In vivo nuclease hypersensitivity studies reveal multiple sites of parental origin-dependent differential chromatin conformation in the 150 kb SNRPN transcription unit. (1/365)

Human chromosome region 15q11-q13 contains a cluster of oppositely imprinted genes. Loss of the paternal or the maternal alleles by deletion of the region or by uniparental disomy 15 results in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) or Angelman syndrome (AS), respectively. Hence, the two phenotypically distinct neurodevelopmental disorders are caused by the lack of products of imprinted genes. Subsets of PWS and AS patients exhibit 'imprinting mutations', such as small microdeletions within the 5' region of the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N ( SNRPN ) transcription unit which affect the transcriptional activity and methylation status of distant imprinted genes throughout 15q11-q13 in cis. To elucidate the mechanism of these long-range effects, we have analyzed the chromatin structure of the 150 kb SNRPN transcription unit for DNase I- and Msp I-hypersensitive sites. By using an in vivo approach on lymphoblastoid cell lines from PWS and AS individuals, we discovered that the SNRPN exon 1 is flanked by prominent hypersensitive sites on the paternal allele, but is completely inaccessible to nucleases on the maternal allele. In contrast, we identified several regions of increased nuclease hypersensitivity on the maternal allele, one of which coincides with the AS minimal microdeletion region and another lies in intron 1 immediately downstream of the paternal-specific hypersensitive sites. At several sites, parental origin-specific nuclease hypersensitivity was found to be correlated with hypermethylation on the allele contributed by the other parent. The differential parental origin-dependent chromatin conformations might govern access of regulatory protein complexes and/or RNAs which could mediate interaction of the region with other genes.  (+info)

Genomic imprinting: implications for human disease. (2/365)

Genomic imprinting refers to an epigenetic marking of genes that results in monoallelic expression. This parent-of-origin dependent phenomenon is a notable exception to the laws of Mendelian genetics. Imprinted genes are intricately involved in fetal and behavioral development. Consequently, abnormal expression of these genes results in numerous human genetic disorders including carcinogenesis. This paper reviews genomic imprinting and its role in human disease. Additional information about imprinted genes can be found on the Genomic Imprinting Website at  (+info)

A novel imprinted gene, encoding a RING zinc-finger protein, and overlapping antisense transcript in the Prader-Willi syndrome critical region. (3/365)

We describe a complex imprinted locus in chromosome 15q11-q13 that encodes two genes, ZNF127 and ZNF127AS. The ZNF127 gene encodes a protein with a RING (C3HC4) zinc-finger and multiple C3H zinc-finger motifs, the former being closely related to a protein from variola major virus, the smallpox etiological agent. These motifs allow prediction of ZNF127 function as a ribonucleoprotein. The intronless ZNF127 gene is expressed ubiquitously, but the entire coding sequence and 5' CpG island overlaps a second gene, ZNF127AS, that is transcribed from the antisense strand with a different transcript size and pattern of expression. Allele-specific analysis shows that ZNF127 is expressed only from the paternal allele. Consistent with this expression pattern, in the brain the ZNF127 5' CpG island is completely unmethylated on the paternal allele but methylated on the maternal allele. Analyses of adult testis, sperm and fetal oocytes demonstrates a gametic methylation imprint with unmethylated paternal germ cells. Recent findings indicate that ZNF127 is part of the coordinately regulated imprinted domain affected in Prader-Willi syndrome patients with imprinting mutations. Therefore, ZNF127 and ZNF127AS are novel imprinted genes that may be associated with some of the clinical features of the polygenic Prader-Willi syndrome.  (+info)

Imprinting of a RING zinc-finger encoding gene in the mouse chromosome region homologous to the Prader-Willi syndrome genetic region. (4/365)

A novel locus in the human Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) region encodes the imprinted ZNF127 and antisense ZNF127AS genes. Here, we show that the mouse ZNF127 ortholog, Zfp127, encodes a homologous putative zinc-finger polypeptide, with a RING (C3HC4) and three C3H zinc-finger domains that suggest function as a ribonucleoprotein. By the use of RT-PCR across an in-frame hexamer tandem repeat and RNA from a Mus musculus x M.spretus F1interspecific cross, we show that Zfp127 is expressed only from the paternal allele in brain, heart and kidney. Similarly, Zfp127 is expressed in differentiated cells derived from androgenetic embryonic stem cells and normal embryos but not those from parthogenetic embryonic stem cells. We hypothesize that the gametic imprint may be set, at least in part, by the transcriptional activity of Zfp127 in pre- and post-meiotic male germ cells. Therefore, Zfp127 is a novel imprinted gene that may play a role in the imprinted phenotype of mouse models of PWS.  (+info)

An imprinted, mammalian bicistronic transcript encodes two independent proteins. (5/365)

Polycistronic transcripts are common in prokaryotes but rare in eukaryotes. Phylogenetic analysis of the SNRPN (SmN) mRNA in five eutherian mammals reveals a second highly conserved coding sequence, termed SNURF (SNRPN upstream reading frame). The vast majority of nucleotide substitutions in SNURF occur in the wobble codon position, providing strong evolutionary evidence for selection for protein-coding function. Because SNURF-SNRPN maps to human chromosome 15q11-q13 and is paternally expressed, each cistron is a candidate for a role in the imprinted Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and PWS mouse models. SNURF encodes a highly basic 71-aa protein that is nuclear-localized (as is SmN). Because SNURF is the only protein-coding sequence within the imprinting regulatory region in 15q11-q13, it may have provided the original selection for imprinting in this domain. Whereas some human tissues express a minor SNURF-only transcript, mouse tissues express only the bicistronic Snurf-Snrpn transcript. We show that both SNURF and SNRPN are translated in normal, but not PWS, human, and mouse tissues and cell lines. These findings identify SNURF as a protein that is produced along with SmN from a bicistronic transcript; polycistronic mRNAs therefore are encoded in mammalian genomes where they may form functional operons.  (+info)

Large genomic duplicons map to sites of instability in the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome chromosome region (15q11-q13). (6/365)

The most common etiology for Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome is de novo interstitial deletion of chromosome 15q11-q13. Deletions and other recurrent rearrangements of this region involve four common 'hotspots' for breakage, termed breakpoints 1-4 (BP1-BP4). Construction of an approximately 4 Mb YAC contig of this region identified multiple sequence tagged sites (STSs) present at both BP2 and BP3, suggestive of a genomic duplication event. Interphase FISH studies demonstrated three to five copies on 15q11-q13, one copy on 16p11.1-p11.2 and one copy on 15q24 in normal controls, while analysis on two Class I deletion patients showed loss of approximately three signals at 15q11-q13 on one homolog. Multiple FISH signals were also observed at regions orthologous to both human chromosomes 15 and 16 in non-human primates, including Old World monkeys, suggesting that duplication of this region may have occurred approximately 20 million years ago. A BAC/PAC contig for the duplicated genomic segment (duplicon) demonstrated a size of approximately 400 kb. Surprisingly, the duplicon was found to contain at least seven different expressed sequence tags representing multiple genes/pseudogenes. Sequence comparison of STSs amplified from YAC clones uniquely mapped to BP2 or BP3 showed two different copies of the duplicon within BP3, while BP2 comprised a single copy. The orientation of BP2 and BP3 are inverted relative to each other, whereas the two copies within BP3 are in tandem. The presence of large duplicated segments on chromosome 15q11-q13 provides a mechanism for homologous unequal recombination events that may mediate the frequent rearrangements observed for this chromosome.  (+info)

Developmental and genetic disorders in spermatogenesis. (7/365)

The most common cause of male infertility is idiopathic. Fresh insights based on genetic and molecular analysis of the human genome permit classification of formerly unexplained disorders in spermatogenesis. In this article, we review new procedures that expand diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to male infertility. Recombinant DNA technology makes it possible to detect specific chromosomal and/or genetic defects among infertile patients. The identification of genes linked to disorders in spermatogenesis and male sexual differentiation has increased exponentially in the past decade. Genetic defects leading to male factor infertility can now be explained at the molecular level, even though the germ cell profile of infertile patients is too variable to permit classification of the clinical phenotype. Increasing knowledge of genes that direct spermatogenesis provides important new information about the molecular and cellular events involved in human spermatogenesis. Molecular analysis of chromosomes and/or genes of infertile patients offers unique opportunities to uncover the aetiology of genetic disorders in spermatogenesis. Increasing numbers of cases, previously classified as idiopathic, can now be diagnosed to facilitate the treatment of infertile men. Advanced knowledge also poses ethical dilemmas, since children conceived with assisted reproductive technologies such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are at risk for congenital abnormalities, unbalanced complements of chromosomes and male infertility.  (+info)

Genetic factors in human sleep disorders with special reference to Norrie disease, Prader-Willi syndrome and Moebius syndrome. (8/365)

Sleep-wake problems are common in specific inborn errors of metabolism and structure of the central nervous system. Psychological factors, behavioural difficulties, metabolic disturbances, and widespread rather than focal damage to the nervous system are present in many of these diseases and all influence the sleep-wake cycle. However, a number of conditions cause relatively focal damage to the neuroanatomical substrate of sleeping and waking. These include fatal familial insomnia, with involvement of the prion protein gene on chromosome 20, Norrie disease, the Prader-Willi syndrome and the Moebius syndrome. The last three important conditions, although rare, are considered in detail in this review. They result in sensory deprivation, hypothalamic and mid-brain damage, and involve the X-chromosome, chromosome 15, and chromosome 13, respectively. These conditions cause a wide variety of sleep disturbance, including parasomnias, daytime sleepiness, and a condition like cataplexy. The place of the relevant gene products in normal sleep regulation needs further exploration.  (+info)