Latitudinal range influences the seasonal variation in the foraging behavior of marine top predators. (73/103)


Predation on an upper trophic marine predator, the Steller sea lion: evaluating high juvenile mortality in a density dependent conceptual framework. (74/103)


Weak polygyny in California sea lions and the potential for alternative mating tactics. (75/103)


A novel antibody-based biomarker for chronic algal toxin exposure and sub-acute neurotoxicity. (76/103)


Complete genome sequence of a novel picobirnavirus, otarine picobirnavirus, discovered in California sea lions. (77/103)


High nutrient transport and cycling potential revealed in the microbial metagenome of Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) faeces. (78/103)


Expression and immunohistochemical detection of leptin-like peptide in the gastrointestinal tract of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). (79/103)


Skin histology and its role in heat dissipation in three pinniped species. (80/103)
