Cellular immune response to parasite infection in the Drosophila lymph gland is developmentally regulated. (49/879)

The mechanisms by which an organism becomes immune competent during its development are largely unknown. When infected by eggs of parasitic wasps, Drosophila larvae mount a complex cellular immune reaction in which specialized host blood cells, lamellocytes and crystal cells, are activated and recruited to build a capsule around the parasite egg to block its development. Here, we report that parasitization by the wasp Leptopilina boulardi leads to a dramatic increase in the number of both lamellocytes and crystal cells in the Drosophila larval lymph gland. Furthermore, a limited burst of mitosis follows shortly after infection, suggesting that both cell division and differentiation of lymph gland hemocytes are required for encapsulation. These changes, observed in the lymph glands of third-instar, but never of second-instar hosts, are almost always accompanied by dispersal of the anterior lobes themselves. To confirm a link between host development and immune competence, we infected mutant hosts in which development is blocked during larval or late larval stages. We found that, in genetic backgrounds where ecdysone levels are low (ecdysoneless) or ecdysone signaling is blocked (nonpupariating allele of the transcription factor broad), the encapsulation response is severely compromised. In the third-instar ecdysoneless hosts, postinfection mitotic amplification in the lymph glands is absent and there is a reduction in crystal cell maturation and postinfection circulating lamellocyte concentration. These results suggest that an ecdysone-activated pathway potentiates precursors of effector cell types to respond to parasitization by proliferation and differentiation. We propose that, by affecting a specific pool of hematopoietic precursors, this pathway thus confers immune capacity to third-instar larvae.  (+info)

Mitochondrial and other ultrastructural changes in the developing Habrobracon embryo. (50/879)

Cells of the wasp, Habrobracon juglandis, were studied by electron microscopy with the view to comparing ultrastructural changes, especially those found in mitochondria, that occur during the first two-thirds of the 29 h embryonic period. In 1- to 2-h embryos (the earliest studied) mitochondria are distributed principally in the periplasm and typically are arranged in clumps with their long axes parallel to each other. Based on a study of profiles occurring in thin sections, most appear to be elongate with poorly developed cristae, have dense matrices and are longer than those of later stages. At 3-4 h of age, in incipient blastoderm cells, the mitochondria are distributed throughout the cytoplasm with 40% located lateral to the nuclei and 42% concentrated in a subnuclear position. Most (81%) exhibit spherical profiles, with well-developed cristae and less dense matrices than those found at earlier ages. In fully formed blastodermal cells (7-8 h), mitochondria are similar morphologically except that a lower percentage (53%) are spherical; almost half (48%) have migrated to a supra-nuclear location. In early gastrula cells (11-12 h) no significant variations from the blastoderm condition were apparent. Mitochondria in the oldest cells studied (18-19 h) show somewhat greater structural complexity and variability. The number per cell section is drastically reduced compared to earlier ages, but this, at least in part, is related to a reduction in cell size. Changes observed in other cellular constituents are also described. Comparisons are made with similar variations reported in other developing organisms and their possible significance is discussed.  (+info)

Use of population genetic data to infer oviposition behaviour: species-specific patterns in four oak gallwasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). (51/879)

Many species of oak gallwasp (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) induce galls containing more than one larva (multilocular galls) on their host plant. To date, it has remained unclear whether multilocular galls result solely from clustered oviposition by a single female, or include the aggregated offspring of several females (multiple founding). We have developed a novel maximum-likelihood approach for use with population genetic data that estimates the number and genotypes of parents contributing to offspring from each gall. We apply this method to allozyme data from multiple populations of four oak gallwasps whose asexual generations develop in multilocular galls (Andricus coriarius, A. lucidus, A. panteli and A. seckendorffi). We find strong evidence for multiple founding in all four species, and show the data to be compatible with multiple founding rather than founding by a single foundress mated with multiple males. The extent of multiple founding differs among species: in A. lucidus and A. seckendorffi most galls are induced by a single female, whereas in A. coriarius and A. panteli over half of the galls sampled were multiple founded. We suggest that variation in levels of multiple founding may be due to consistent ecological differences between the four species.  (+info)

The relationship between mimetic imperfection and phenotypic variation in insect colour patterns. (52/879)

Many hoverflies (Syrphidae) mimic wasps or bees through colour or behavioural adaptations. The relationship between phenotypic variation in colour pattern and mimetic perfection (as determined by pigeons) was investigated in three species of Mullerian mimics (Vespula spp.) and 10 Batesian hoverfly mimics, plus two non-mimetic species of flies. Four predictions were tested: (i) Batesian mimics might be imperfect because they are in the process of evolving towards perfection, hence there should be a positive relationship between variation and imperfection; (ii) some Batesian mimics are imperfect because they do not have the appropriate genetic variation to improve and have evolved to be as good as possible, hence there should be no differences between species, all displaying a low level of variation; (iii) very common hoverflies should show the highest levels of variation because they outnumber their models, resulting in high predation and a breakdown in the mimetic relationship; and (iv) social wasps (Vespula) have such a powerful defence that anything resembling a wasp, both Mullerian and perfect Batesian mimics, would be avoided, resulting in relaxed selection and high variance. Poor mimics may still evolve to resemble wasps as well as possible and display lower levels of variation. The data only provided support for the fourth prediction. The Mullerian mimics, one of the most perfect Batesian mimics, and the non-mimetic flies displayed much higher levels of variation than the other species of Batesian mimics.  (+info)

Sex ratios. (53/879)

Sex ratio theory attempts to explain variation at all levels (species, population, individual, brood) in the proportion of offspring that are male (the sex ratio). In many cases this work has been extremely successful, providing qualitative and even quantitative explanations of sex ratio variation. However, this is not always the situation, and one of the greatest remaining problems is explaining broad taxonomic patterns. Specifically, why do different organisms show so much variation in the amount and precision with which they adjust their offspring sex ratios?  (+info)

Infection polymorphism and cytoplasmic incompatibility in Hymenoptera-Wolbachia associations. (54/879)

Most cases of Wolbachia infection so far documented in haplodiploid Hymenoptera are associated with parthenogenesis induction. Only three examples of Wolbachia-mediated cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) have been reported, resulting either in haploidisation of fertilised eggs, which develop into viable males, or in their death. To better document this variability, we studied two new Wolbachia-wasp associations involving Drosophila parasitoids. In Trichopria cf. drosophilae, individuals are infected by two different Wolbachia variants, populations are nearly totally infected, and Wolbachia induces incomplete CI resulting in death of the fertilised eggs. On the other hand, Pachycrepoideus dubius harbours only one bacterial variant, populations are polymorphic for infection, and Wolbachia has no detectable effect. These two cases show that the range of variation in Wolbachia's effects in Hymenoptera is as wide as in diploids, extending from complete CI to an undetectable effect. Cases so far studied show some parallel between the strength of incompatibility, the number of Wolbachia variants infecting each wasp, and the natural infection frequency. These empirical data support theoretical models predicting evolution of CI towards lower levels, resulting in the decline and ultimate loss of infection, and place multiple infections as being an important factor in the evolution of host-Wolbachia associations.  (+info)

Visualization of polydnavirus sequences in a parasitoid wasp chromosome. (55/879)

Polydnaviruses, obligatorily associated with endoparasitoid wasps, are unique in that their segmented genome is composed of multiple double-stranded DNA circles. We present here the first cytological evidence that virus segments are integrated in the wasp genome, obtained by using in situ hybridization of virus probes with viral sequences in the chromosomes of a wasp from the braconid family of hymenopterans.  (+info)

Role of delayed nuclear envelope breakdown and mitosis in Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility. (56/879)

The bacterium Wolbachia manipulates reproduction in millions of insects worldwide; the most common effect is cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). We found that CI resulted from delayed nuclear envelope breakdown of the male pronucleus in Nasonia vitripennis. This caused asynchrony between the male and female pronuclei and, ultimately, loss of paternal chromosomes at the first mitosis. When Wolbachia were present in the egg, synchrony was restored, which explains suppression of CI in these crosses. These results suggest that Wolbachia target cell cycle regulatory proteins. A striking consequence of CI is that it alters the normal pattern of reciprocal centrosome inheritance in Nasonia.  (+info)