Tuning of color contrast signals to visual sensitivity maxima of tree shrews by three Bornean highland Nepenthes species. (73/128)


Cortical projections to the superior colliculus in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). (74/128)


Coordinated optimization of visual cortical maps (II) numerical studies. (75/128)


Response to interrupted hyperopia after restraint of axial elongation in tree shrews. (76/128)


At birth, tarsiers lack a postorbital bar or septum. (77/128)


Eyes in various species can shorten to compensate for myopic defocus. (78/128)


Novel recombinant hepatitis B virus vectors efficiently deliver protein and RNA encoding genes into primary hepatocytes. (79/128)


Interferon-lambda3 (IFN-lambda3) and its cognate receptor subunits in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri): genomic sequence retrieval, molecular identification and expression analysis. (80/128)
