. (cuteness.com)
  • Communicating with the ducts are straight or spiral, slender, tubular structures called anal glands. (medscape.com)
  • One theory states that anal glands lose their communication with the anal ducts during development but retain their ability to secrete fluid and, thus, create a cyst. (medscape.com)
  • When anal glands fail to empty properly, the oily liquid may thicken and clog the ducts. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Anal sac contents may also be expressed in times of fright (producing a terrible odor in the area). (petplace.com)
  • Symptoms of anal gland problems usually include scooting, licking the anal region, and a strong, fishy odor. (fluentwoof.com)
  • What comes out of the glands is usually brown in color and fishy in odor. (cuteness.com)
  • Related glands produce a pungent yellowish secretion during defecation. (petplace.com)
  • Impacted glands are overfilled with secretion and have exceeded their normal capacity. (betterpet.com)
  • Other secretory mechanisms include holocrine (in which the gland cell membrane disintegrates to release its secretion), apocrine (in which the ends of the gland cells pinch off, carrying the secretion), and direct active transport of particular molecules across the gland cell membrane. (unboundmedicine.com)
  • Perspiration is the process that involves the secretion of fluid like sweat from sweat glands. (researchtweet.com)
  • The etiology of anal duct cysts is unknown. (medscape.com)
  • These cysts are caused by obstructed skin glands. (generallypets.com)
  • These glands frequently form cysts that are prone to abscess formation. (aneskey.com)
  • They are larger and have a much wider luminal diameter than eccrine sweat glands. (hsimm.ru)
  • Eccrine sweat glands are one of the major sweat glands found in humans. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Eccrine sweat glands are innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers, and their major function is thermoregulation via evaporative heat loss and electrolyte balance [ 1 ]. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Eccrine sweat glands can be located all over the body and they are numerous in number. (researchtweet.com)
  • Signs of infection with swelling at the site of the gland and must be lanced if the gland hasn't already ruptured. (betterpet.com)
  • As ceruminous glands are modified sweat glands, the same gene affects their functioning also. (researchtweet.com)
  • Glands fill until the cells burst and travels up the duct alongside the follicle wall. (antranik.org)
  • Duct portions of sebaceous glands are composed of stratified squamous epithelium that is continuous with the hair cat and epidermal surface. (hsimm.ru)
  • A duct that is part of a olfactory gland. (mcw.edu)
  • Other complications include infection, poor wound healing and anal stricture. (cornell.edu)
  • This pus-filled anal sac results from a bacterial infection. (petplace.com)
  • If you notice the smell and suspect that your dog ruptured an anal gland abscess, however, you should take him to a veterinarian immediately to prevent the further spread of infection. (cuteness.com)
  • PetMD describes anal glands as little pouches situated between the internal and external sphincter muscles . (cuteness.com)
  • C. Despite complete removal of the colon and rectum, transanal fecal flow can be preserved by means of an ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. (latestinterviewquestions.com)
  • Yet, sometimes this elevation is not caused by lymphoma or anal gland cancer! (criticalcaredvm.com)
  • These are paired glands located on either side of the rectal opening. (lyotomachida.net)
  • 4 paired glands located on either side of the rectal opening. (lyotomachida.net)
  • From external to internal, the surface anatomy of the anorectum is comprised of gluteal skin, anoderm, the anal transitional zone, and proximally the rectal mucosa. (mhmedical.com)
  • Anal condyloma can also affect more proximal tissue in the anoderm and lower rectal mucosa. (mhmedical.com)
  • The anal transitional zone lies between the squamous anoderm and the rectal mucosa. (mhmedical.com)
  • Proximal to the anal transitional zone is the rectal mucosa. (mhmedical.com)
  • The anal glands are often referred to as the scent glands, and in a skunk, these serve an important purpose! (betterpet.com)
  • A dog has two anal or "scent" glands. (betterpet.com)
  • Be aware of your cat's normal defecation habits and stool appearance so that you can notice any changes, and contact your veterinarian if you notice any signs of anal sac disease. (petplace.com)
  • If you notice signs of impacted anal glands , contact your veterinarian. (fluentwoof.com)
  • Anal fissures occur in the anoderm and can be associated with a sentinel tag externally and a hypertrophied anal papilla internally ( Figure 31-2 ). (mhmedical.com)
  • The patient presented to a veterinary hospital with a month-long history of 'scooting' and a right-sided anal gland mass. (theveterinarynurse.com)
  • Eccrine (merocrine) sweat glands are simple, coiled, tubular glands that are widely distributed over the body. (hsimm.ru)
  • Apocrine sweat glands are also simple, coiled, tubular glands but are much less abundant in their distribution than eccrine glands. (hsimm.ru)
  • The cells of ducted glands (exocrine glands) secrete into a cylindrical sac (tubular glands) or into a flask-shaped sac (alveolar glands). (unboundmedicine.com)
  • The anoderm begins at the anal verge and ends at the dentate line. (mhmedical.com)
  • Between the columns of Morgagni are anal crypts with associated anal glands that open into their bases. (mhmedical.com)
  • In other mammals, apocrine sweat glands are widely distributed over the body and serve a variety of functions related to olfaction and behavior. (hsimm.ru)
  • Since it is so rare, they did not know what to call it, so they called it sweat gland cancer. (cancer.org)
  • Sebaceous glands are simple, branched holocrine acinar glands. (hsimm.ru)
  • The anal glands line the wall of the anus and produce a foul-smelling fluid that may vary from serous to pasty in consistency and brown to off-white. (betterpet.com)
  • There are varying degrees of anal gland problems and according to VCA Hospitals , "The abscess will appear as a painful, red, hot swelling on one or both sides of the anus. (betterpet.com)
  • Hold up a tissue to the anus and squeeze both sides of the anal area at the 4 and 8 o'clock positions. (betterpet.com)
  • This area, particularly 3-5 cm of anal margin skin circumferentially around the anus, can commonly become infected with the human papilloma virus resulting in anal condyloma. (mhmedical.com)
  • The cells of ductless glands secrete specific molecules into the adjacent interstitial space (paracrine glands) or into the bloodstream (endocrine glands). (unboundmedicine.com)
  • Surgical excision of too much anoderm during hemorrhoidectomy or other anorectal surgery can result in anal stenosis. (mhmedical.com)
  • Sebaceous glands are widely distributed over the body, and apocrine glands are found most commonly in axillae and anogenital regions. (aneskey.com)
  • Clinically, the anal transitional zone is important for two main reasons. (mhmedical.com)
  • First, the anal transitional zone is the crossover from somatic to visceral innervation and for lymphatic drainage from the inguinal to the pelvic nodes. (mhmedical.com)
  • Apocrine carcionoma most often develops under the arm (the axilla), but it can develop on the scalp or other parts of the body. (lyotomachida.net)
  • Early, incidental diagnosis of small anal sac masses may lead to a better prognosis with surgery alone (ongoing study). (wikipedia.org)
  • Below is an overview of Anal Sac Disease in Cats followed by detailed information on the diagnosis and treatment of this condition. (petplace.com)
  • Hippos spend most of their time in the water to stay hydrated and cool as true sweat glands are absent in them. (researchtweet.com)
  • When anal glands don't empty properly, they can become blocked or impacted. (fluentwoof.com)
  • A modified apocrine gland is the mammary gland that secretes milk. (antranik.org)
  • 1. An additional (usually smaller) gland that secretes the same substances as a primary gland. (unboundmedicine.com)
  • In the male reproductive tract, for example, the prostate, which secretes fluids that improve the viability of sperm, is an accessory gland to the testis. (unboundmedicine.com)
  • These glands are found in the dermis throught the skin, except on the palms and soles. (hsimm.ru)
  • Such sweat glands are distributed over the entire body skin surface, with the greatest density being found on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet [ 1 ]. (biomedcentral.com)