Inbreeding effects on immune response in free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). (33/217)

The consequences of inbreeding for host immunity to parasitic infection have broad implications for the evolutionary and dynamical impacts of parasites on populations where inbreeding occurs. To rigorously assess the magnitude and the prevalence of inbreeding effects on immunity, multiple components of host immune response should be related to inbreeding coefficient (f) in free-living individuals. We used a pedigreed, free-living population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to test whether individual responses to widely used experimental immune challenges varied consistently with f. The patagial swelling response to phytohaemagglutinin declined markedly with f in both females and males in both 2002 and 2003, although overall inbreeding depression was greater in males. The primary antibody response to tetanus toxoid declined with f in females but not in males in both 2004 and 2005. Primary antibody responses to diphtheria toxoid were low but tended to decline with f in 2004. Overall inbreeding depression did not solely reflect particularly strong immune responses in outbred offspring of immigrant-native pairings or weak responses in highly inbred individuals. These data indicate substantial and apparently sex-specific inbreeding effects on immune response, implying that inbred hosts may be relatively susceptible to parasitic infection to differing degrees in males and females.  (+info)

Secondary sexual ornamentation and non-additive genetic benefits of female mate choice. (34/217)

Ornamental secondary sexual traits are hypothesized to evolve in response to directional mating preferences for more ornamented mates. Such mating preferences may themselves evolve partly because ornamentation indicates an individual's additive genetic quality (good genes). While mate choice can also confer non-additive genetic benefits (compatible genes), the identity of the most 'compatible' mate is assumed to depend on the choosy individual's own genotype. It is therefore unclear how choice for non-additive genetic benefits could contribute to directional mating preferences and consequently the evolution of ornamentation. In free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), individual males varied in their kinship with the female population. Furthermore, a male's song repertoire size, a secondary sexual trait, was negatively correlated with kinship such that males with larger repertoires were less closely related to the female population. After excluding close relatives as potential mates, individual females were on average less closely related to males with larger repertoires. Therefore, female song sparrows expressing directional preferences for males with larger repertoires would on average acquire relatively unrelated mates and produce relatively outbred offspring. Such non-additive genetic fitness benefits of directional mating preferences, which may reflect genetic dominance variance expressed in structured populations, should be incorporated into genetic models of sexual selection.  (+info)

Dispersal of introduced house sparrows Passer domesticus: an experiment. (35/217)

An important issue concerning the introduction of non-indigenous organisms into local populations is the potential of the introduced individuals to spread and interfere both demographically and genetically with the local population. Accordingly, the potential of spatial dispersal among introduced individuals compared with local individuals is a key parameter to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of populations after an introduction event. In addition, if the variance in dispersal rate and distance is linked to individual characteristics, this may further affect the population dynamics. We conducted a large-scale experiment where we introduced 123 house sparrows from a distant population into 18 local populations without changing population density or sex ratio. Introduced individuals dispersed more frequently and over longer distances than residents. Furthermore, females had higher probability of dispersal than males. In females, there was also a positive relationship between the wing length and the probability of dispersal and dispersal distance. These results suggest that the distribution and frequency of introduced individuals may be predicted by their sex ratio as well as their phenotypic characteristics.  (+info)

Song repertoire size varies with HVC volume and is indicative of male quality in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). (36/217)

Complex birdsong is a classic example of a sexually selected ornamental trait. In many species, females prefer males with large song repertoires, possibly because repertoire size is limited by the size of song control nuclei which reflect developmental success. We investigated whether song repertoire size was indicative of brain area and male quality in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) by determining if repertoire size was related to the volume of song control nucleus HVC, as well as several morphological, immunological and genetic indices of quality. We found that males with large repertoires had larger HVCs and were in better body condition. They also had lower heterophil to lymphocyte ratios, indicating less physiological stress and a robust immune system as measured by the number of lymphocytes per red blood cell. Song repertoire size also tended to increase with neutral-locus genetic diversity, as assessed by mean d2, but was not related to internal relatedness. Our results suggest several mechanisms that might explain the finding of a recent study that song sparrows with large song repertoires have higher lifetime fitness.  (+info)

Auditory feedback and song production do not regulate seasonal growth of song control circuits in adult white-crowned sparrows. (37/217)

An important area of research in neuroscience is understanding what properties of brain structure and function are stimulated by sensory experience and behavioral performance. We tested the roles of experience and behavior in seasonal plasticity of the neural circuits that regulate learned song behavior in adult songbirds. Neurons in these circuits receive auditory input and show selective auditory responses to conspecific song. We asked whether auditory input or song production contribute to seasonal growth of telencephalic song nuclei. Adult male Gambel's white-crowned sparrows were surgically deafened, which eliminates auditory input and greatly reduces song production. These birds were then exposed to photoperiod and hormonal conditions that regulate the growth of song nuclei. We measured the volumes of the nuclei HVC, robust nucleus of arcopallium (RA), and area X at 7 and 30 d after exposure to long days plus testosterone in deafened and normally hearing birds. We also assessed song production and examined protein kinase C (PKC) expression because previous research reported that immunostaining for PKC increases transiently after deafening. Deafening did not delay or block the growth of the song nuclei to their full breeding-condition size. PKC activity in RA was not altered by deafening in the sparrows. Song continued to be well structured for up to 10 months after deafening, but song production decreased almost eightfold. These results suggest that neither auditory input nor high rates of song production are necessary for seasonal growth of the adult song control system in this species.  (+info)

The adaptive value of parental responsiveness to nestling begging. (38/217)

Despite extensive theoretical and empirical research into offspring food solicitation behaviour as a model for parent-offspring conflict and communication, the adaptive value of parental responsiveness to begging has never been tested experimentally. Game theory models, as well as empirical studies, suggest that begging conveys information on offspring state, which implies that parental investment can be better translated to fitness by responding to begging when allocating resources rather than by ignoring it. However, this assumption and its underlying mechanisms have received little or no attention. Here we show by experiments with hand-raised house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings that a 'responsive parent' will do better than a hypothetical 'non-responsive' mutant (that provides similar food amounts, but irrespective of begging). This is neither because food-deprived nestlings convert food to mass more efficiently, however, nor because responsiveness reduces costly begging. Rather, responsiveness to begging is adaptive because it reduces two opposing risks: one is wasting time when returning too soon to feed already satiated nestlings and the other is repeatedly overlooking some nestlings as a result of the stochastic nature of a random, non-responsive strategy. This study provides the first experimental evidence for the adaptive value of parental responsiveness to offspring begging.  (+info)

Breeding experience and population density affect the ability of a songbird to respond to future climate variation. (39/217)

Predicting how populations respond to climate change requires an understanding of whether individuals or cohorts within populations vary in their response to climate variation. We used mixed-effects models on a song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population in British Columbia, Canada, to examine differences among females and cohorts in their average breeding date and breeding date plasticity in response to the El Nino Southern Oscillation. Climatic variables, age and population density were strong predictors of timing of breeding, but we also found considerable variation among individual females and cohorts. Within cohorts, females differed markedly in their breeding date and cohorts also differed in their average breeding date and breeding date plasticity. The plasticity of a cohort appeared to be due primarily to an interaction between the environmental conditions (climate and density) experienced at different ages rather than innate inter-cohort differences. Cohorts that expressed higher plasticity in breeding date experienced warmer El Nino springs in their second or third breeding season, suggesting that prior experience affects how well individuals responded to abnormal climatic conditions. Cohorts born into lower density populations also expressed higher plasticity in breeding date. Interactions between age, experience and environmental conditions have been reported previously for long-lived taxa. Our current results indicate that similar effects operate in a short-lived, temperate songbird.  (+info)

Steroid hormones act transsynaptically within the forebrain to regulate neuronal phenotype and song stereotypy. (40/217)

Steroid sex hormones induce dramatic seasonal changes in reproductive related behaviors and their underlying neural substrates in seasonally breeding vertebrates. For example, in adult white-crowned sparrows, increased Spring photoperiod raises circulating testosterone, causing morphological and electrophysiological changes in song-control nuclei, which modify song behavior for the breeding season. We investigated how photoperiod and steroid hormones induce these changes in morphology, electrophysiology, and behavior. Neurons in a song premotor nucleus, the robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA), show increased intrinsic spontaneous firing rate and soma size when birds are in breeding condition. Using combinations of systemic and unilateral local intracerebral hormonal manipulations, we show that long-day photoperiod accelerates the effects of systemic testosterone on RA neurons via the estradiol-synthesizing enzyme aromatase (CYP19A1); these changes require inputs from the afferent song control nucleus HVC (used as a proper name) and steroid receptor activation within HVC; local coactivation of androgen and estrogen receptors (ARs and ERs, respectively) within HVC, but not RA, is sufficient to cause neuronal changes in RA; activation of ARs in RA is also permissive. Using bilateral local intracerebral hormone-receptor blockade, we found that ARs and ERs in the song-control nucleus HVC mediate systemic testosterone-induced changes in song stereotypy but not rate. This novel transsynaptic effect of gonadal steroids on activity and morphology of RA neurons is part of a concerted change in key premotor nuclei, enabling stereotyped song.  (+info)