Drugs and their metabolites which are found in the edible tissues and milk of animals after their medication with specific drugs. This term can also apply to drugs found in adipose tissue of humans after drug treatment.
Drugs used by veterinarians in the treatment of animal diseases. The veterinarian's pharmacological armamentarium is the counterpart of drugs treating human diseases, with dosage and administration adjusted to the size, weight, disease, and idiosyncrasies of the species. In the United States most drugs are subject to federal regulations with special reference to the safety of drugs and residues in edible animal products.
A very effective anticoccidial agent used in poultry.
The medical science concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases in animals.
An order of diurnal BIRDS of prey, including EAGLES; HAWKS; buzzards; vultures; and falcons.
Agents useful in the treatment or prevention of COCCIDIOSIS in man or animals.
A sulfanilamide anti-infective agent. It has a spectrum of antimicrobial action similar to other sulfonamides.