Science and Human Behavior: a tutorial in behavior analysis. (25/118)

B. F. Skinner's Science and Human Behavior (1953) became the main source of my understanding of behavior during my first semester as a college professor in 1955 at Kansas University. It has continued to exert a major influence throughout my career as the basis for a completely deterministic science of behavior, as a handbook to be consulted as a first step in dealing with any issue in behavior analysis, and as a tutorial in behavioral interpretive analysis--in the use of a small number of behavioral concepts and principles to understand behavior of all degrees of complexity. I describe four general interpretive orientations or maxims that are of broad significance for behavior analysis, and also two underappreciated major theoretical contributions.  (+info)

Science and Human Behavior at fifty. (26/118)

The golden anniversary of Science and Human Behavior is cause for celebration. Toward that end, the present paper is largely an historical consideration of the book, its inception and reception, both at the time of its publication and in subsequent years. The range and intensity of reactions to S&HB mark its impact and show it to be among Skinner's most important works, if not the most important. S&HB was written as an introductory psychology text--a vigorous use of the book in our teaching could do much to benefit the dissemination of behavior analysis.  (+info)

Science and Human Behavior translated into Portuguese: Ciencia e Comportamento Humano. (27/118)

Science and Human Behavior was translated to Portuguese as part of the effort to begin a psychology course at the University of Brasilia 40 years ago; one of the many results of the first visit of Fred S. Keller to Brazil. The book has been used continuously in undergraduate courses in Brazil since 1967.  (+info)

Science and Human Behavior, dualism, and conceptual modification. (28/118)

Skinner's Science and Human Behavior is in part an attempt to solve psychology's problem with mind-body dualism by revising our everyday mentalistic conceptual scheme. In the case of descriptive mentalism (the use of mentalistic terms to describe behavior), Skinner offers behavioral "translations." In contrast, Skinner rejects explanatory mentalism (the use of mental concepts to explain behavior) and suggests how to replace it with a behaviorist explanatory framework. For experiential mentalism, Skinner presents a theory of verbal behavior that integrates the use of mentalistic language in first-person reports of phenomenal experience into a scientific framework.  (+info)

Do recommended textbooks contain adequate information about bile salt transporters for medical students? (29/118)

Several studies have recently highlighted a number of limitations in medical textbooks. The aims of this study were to 1) to assess whether available medical textbooks provided students with adequate information about bile salt transporters, 2) compare the level of detail and the amount of information provided in current textbooks on hepatic transport mechanisms with those available in the literature, and 3) compare the amount of information provided in medical textbooks on hepatocyte transport mechanisms with those involving other transporters e.g., those found in the nephron. Seventy medical textbooks from disciplines including physiology, pathology, cell biology, medicine, pediatrics, pharmacology, pathophysiology, and histology published during the past six years were examined. The literature on bile salt transport has been searched mainly from the Internet (MEDLINE and PubMed). Most textbooks failed to provide any information on transporters found in the basolateral and canalicular membranes of hepatocytes. There are also deficiencies in information on bile salt transporters in the terminal ileum. However, up to the end of 2002, 3,610 articles and reviews had been published on hepatobiliary and enterocyte transport of bile salts. During the same period (from 1965), 10,757 articles had been published on renal transport. Thus the contents of textbooks may reflect the overall volume of research knowledge on renal transport. However, despite our current understanding of hepatic and intestinal transport of bile salts and extensive research, particularly over the past 12 years, there are major deficiencies in textbooks in this area. These findings indicate that there is an imbalance in the contents of current textbooks and a lack of information about hepatobiliary physiology, bile salt transporters, bile formation, and mechanisms underlying cholestasis and drug-induced injury. Authors, editors, and publishers of medical textbooks should consider the need to update the information provided on bile salt transporters.  (+info)

Observations on ethical problems and terminal care. (30/118)

Progress in medical diagnosis and therapy has raised new problems with far-reaching ethical implications. Medicine must remain a profession and not become a business. Textbooks must address ethical problems in the context of health care decisions and not restrict themselves to pathophysiology and practical therapeutics alone. The relative roles of the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice must be balanced and appropriately applied to individual situations in biomedical ethics. When therapy becomes futile and the suffering of the patient does not justify any anticipated benefit, the patient (and/or patient surrogate) may request withholding or even withdrawing life-prolonging interventions. In the persistent vegetative state, even nutritional support by an unnatural (tube) route may ethically be denied at the patient's (or surrogate's) informed decision. New areas of ethical evaluation have been raised by the desire of some individuals to prolongation of their lives at high expense to the society such that other individuals are denied services because of limitation of available resources. There has been a long-standing conflict of interest between the acceptance by physicians and/or medical institutions of money or gifts from pharmaceutical companies whose drugs they prescribe, stock, or sell. This practice increases the cost of the drugs and is, in effect, a "sick tax," which is morally wrong.  (+info)

Use of the Internet among dental students in Turkey. (31/118)

The extent to which dental students in Suleyman Demirel University (Turkey) use the Internet during their undergraduate dental training and their attitudes towards the Internet in general were assessed in this study. Ninety-three percent of the students use the Internet in various frequencies. Seven percent stated that they do not know how to use the Internet and, in this regard, the gender proportion was higher in the female students (p=0.026). In general, male students use the Internet more often than their female counterparts (p<0.001). Although a similar proportion of students (approximately 55 percent) use the Internet to retrieve information for general and dental topics, dental topics were searched in the Internet less frequently. To obtain information on dental topics, students generally referred to lecture handouts or textbooks (76 percent) while 32 percent accessed the Internet. Students who use the Internet to obtain information on dental topics most commonly preferred the university sites (71 percent), followed by search engines by performing key word searches (47 percent). The texts are the most commonly accessed materials (83 percent). Clinical photographs were accessed by 53 percent and histopathologic and radiographic materials by 14 percent of the students.  (+info)

PrimeAnswers: A practical interface for answering primary care questions. (32/118)

This paper describes an institutional approach taken to build a primary care reference portal. The objective for the site is to make access to and use of clinical reference faster and easier and to facilitate the use of evidence-based answers in daily practice. Reference objects were selected and metadata applied to a core set of sources. Metadata were used to search, sort, and filter results and to define deep-linked queries and structure the interface. User feedback resulted in an expansion in the scope of reference objects to meet the broad spectrum of information needs, including patient handouts and interactive risk management tools. RESULTS of a user satisfaction survey suggest that a simple interface to customized content makes it faster and easier for primary care clinicians to find information during the clinic day and to improve care to their patients. The PrimeAnswers portal is a first step in creating a fast search of a customized set of reference objects to match a clinician's patient care questions in the clinic. The next step is developing methods to solve the problem of matching a clinician's question to a specific answer through precise retrieval from reference sources; however, lack of internal structure and Web service standards in most clinical reference sources is an unresolved problem.  (+info)