The nucleosome remodeling complex, Snf/Swi, is required for the maintenance of transcription in vivo and is partially redundant with the histone acetyltransferase, Gcn5. (41/4212)

Snf/Swi, a nucleosome remodeling complex, is important for overcoming nucleosome-mediated repression of transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have addressed the mechanism by which Snf/Swi controls transcription in vivo of an Snf/Swi-dependent promoter, that of the SUC2 gene. By single-cell analysis, our results show that Snf/Swi is required for activated levels of SUC2 expression in every cell of a population. In addition, Snf/Swi is required for maintenance of SUC2 transcription, suggesting that continuous chromatin remodeling is necessary to maintain an active transcriptional state. Finally, Snf/Swi and Gcn5, a histone acetyltransferase, have partially redundant roles in the control of SUC2 transcription, suggesting a functional overlap between two different mechanisms believed to overcome repression by nucleosomes, nucleosome remodeling and histone acetylation.  (+info)

Progressive cis-inhibition of telomerase upon telomere elongation. (42/4212)

In yeast, the constant length of telomeric DNA results from a negative regulation of telomerase by the telomere itself. Here we follow the return to equilibrium of an abnormally shortened telomere. We observe that telomere elongation is restricted to a few base pairs per generation and that its rate decreases progressively with increasing telomere length. In contrast, in the absence of telomerase or in the presence of an over-elongated telomere, the degradation rate linked to the succession of generations appears to be constant, i.e. independent of telomere length. Together, these results indicate that telomerase is gradually inhibited at its site of action by the elongating telomere. The implications of this finding for the dynamics of telomere length regulation are discussed in this study.  (+info)

Atomic force microscopy sees nucleosome positioning and histone H1-induced compaction in reconstituted chromatin. (43/4212)

We addressed the question of how nuclear histones and DNA interact and form a nucleosome structure by applying atomic force microscopy to an in vitro reconstituted chromatin system. The molecular images obtained by atomic force microscopy demonstrated that oligonucleosomes reconstituted with purified core histones and DNA yielded a 'beads on a string' structure with each nucleosome trapping 158 +/- 27 bp DNA. When dinucleosomes were assembled on a DNA fragment containing two tandem repeats of the positioning sequence of the Xenopus 5S RNA gene, two nucleosomes were located around each positioning sequence. The spacing of the nucleosomes fluctuated in the absence of salt and the nucleosomes were stabilized around the range of the positioning signals in the presence of 50 mM NaCl. An addition of histone H1 to the system resulted in a tight compaction of the dinucleosomal structure.  (+info)

Architecture of the active DNA polymerase delta.proliferating cell nuclear antigen.template-primer complex. (44/4212)

The relative positions of components of the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase delta (pol delta).proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA).DNA complex were studied. We have shown that pol delta incorporates nucleotides close to a template biotin-streptavidin complex located 5' (downstream) to the replicating complex in the presence or absence of PCNA. PCNA-dependent synthesis catalyzed by pol delta was nearly totally (95%) inhibited by a biotin. streptavidin complex located at the 3'-end of a template with a 15-mer primer (upstream of the replicating complex), but was only partially inhibited with a 19-mer primer. With either primer, PCNA-independent synthesis was not affected by the biotin. streptavidin complex. Quantification of results with primers of varying length suggested that pol delta interacts with between 8 and 10 nucleotides of duplex DNA immediately proximal to the 3'-OH primer terminus. Using UV photocross-linking, we determined that the 125-kDa subunit of pol delta, but not the 50-kDa subunit, interacted with a photosensitive residue of a substrate oligonucleotide. Interaction apparently takes place through the C terminus of p125. Based on these results, we conclude that PCNA is located "behind" pol delta in the polymerization complex during DNA synthesis and that only the large subunit of pol delta (two-subunit form) interacts directly with DNA. A detailed model of the enzymatically active complex is proposed.  (+info)

Distinct regions of influenza virus PB1 polymerase subunit recognize vRNA and cRNA templates. (45/4212)

The influenza virus RNA polymerase is a heterotrimer comprising the PB1, PB2 and PA subunits. PB1 is the core of the complex and accounts for the polymerase activity. We have studied the interaction of PB1 with model cRNA template by in vitro binding and Northwestern analyses. The binding to model cRNA was specific and showed an apparent Kd of approximately 7x10(-8) M. In contrast to the interaction with vRNA, PB1 was able to bind equally the 5' and 3' arm of the cRNA panhandle. The N-terminal 139 amino acids of PB1 and sequences between positions 267 and 493 proved positive for binding to cRNA, whereas the interaction with vRNA template previously was mapped to the N- and C-terminal regions. Competition experiments using the 5' and 3' arms of either the vRNA or cRNA panhandle indicated that the N-terminal binding site is shared by both templates. The data indicate that the PB1 RNA-binding sites are constituted by: (i) residues located at the N-terminus (probably common for vRNA and cRNA binding) and, either (ii) residues from the central part of PB1 (for cRNA) or (iii) residues from the C-terminal region of PB1 (for vRNA), and suggest that PB1 undergoes a conformational change upon binding to cRNA versus vRNA templates.  (+info)

Induced fit in initial selection and proofreading of aminoacyl-tRNA on the ribosome. (46/4212)

The fidelity of aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) selection by the bacterial ribosome is determined by initial selection before and proofreading after GTP hydrolysis by elongation factor Tu. Here we report the rate constants of A-site binding of a near-cognate aa-tRNA. The comparison with the data for cognate aa-tRNA reveals an additional, important contribution to aa-tRNA discrimination of conformational coupling by induced fit. It is found that two rearrangement steps that limit the chemical reactions of A-site binding, i.e. GTPase activation (preceding GTP hydrolysis) and A-site accommodation (preceding peptide bond formation), are substantially faster for cognate than for near-cognate aa-tRNA. This suggests an induced-fit mechanism of aa-tRNA discrimination on the ribosome that operates in both initial selection and proofreading. It is proposed that the cognate codon-anticodon interaction, more efficiently than the near-cognate one, induces a particular conformation of the decoding center of 16S rRNA, which in turn promotes GTPase activation and A-site accommodation of aa-tRNA, thereby accelerating the chemical steps. As kinetically favored incorporation of the correct substrate has also been suggested for DNA and RNA polymerases, the present findings indicate that induced fit may contribute to the fidelity of template-programed systems in general.  (+info)

Initiation of genomic plus-strand RNA synthesis from DNA and RNA templates by a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. (47/4212)

In contrast to the synthesis of minus-strand genomic and plus-strand subgenomic RNAs, the requirements for brome mosaic virus (BMV) genomic plus-strand RNA synthesis in vitro have not been previously reported. Therefore, little is known about the biochemical requirements for directing genomic plus-strand synthesis. Using DNA templates to characterize the requirements for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase template recognition, we found that initiation from the 3' end of a template requires one nucleotide 3' of the initiation nucleotide. The addition of a nontemplated nucleotide at the 3' end of minus-strand BMV RNAs led to initiation of genomic plus-strand RNA in vitro. Genomic plus-strand initiation was specific since cucumber mosaic virus minus-strand RNA templates were unable to direct efficient synthesis under the same conditions. In addition, mutational analysis of the minus-strand template revealed that the -1 nontemplated nucleotide, along with the +1 cytidylate and +2 adenylate, is important for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase interaction. Furthermore, genomic plus-strand RNA synthesis is affected by sequences 5' of the initiation site.  (+info)

Use of DNA, RNA, and chimeric templates by a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: evolutionary implications for the transition from the RNA to the DNA world. (48/4212)

All polynucleotide polymerases have a similar structure and mechanism of catalysis, consistent with their evolution from one progenitor polymerase. Viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) are expected to have properties comparable to those from this progenitor and therefore may offer insight into the commonalities of all classes of polymerases. We examined RNA synthesis by the brome mosaic virus RdRp on DNA, RNA, and hybrid templates and found that precise initiation of RNA synthesis can take place from all of these templates. Furthermore, initiation can take place from either internal or penultimate initiation sites. Using a template competition assay, we found that the BMV RdRp interacts with DNA only three- to fourfold less well than it interacts with RNA. Moreover, a DNA molecule with a ribonucleotide at position -11 relative to the initiation nucleotide was able to interact with RdRp at levels comparable to that observed with RNA. These results suggest that relatively few conditions were needed for an ancestral RdRp to replicate DNA genomes.  (+info)