Social welfare organizations with programs designed to assist individuals in need.
Medical services for which no payment is received. Uncompensated care includes charity care and bad debts.
Status not subject to taxation; as the income of a philanthropic organization. Tax-exempt organizations may also qualify to receive tax-deductible donations if they are considered to be nonprofit corporations under Section 501(c)3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
Usually organized community efforts to raise money to promote financial programs of institutions. The funds may include individual gifts.
I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Louisiana" is not a medical term that has a specific definition in the field of medicine. It is actually a state located in the southern United States, known for its diverse culture, food, music, and history. If you have any questions related to healthcare, medicine, or health conditions, I would be happy to try to help answer those!
Consideration and concern for others, as opposed to self-love or egoism, which can be a motivating influence.
The legal relation between an entity (individual, group, corporation, or-profit, secular, government) and an object. The object may be corporeal, such as equipment, or completely a creature of law, such as a patent; it may be movable, such as an animal, or immovable, such as a building.
The organization and operation of the business aspects of a physician's practice.
Individuals or groups with no or inadequate health insurance coverage. Those falling into this category usually comprise three primary groups: the medically indigent (MEDICAL INDIGENCY); those whose clinical condition makes them medically uninsurable; and the working uninsured.
The remuneration paid or benefits granted to an employee.