• Arterial blood gases (ABGs) are considered the gold-standard, but they come at a cost. (healthworldnet.com)
  • Changes in arterial blood gases (ABGs), complete blood count, and basic metabolic profile studies during hospitalization (days 1-6) include mild absolute lymphopenia and anemia. (medpagetoday.com)
  • Adviser 1 said that in a patient with type 2 respiratory failure (which Mr A had), the measurement of arterial blood gases (ABGs) to provide information regarding the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood stream and the acid-base status of the patient was important. (spso.org.uk)
  • When initiating treatment for metabolic acidosis, it's vital that the nurse reviews the results of ongoing lab testing, such as ABGs, electrolyte levels, ammonia levels, and kidney function. (nursetogether.com)
  • ABGs reveal a pH of 7.46, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) of 44.6 mm Hg, partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) of 94.7 mm Hg, and bicarbonate of 31.4 mmol/L. (medpagetoday.com)
  • Ultrasound and Pulse Ox vs CXR and ABGs for ARDS Diagnosis Which tools are most useful to detect lung abnormalities consistent with ARDS in under-resourced settings? (medscape.com)
  • Enhance your clinical skills with our guide on interpreting arterial blood gases (ABGs). (ausmed.com.au)
  • David is here, in this psalm, working through his A-B-Gs (the first three letters of the Hebrew alphabet are Aleph, Bet, and Gimmel, so it's not the ABCs, bu the ABGs). (logos.com)
  • Oxygen targets were achieved by altering FiO2 and intermittent ABGs and continuous oxygen saturation was monitored. (ersnet.org)
  • I can order zero ABGs or a dozen ABGs in a week and little changes but the volume of blood that is flushed down the drain. (statusiatrogenicus.com)