The mint plant family. They are characteristically aromatic, and many of them are cultivated for their oils. Most have square stems, opposite leaves, and two-lipped, open-mouthed, tubular corollas (united petals), with five-lobed, bell-like calyxes (united sepals).
A genus in the mint family (LAMIACEAE).
Mentha is a genus of the mint family (LAMIACEAE). It is known for species having characteristic flavor and aroma.
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE. The common names of beebalm or lemonbalm are also used for MONARDA.
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE. Members contain teuscordonin. There have been reports of hepatoxicity by this genus.
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE used to flavor food.
Oils which evaporate readily. The volatile oils occur in aromatic plants, to which they give odor and other characteristics. Most volatile oils consist of a mixture of two or more TERPENES or of a mixture of an eleoptene (the more volatile constituent of a volatile oil) with a stearopten (the more solid constituent). The synonym essential oils refers to the essence of a plant, as its perfume or scent, and not to its indispensability.
A genus of the LAMIACEAE family. It is known for its mild calming effect and for the way cats are attracted to the aroma.
'Ocimum' is a genus of aromatic plants in the family Lamiaceae, which includes various species commonly known as basils, used for culinary, medicinal, and ornamental purposes, characterized by their opposite leaves and two-lipped flowers.
A plant species of the genus OCIMUM, family LAMIACEAE. It is a condiment with carminative properties.
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE that contains 5-methoxydehydropodophyllotoxin (a PODOPHYLLOTOXIN) and other LIGNANS.
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE that is the source of a familiar food seasoning.
Plants whose roots, leaves, seeds, bark, or other constituent parts possess therapeutic, tonic, purgative, curative or other pharmacologic attributes, when administered to man or animals.
Concentrated pharmaceutical preparations of plants obtained by removing active constituents with a suitable solvent, which is evaporated away, and adjusting the residue to a prescribed standard.
The above-ground plant without the roots.
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE used in TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE.
Systems of medicine based on cultural beliefs and practices handed down from generation to generation. The concept includes mystical and magical rituals (SPIRITUAL THERAPIES); PHYTOTHERAPY; and other treatments which may not be explained by modern medicine.
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE that contains isoscutellarein-7-O-(allosyl(1-2)glucoside).
The study of plant lore and agricultural customs of a people. In the fields of ETHNOMEDICINE and ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, the emphasis is on traditional medicine and the existence and medicinal uses of PLANTS and PLANT EXTRACTS and their constituents, both historically and in modern times.
A plant species of the genus SCUTELLARIA, family LAMIACEAE, that contains skullcapflavone and is used in CHINESE HERBAL DRUGS.
Phenolic benzoic acid esters.
A chemical process for separating the components of a liquid mixture by boiling and collecting condensed vapors.
Substances causing insects to turn away from them or reject them as food.
Use of plants or herbs to treat diseases or to alleviate pain.
Expanded structures, usually green, of vascular plants, characteristically consisting of a bladelike expansion attached to a stem, and functioning as the principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration. (American Heritage Dictionary, 2d ed)
Electrophoresis in which a starch gel (a mixture of amylose and amylopectin) is used as the diffusion medium.
Oils derived from plants or plant products.
The reproductive organs of plants.
A class of compounds composed of repeating 5-carbon units of HEMITERPENES.
Members of the group of vascular plants which bear flowers. They are differentiated from GYMNOSPERMS by their production of seeds within a closed chamber (OVARY, PLANT). The Angiosperms division is composed of two classes, the monocotyledons (Liliopsida) and dicotyledons (Magnoliopsida). Angiosperms represent approximately 80% of all known living plants.
A microanalytical technique combining mass spectrometry and gas chromatography for the qualitative as well as quantitative determinations of compounds.