A plant family of the order Salicales, subclass Dilleniidae, class Magnoliopsida. The leaves are alternate and simple. Staminate (male) flowers consist of from one to many stamens. Pistillate (female) flowers consist of a one-chambered ovary with several to many ovules (potential silky seeds).
A plant genus of the family SALICACEAE. Members contain salicin, which yields SALICYLIC ACID.
A plant genus of the family FLACOURTIACEAE. Members contain casearins which are clerodane type DITERPENES.
A plant genus of the family SALICACEAE. Balm of Gilead is a common name used for P. candicans, or P. gileadensis, or P. jackii, and sometimes also used for ABIES BALSAMEA or for COMMIPHORA.