From spectrum to space: the contribution of level difference cues to spatial receptive fields in the barn owl inferior colliculus. (65/773)

Space-specific neurons in the owl's inferior colliculus have spatial receptive fields (RFs) computed from interaural time (ITD) and level (ILD) differences. Because of the shape of the owl's head, these cues vary with frequency in a manner specific for each location. We sought to determine the contribution of ILD to spatial selectivity. We measured the normal spatial receptive fields of space-specific neurons using virtual sound sources (i.e., noises filtered to simulate external sound sources, presented using headphones). The virtual-source filters were then altered so that ITD was fixed while frequency-specific ILDs varied according to location in the usual manner. The resulting "ILD-alone" RF typically revealed a horizontal band of excitation that included the normal RF. Above and below, the neurons were inhibited. Interestingly, the maxima of ILD-alone RFs were generally outside the normal RF, suggesting that space-specific neurons are not optimally tuned to the ILD spectrum occurring at the normal RF location. Congruously, frequency-specific ILD tuning, assessed with tones, better matched the ILDs at the peak of the ILD-alone RF than those at the peak of the normal RF. The firing evoked from the normal RF may thus reflect the balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs needed to appropriately restrict the receptive field. Frequency-specific ILD tuning curves were combined with measured head-filtering characteristics to predict responses to the frequency-specific ILDs at each location. The predicted ILD-alone RFs, which are based on a simple sum of frequency-specific inputs, accounted for 56% of the variance in our measured ILD-alone RFs.  (+info)

Functional organization of the pallid bat auditory cortex: emphasis on binaural organization. (66/773)

This report maps the organization of the primary auditory cortex of the pallid bat in terms of frequency tuning, selectivity for behaviorally relevant sounds, and interaural intensity difference (IID) sensitivity. The pallid bat is unusual in that it localizes terrestrial prey by passively listening to prey-generated noise transients (1-20 kHz), while reserving high-frequency (<30 kHz) echolocation for obstacle avoidance. The functional organization of its auditory cortex reflects the need for specializations in echolocation and passive sound localization. Best frequencies were arranged tonotopically with a general increase in the caudolateral to rostromedial direction. Frequencies between 24 and 32 kHz were under-represented, resulting in hypertrophy of frequencies relevant for prey localization and echolocation. Most neurons (83%) tuned <30 kHz responded preferentially to broadband or band-pass noise over single tones. Most neurons (62%) tuned >30 kHz responded selectively or exclusively to the 60- to 30-kHz downward frequency-modulated (FM) sweep used for echolocation. Within the low-frequency region, neurons were placed in two groups that occurred in two separate clusters: those selective for low- or high-frequency band-pass noise and suppressed by broadband noise, and neurons that showed no preference for band-pass noise over broadband noise. Neurons were organized in homogeneous clusters with respect to their binaural response properties. The distribution of binaural properties differed in the noise- and FM sweep-preferring regions, suggesting task-dependent differences in binaural processing. The low-frequency region was dominated by a large cluster of binaurally inhibited neurons with a smaller cluster of neurons with mixed binaural interactions. The FM sweep-selective region was dominated by neurons with mixed binaural interactions or monaural neurons. Finally, this report describes a cortical substrate for systematic representation of a spatial cue, IIDs, in the low-frequency region. This substrate may underlie a population code for sound localization based on a systematic shift in the distribution of activity across the cortex with sound source location.  (+info)

Functional role of auditory cortex in frequency processing and pitch perception. (67/773)

Microelectrode studies in nonhuman primates and other mammals have demonstrated that many neurons in auditory cortex are excited by pure tone stimulation only when the tone's frequency lies within a narrow range of the audible spectrum. However, the effects of auditory cortex lesions in animals and humans have been interpreted as evidence against the notion that neuronal frequency selectivity is functionally relevant to frequency discrimination. Here we report psychophysical and anatomical evidence in favor of the hypothesis that fine-grained frequency resolution at the perceptual level relies on neuronal frequency selectivity in auditory cortex. An adaptive procedure was used to measure difference thresholds for pure tone frequency discrimination in five humans with focal brain lesions and eight normal controls. Only the patient with bilateral lesions of primary auditory cortex and surrounding areas showed markedly elevated frequency difference thresholds: Weber fractions for frequency direction discrimination ("higher"-"lower" pitch judgments) were about eightfold higher than Weber fractions measured in patients with unilateral lesions of auditory cortex, auditory midbrain, or dorsolateral frontal cortex; Weber fractions for frequency change discrimination ("same"-"different" pitch judgments) were about seven times higher. In contrast, pure-tone detection thresholds, difference thresholds for pure tone duration discrimination centered at 500 ms, difference thresholds for vibrotactile intensity discrimination, and judgments of visual line orientation were within normal limits or only mildly impaired following bilateral auditory cortex lesions. In light of current knowledge about the physiology and anatomy of primate auditory cortex and a review of previous lesion studies, we interpret the present results as evidence that fine-grained frequency processing at the perceptual level relies on the integrity of finely tuned neurons in auditory cortex.  (+info)

Neural correlates of the precedence effect in the inferior colliculus: effect of localization cues. (68/773)

The precedence effect (PE) is an auditory phenomenon involved in suppressing the perception of echoes in reverberant environments, and is thought to facilitate accurate localization of sound sources. We investigated physiological correlates of the PE in the inferior colliculus (IC) of anesthetized cats, with a focus on directional mechanisms for this phenomenon. We used a virtual space (VS) technique, where two clicks (a "lead" and a "lag") separated by a brief time delay were each filtered through head-related transfer functions (HRTFs). For nearly all neurons, the response to the lag was suppressed for short delays and recovered at long delays. In general, both the time course and the directional patterns of suppression resembled those reported in free-field studies in many respects, suggesting that our VS simulation contained the essential cues for studying PE phenomena. The relationship between the directionality of the response to the lead and that of its suppressive effect on the lag varied a great deal among IC neurons. For a majority of units, both excitation produced by the lead and suppression of the lag response were highly directional, and the two were similar to one another. For these neurons, the long-lasting inhibitory inputs thought to be responsible for suppression seem to have similar spatial tuning as the inputs that determine the excitatory response to the lead. Further, the behavior of these neurons is consistent with psychophysical observations that the PE is strongest when the lead and the lag originate from neighboring spatial locations. For other neurons, either there was no obvious relationship between the directionality of the excitatory lead response and the directionality of suppression, or the suppression was highly directional whereas the excitation was not, or vice versa. For these neurons, the excitation and the suppression produced by the lead seem to depend on different mechanisms. Manipulation of the directional cues (such as interaural time and level differences) contained in the lead revealed further dissociations between excitation and suppression. Specifically, for about one-third of the neurons, suppression depended on different directional cues than did the response to the lead, even though the directionality of suppression was similar to that of the lead response when all cues were present. This finding suggests that the inhibitory inputs causing suppression may originate in part from subcollicular auditory nuclei processing different directional cues than the inputs that determine the excitatory response to the lead. Neurons showing such dissociations may play an important role in the PE when the lead and the lag originate from very different directions.  (+info)

Role of the posterior parietal cortex in spatial hearing. (69/773)

The human posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is well known to be involved in various functions of multisensory spatial perception. However, the specific role of the PPC in hearing has, up to now, remained unclear. To allow more reliable conclusions to be drawn on this issue, we have used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy subjects. Focal stimulation of the PPC induced a systematic shift in the lateralization of interaural time differences (ITDs, a main cue for auditory azimuth), whereas the acuity of ITD discrimination was unaffected. We propose that the PPC is specifically involved in relating azimuthal angles of sound to the body coordinates and is part of a "where" stream in cortical processing of auditory information.  (+info)

Blocking GABAergic inhibition increases sensitivity to sound motion cues in the inferior colliculus. (70/773)

Responses of low-frequency neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of anesthetized guinea pigs were recorded to interaural phase modulation (IPM) before, during, and after iontophoresis of bicuculline, an antagonist to the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Sensitivity to the direction of virtual motion resulting from IPM is an emergent property of neurons at the level of the IC. One model to account for this emergent sensitivity depends on GABAergic inhibition. Blocking GABAergic inhibition with bicuculline substantially increased neuronal discharge rates and increased the extent to which neurons were sensitive to the apparent-motion cues of IPM. The effect of GABA blockade is consistent with the hypothesis that sensitivity to the motion cues of IPM results from a process of adaptation-of-excitation whereby the magnitude of the recent response history influences subsequent neuronal responsiveness. These results indicate that GABAergic inhibition strongly influences the context-dependent processing of low-frequency binaural signals in the IC.  (+info)

The coding of spatial location by single units in the lateral superior olive of the cat. I. Spatial receptive fields in azimuth. (71/773)

The lateral superior olive (LSO) is one of the most peripheral auditory nuclei receiving inputs from both ears, and LSO neurons are sensitive to interaural level differences (ILDs), one of the primary acoustical cues for sound location. We used the virtual space (VS) technique to present over earphones broadband stimuli containing natural combinations of localization cues as a function of azimuth while recording extracellular responses from single LSO cells. The responses of LSO cells exhibited spatial receptive fields (SRFs) in azimuth consonant with their sensitivity to ILDs of stimuli presented dichotically: high discharge rates for ipsilateral azimuths where stimulus amplitude to the excitatory ear exceeded that to the inhibitory ear, rapidly declining rates near the midline, and low rates for contralateral azimuths where the amplitude to the inhibitory ear exceeded that to the excitatory ear. Relative to binaural stimulation, presentations of the VS stimuli to the ipsilateral ear alone yielded increased rates, particularly in the contralateral field, confirming that the binaural SRFs were shaped by contralateral inhibition. Our finding that LSO neurons respond to azimuth consistent with their ILD sensitivity supports the long-held hypothesis that LSO neurons compute a correlate of the ILD present in free-field stimuli. Only weak correlations between the properties of pure-tone ILD functions and the SRFs were found, indicating that ILD sensitivity measured at only one sound level is not sufficient to predict sensitivity to azimuth. Sensitivity to spatial location was also retained over a wide range of stimulus levels under binaural, but not monaural, conditions.  (+info)

The coding of spatial location by single units in the lateral superior olive of the cat. II. The determinants of spatial receptive fields in azimuth. (72/773)

The lateral superior olive (LSO) is one of the most peripheral nuclei in the auditory pathway to receive inputs from both ears, and its cells are sensitive to interaural level disparities (ILDs) when stimulated by sounds presented over earphones. It has, accordingly, long been hypothesized that the functional role of the LSO is to encode a correlate of ILDs, one of the acoustical cues to the spatial location of sound. In the companion paper, we used the virtual space (VS) technique to present over earphones stimuli containing all the acoustical cues to the location of broadband stimuli and measured the spatial receptive fields (SRFs) in azimuth of single LSO cells. The shapes of the SRFs were generally consistent with the ILD sensitivity of the cells (Tollin and Yin, 2002), but because the only variable under our control was azimuth, and not ILD directly, the precise cues responsible for the SRFs could not be unambiguously determined. Here, we test more directly the hypothesis that ILDs are the primary determinants of the SRFs in azimuth of LSO cells by digitally manipulating the head-related transfer functions used to create the VS stimuli by independently varying (or holding constant) in azimuth each of the primary localization cues in isolation while holding constant (or varying) the others. Our results support the classical view of the LSO that the form of the SRFs of the cells in azimuth is determined primarily by the ILDs in a small band of frequencies around the characteristic frequencies of the cells.  (+info)