Effect of antrectomy and subsequent vagotomy on the serum gastrin response to food in dogs. (65/1080)

The effect of food on serum gastrin and gastric acid secretion has been studied in dogs with denervated pouches before and after antrectomy and subsequent vagotomy. A Billroth I anastomosis was used in one group of dogs and a Billroth II in the other. Serum gastrin was measured by radioimmunoassay. In both groups of dogs antrectomy significantly depressed mean basal levels of serum gastrin and abolished the rise in serum gastrin in response to a meat meal. Meal-induced pouch acid secretion was considerably lowered by antrectomy after either Billroth I or Billroth II anastomosis. Vagotomy after antrectomy increased basal levels of gastrin, but did not restore the serum gastrin response to a meat meal in either group of dogs. It is suggested that biologically active forms of gastrin are released from the antrum in response to a meal. Biologically inactive basal levels of gastrin apparently originate from extra-antral sources. The post-vagotomy increase in basal (static) gastrin suggests vagal control of the metabolism of static, extra-antral gastrin.  (+info)

Effects of spinal section and of positive-feedback excitatory reflex on sympathetic and heart rate variability. (66/1080)

The sympathetic outflow appears to be capable of displaying a rhythmicity synchronous with cardiovascular Mayer's waves even after spinal section. To test the hypothesis that spinal sympathetic low frequency (LF) oscillation can be enhanced during sympathetic excitation, we recorded cardiac sympathetic nerve activity (SNA), R-R interval, arterial pressure, and ventilation in 9 unanesthetized decerebrate-vagotomized cats before and after C1 spinal section. LF and high frequency (HF) components were detected in the variability of SNA, R-R interval, and systolic arterial pressure both before and after spinal section. In this latter condition, a significant coherence between LF(SNA) and LF(R-R) was present in 5 animals, whereas HF(SNA) and HF(R-R) were correlated in 4 animals. During an excitatory sympathetic spinal reflex elicited by aortic constriction, the efferent sympathetic firing was markedly enhanced (from 7+/-2 to 33+/-7 spikes/s); concomitantly, the powers of both LF(SNA) and HF(SNA) were also increased. Coherence between LF(SNA) and LF(R-R) became significant in all cases, whereas HF(SNA) and HF(R-R) became correlated in 6 animals. In 3 animals, the reflex sympathetic excitation was no longer elicitable after interrupting a vast contingent of sympathetic afferents by means of thoracic dorsal root section. We report for the first time that LF and HF oscillations are detectable in SNA, R-R interval, and systolic arterial pressure variabilities of decerebrate-vagotomized spinal cats and that an excitatory spinal reflex is capable of increasing the power of both SNA spectral components.  (+info)

Vagosympathetic interactions in ischemia-induced myocardial norepinephrine and acetylcholine release. (67/1080)

To elucidate the pathophysiological roles of vagosympathetic interactions in ischemia-induced myocardial norepinephrine (NE) and acetylcholine (ACh) release, we measured myocardial interstitial NE and ACh levels in response to a left anterior descending coronary occlusion in the following groups of anesthetized cats: intact autonomic innervation (INT, n = 7); vagotomy (VX, n = 6); local administration of atropine (Atro, n = 6); transection of the stellate ganglia (TSG, n = 5); local administration of phentolamine (Phen, n = 6); and combined vagotomy and transection of the stellate ganglia (VX+TSG, n = 5). The maximum NE release was enhanced in the VX group (141 +/- 30 nmol/l, means +/- SE, P < 0.05) compared with the INT group (61 +/- 12 nmol/l). Neither the Atro (50 +/- 24 nmol/l) nor VX+TSG groups (84 +/- 25 nmol/l) showed enhanced NE release. The maximum ACh release was unaltered in the TSG and Phen groups compared with the INT group (19 +/- 4, 18 +/- 4, and 13 +/- 3 nmol/l, respectively). These findings indicate that the cardiac vagal afferent but not efferent activity reduced the ischemia-induced myocardial NE release. In contrast, the cardiac sympathetic afferent and efferent activities played little role in the ischemia-induced myocardial ACh release.  (+info)

Cardiac vagal and sympathetic efferent discharges are differentially modified by stretch of skeletal muscle. (68/1080)

We directly measured cardiac vagal efferent nerve activity (CVNA) and cardiac sympathetic efferent nerve activity (CSNA) in cats decerebrated at the level of the precollicular-premammillary body while the hindlimb or the triceps surae muscle was passively stretched. CVNA gradually decreased during passive stretch of the hindlimb, and this decrease was sustained throughout the stretch. CSNA increased at the onset of passive stretch, but this increase was not sustained. CVNA and CSNA responded differentially to graded passive stretches of the triceps surae muscle as well as the hindlimb. The sustained decrease in CVNA but not the initial increase in CSNA became greater depending on muscle length and developed tension. The time course and direction of the cardiac autonomic responses to muscle stretch were not affected by partial sinoaortic denervation, although the magnitude of the CSNA response was augmented. We conclude that the muscle mechanoreflex contributes to differential regulation of cardiac parasympathetic and sympathetic efferent discharges during passive stretch of skeletal muscle irrespective of arterial baroreceptor input.  (+info)

Vagotomy decreases excitability in primary vagal afferent somata. (69/1080)

Standard patch-clamp and intracellular recording techniques were used to monitor membrane excitability changes in adult inferior vagal ganglion neurons (nodose ganglion neurons, NGNs) 5 days following section of the vagus nerve (vagotomy). NGNs were maintained in vivo for 5 days following vagotomy, and then in vitro for 2-9 h prior to recording. Vagotomy increased action potential (AP) threshold by over 200% (264 +/- 19 pA, mean +/- SE, n = 66) compared with control values (81 +/- 20 pA, n = 68; P < 0.001). The number of APs evoked by a 3 times threshold 750-ms depolarizing current decreased by >70% (from 8.3 to 2.3 APs, P < 0.001) and the number of APs evoked by a standardized series of (0.1-0.9 nA, 750 ms) depolarizing current steps decreased by over 80% (from 16.9 APs to 2.6 APs, P < 0.001) in vagotomized NGNs. Similar decreases in excitability were observed in vagotomized NGNs in intact ganglia in vitro studied with "sharp" microelectrode techniques. Baseline electrophysiological properties and changes following vagotomy were similar in right and left NGNs. A "sham" vagotomy procedure had no effect on NGN properties at 5 days, indicating that changes were due to severing the vagus nerve itself, not surrounding tissue damage. NGNs isolated after being maintained 17 h in vivo following vagotomy revealed no differences in excitability, suggesting that vagotomy-induced changes occur some time from 1-5 days after injury. Decreased excitability was still observed in NGNs isolated after 20-21 days in vivo following vagotomy. These data indicate that, in contrast to many primary sensory neurons that are thought to become hyperexcitable following section of their axons, NGNs undergo a marked decrease in electrical excitability following vagotomy.  (+info)

Intestinal serotonin acts as a paracrine substance to mediate vagal signal transmission evoked by luminal factors in the rat. (70/1080)

The vagus nerve conveys primary afferent information produced by a meal to the brainstem. Serotonin (5-HT), which abounds in intestinal enterochromaffin cells, is released in response to various stimuli. We have recently demonstrated that 5-HT released from intestinal enterochromaffin cells activates 5-HT3 receptors on vagal afferent fibres to mediate luminal non-cholecystokinin-stimulated pancreatic secretion. The present study was designed to evaluate the responses of vagal sensory neurons to intraluminal osmotic stimulation and luminal infusion of maltose, glucose or 5-HT. We investigated the role of endogenous 5-HT in signal transmission evoked by luminal stimuli to activate vagal sensory neurons. The discharges of vagal primary afferent neurons innervating the intestine were recorded from rat nodose ganglia. Luminal factors such as intestinal osmotic stimuli and perfusion of carbohydrates elicited powerful vagal nodose responses. Electrical subdiaphragmatic vagal stimulation activated 364 single units; 40 of these responded to intestinal mucosal stimuli. Of these 40, 30 responded to intraduodenal perfusion of hyperosmolar NaCl (500 mosmol l(-1)), 27 responded to tap water (5 mosmol l(-1)) and 20 and 19 responded to maltose (300 mM) and glucose (277.5 mM), respectively. The 5-HT3/4 antagonist tropisetron (ICS 205-930) or 5-HT3 antagonist granisetron abolished luminal stimuli-evoked nodose neuronal responses. Intraluminal infusion of 10(-5) and 10(-4) M 5-HT elicited increases in vagal afferent discharge in 25 and 31 units, respectively, by activating the 5-HT3 receptors. Acute subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, intestinal mucosal application of the local anaesthetic lidocaine (lignocaine) or administration of 5-HT3 antagonist each abolished the luminal 5-HT-induced nodose neuronal responses. In contrast, distension-sensitive neurons did not respond to duodenal infusion of 5-HT. Pharmacological depletion of 5-HT stores using p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA), a 5-HT-synthesis inhibitor, abolished luminal factor-stimulated nodose neuronal responses. In contrast, pretreatment with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT), a specific 5-HT neurotoxin that destroys 5-HT-containing neurons without affecting 5-HT-containing mucosal cells, had no effect on these responses. These results suggested that the nodose neuronal responses to luminal osmolarity and to the digestion products of carbohydrates are dependent on the release of endogenous 5-HT from the mucosal enterochromaffin cells, which acts on the 5-HT3 receptors on vagal afferent fibres to stimulate vagal sensory neurons.  (+info)

Evidence of a functional alpha7-neuronal nicotinic receptor subtype located on motoneurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. (71/1080)

In vitro autoradiography using 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BGTx) and anti-alpha7 immunohistochemistry were performed on the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) of sham and chronically vagotomized rats to determine whether the alpha7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is located postsynaptically on DMV neurons whose axons contribute to the vagus nerve. Intense bilateral 125I-alpha-BGTx binding and anti-alpha7 immunostaining were observed in coronal brain sections containing the DMV of sham-vagotomized animals. Unilateral cervical vagotomy resulted in ipsilateral losses of 125I-alpha-BGTx binding and anti-alpha7 immunostaining from the DMV. Simultaneous staining of rat brainstem sections with anti-alpha7 and anti-choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) antibodies (to identify cholinergic DMV neurons that project into the vagus nerve) revealed that every DMV neuron that was stained for ChAT showed alpha7-staining as well. In vagotomized animals, no ChAT-positive neurons expressing alpha7-nAChRs remained in the ipsilateral DMV. We conclude that the alpha7-nAChR subtype is located postsynaptically on DMV neurons. To test whether the alpha7-nAChR is similar to the alpha7-homomeric nAChR, experiments were performed in anesthetized rats, and compounds were microinjected into the DMV while monitoring intragastric pressure (IGP). alpha-BGTx and strychnine antagonized nicotine-induced increases in IGP; no antagonism was observed with methyllycaconitine, a compound known to block the homomeric alpha7-nAChR subtype. Recovery from alpha-BGTx-induced antagonism of the nicotine response was observed. We conclude that there is a nAChR containing the alpha7-subunit in the DMV that is different from the homomeric alpha7-nAChR subtype.  (+info)

Influence of carotid baroreceptors on vascular responses to carotid chemoreceptor stimulation in the dog. (72/1080)

The modification by the carotid baroreceptors of the vascular responses to chemoreceptor stimulation was studied in anesthetized, artificially ventilated, vagotomized dogs. The carotid bifurcations were vascularly isolated and perfused with blood at constant pressures of 134, 215, and 51 mm Hg to cause intermediate, maximal, and minimal inhibition, respectively, of the vasomotor center. At each pressure, stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptors was achieved by perfusion with hypoxic hypercapnic blood. With intermediate inhibition, the chemoreceptor stimulation increased the aortic pressure by 50% and decreased the hind-limb and kidney blood flow (perfusion at constant pressure) by 59% and 19%, respectively. At carotid sinus pressures of 215 and 51 mm Hg, the effects of chemoreceptor stimulation were absent or markedly attenuated. With intermediate sinus pressure, chemoreceptor stimulation decreased the perfusion pressure of the saphenous vein by 27% (perfusion at constant flow). When the sinus pressure was increased to 215 mm Hg, the tone of the vein did not change, but chemoreceptor stimulation was without effect. The present study indicates a central interaction (which may be presynaptic) between the chemoreceptor and baroreceptor inputs such that the vascular responses to chemoreceptor stimulation are inhibited when the carotid sinus activity is maximal or minimal.  (+info)