Morphometric analysis of telencephalic structure in a variety of neognath and paleognath bird species reveals regional differences associated with specific behavioral traits. (25/33)


Comparative intralimb coordination in avian bipedal locomotion. (26/33)


On the evolution of noise-dependent vocal plasticity in birds. (27/33)


Highly informative ancient DNA 'snippets' for New Zealand moa. (28/33)


The evolution of sexual dimorphism in New Zealand giant moa (Dinornis) and other ratites. (29/33)


Genetic consequences of a century of protection: serial founder events and survival of the little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii). (30/33)


Resolving lost herbivore community structure using coprolites of four sympatric moa species (Aves: Dinornithiformes). (31/33)


The anatomy of the bill tip of kiwi and associated somatosensory regions of the brain: comparisons with shorebirds. (32/33)
