Interactive effect of hypoxia and otolith organ engagement on cardiovascular regulation in humans. (33/233)

We determined the interaction between the vestibulosympathetic reflex and the arterial chemoreflex in 12 healthy subjects. Subjects performed three trials in which continuous recordings of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and arterial oxygen saturation were obtained. First, in prone subjects the otolith organs were engaged by use of head-down rotation (HDR). Second, the arterial chemoreflex was activated by inspiration of hypoxic gas (10% O2 and 90% N2) for 7 min with HDR being performed during minute 6. Third, hypoxia was repeated (15 min) with HDR being performed during minute 14. HDR [means +/- SE; increase (Delta)7 +/- 1 bursts/min and Delta50 +/- 11% for burst frequency and total MSNA, respectively; P < 0.05] and hypoxia (Delta6 +/- 2 bursts/min and Delta62 +/- 29%; P < 0.05) increased MSNA. Additionally, MSNA increased when HDR was performed during hypoxia (Delta11 +/- 2 bursts/min and Delta127 +/- 57% change from normoxia; P < 0.05). These increases in MSNA were similar to the algebraic sum of the individual increase in MSNA elicited by HDR and hypoxia (Delta13 +/- 1 bursts/min and Delta115 +/- 36%). Increases in MAP (Delta3 +/- 1 mmHg) and HR (Delta19 +/- 1 beats/min) during combined HDR and hypoxia generally were smaller (P < 0.05) than the algebraic sum of the individual responses (Delta5 +/- 1 mmHg and Delta24 +/- 2 beats/min for MAP and HR, respectively; P < 0.05). These findings indicate an additive interaction between the vestibulosympathetic reflex and arterial chemoreflex for MSNA. Therefore, it appears that MSNA outputs between the vestibulosympathetic reflex and arterial chemoreflex are independent of one another in humans.  (+info)

Otolith growth in trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: supply of Ca2+ and Sr2+ to the saccular endolymph. (34/233)

Kinetic and pharmacological characteristics of Ca2+ fluxes across the saccular epithelium of trout were studied using a perfused isolated inner ear. 45Ca2+influx from the Ringer solution to the endolymph was 3-4 nmoles h(-1)microl(-1) endolymph, which corresponds to a global turnover rate of the endolymph calcium of 200 % h(-1). Ca2+ entry into the proximal endolymph was faster than into the distal fluid. Net Ca2+ movement across the saccular epithelium depended on the direction and intensity of the chemical gradient of calcium between the Ringer solution and the endolymph. Increasing the calcium concentration in the Ringer solution up to 4.4 mmol l(-1) provoked an accumulation of Ca2+ in both proximal and distal endolymphs, and equilibrium was reached about 30 min after the beginning of perfusion. Perfusion with calcium-free Ringer partially emptied the proximal compartment of calcium, whereas the calcium levels in the distal endolymph did not vary during 70 min of perfusion. Verapamil (10(-5) mol l(-1)) and cyanide (CN, 10(-3) mol l(-1)) did not modify the accumulation of Ca2+ within the endolymph in the presence of a favourable calcium chemical gradient. Furthermore the relationship between Ca2+ net fluxes and the chemical calcium gradient across the saccular epithelium was linear, indicating a passive diffusional mechanism via a paracellular pathway. Similar relationships were found for Sr2+ fluxes across the saccular epithelium in the presence of positive chemical gradients (1, 2 and 4 mmol l(-1) Sr2+). In vivo experiments in which trout were intraperitoneously injected with CaCl2 solution confirmed the tight relationship between the calcium levels in plasma and endolymph (both proximal and distal). Sampling proximal and distal endolymphs in trout and turbot saccules revealed a decreasing proximo-distal calcium gradient in endolymph of both fish species. The present results strongly suggest that the endolymph is supplied with Ca2+ and Sr2+ via a paracellular pathway located in the proximal area of the saccular epithelium.  (+info)

Asymmetric integration recorded from vestibular-only cells in response to position transients. (35/233)

Angular and translational accelerations excite the semicircular canals and otolith organs, respectively. While canal afferents approximately encode head angular velocity due to the biomechanical integration performed by the canals, otolith signals have been found to approximate head translational acceleration. Because central vestibular pathways require velocity and position signals for their operation, the question has been raised as to how the integration of the otolith signals is accomplished. We recorded responses from 62 vestibular-only neurons in the vestibular nucleus of two monkeys to position transients in the naso-occipital and interaural orientations and varying directions in between. Responses to the transients were directionally asymmetric; one direction elicited a response that approximated the integral of the acceleration of the stimulus. In the opposite direction, the cells simply encoded the acceleration of the motion. We present a model that suggests that a neural integrator is not needed. Instead a neuron with a long membrane time constant and an excitatory postsynaptic potential duration that increases with the firing rate of the presynaptic cell can emulate the observed behavior.  (+info)

Patterns of canal and otolith afferent input convergence in frog second-order vestibular neurons. (36/233)

Second-order vestibular neurons (2 degrees VN) were identified in the isolated frog brain by the presence of monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) after separate electrical stimulation of individual vestibular nerve branches. Combinations of one macular and the three semicircular canal nerve branches or combinations of two macular nerve branches were stimulated separately in different sets of experiments. Monosynaptic EPSPs evoked from the utricle or from the lagena converged with monosynaptic EPSPs from one of the three semicircular canal organs in ~30% of 2 degrees VN. Utricular afferent signals converged predominantly with horizontal canal afferent signals (74%), and lagenar afferent signals converged with anterior vertical (63%) or posterior vertical (37%) but not with horizontal canal afferent signals. This convergence pattern correlates with the coactivation of particular combinations of canal and otolith organs during natural head movements. A convergence of afferent saccular and canal signals was restricted to very few 2 degrees VN (3%). In contrast to the considerable number of 2 degrees VN that received an afferent input from the utricle or the lagena as well as from one of the three canal nerves (~30%), smaller numbers of 2 degrees VN (14% of each type of 2 degrees otolith or 2 degrees canal neuron) received an afferent input from only one particular otolith organ or from only one particular semicircular canal organ. Even fewer 2 degrees VN received an afferent input from more than one semicircular canal or from more than one otolith nerve (~7% each). Among 2 degrees VN with afferent inputs from more than one otolith nerve, an afferent saccular nerve input was particularly rare (4-5%). The restricted convergence of afferent saccular inputs with other afferent otolith or canal inputs as well as the termination pattern of saccular afferent fibers are compatible with a substrate vibration sensitivity of this otolith organ in frog. The ascending and/or descending projections of identified 2 degrees VN were determined by the presence of antidromic spikes. 2 degrees VN mediating afferent utricular and/or semicircular canal nerve signals had ascending and/or descending axons. 2 degrees VN mediating afferent lagenar or saccular nerve signals had descending but no ascending axons. The latter result is consistent with the absence of short-latency macular signals on extraocular motoneurons during vertical linear acceleration. Comparison of data from frog and cat demonstrated the presence of a similar organization pattern of maculo- and canal-ocular reflexes in both species.  (+info)

Sequence similarity between stereocilin and otoancorin points to a unified mechanism for mechanotransduction in the mammalian inner ear. (37/233)

BACKGROUND: Interaction between hair cells and acellular gels of the mammalian inner ear, the tectorial and otoconial membranes, is crucial for mechanoreception. Recently, otoancorin was suggested to be a mediator of gel attachment to nonsensory cells, but the molecular components of the interface between gels and sensory cells remain to be identified. HYPOTHESIS: We report that the inner ear protein stereocilin is related in sequence to otoancorin and, based on its localisation and predicted GPI-anchoring, may mediate attachment of the tectorial and otoconial membranes to sensory hair bundles. TESTING: It is expected that antibodies directed against stereocilin would specifically label sites of contact between sensory hair cells and tectorial/otoconial membranes of the inner ear. IMPLICATIONS: Our findings support a unified molecular mechanism for mechanotransduction, with stereocilin and otoancorin defining a new protein family responsible for the attachment of acellular gels to both sensory and nonsensory cells of the inner ear.  (+info)

Vestibular convergence patterns in vestibular nuclei neurons of alert primates. (38/233)

Sensory signal convergence is a fundamental and important aspect of brain function. Such convergence may often involve complex multidimensional interactions as those proposed for the processing of otolith and semicircular canal (SCC) information for the detection of translational head movements and the effective discrimination from physically congruent gravity signals. In the present study, we have examined the responses of primate rostral vestibular nuclei (VN) neurons that do not exhibit any eye movement-related activity using 0.5-Hz translational and three-dimensional (3D) rotational motion. Three distinct neural populations were identified. Approximately one-fourth of the cells exclusively encoded rotational movements (canal-only neurons) and were unresponsive to translation. The canal-only central neurons encoded head rotation in SCC coordinates, exhibited little orthogonal canal convergence, and were characterized with significantly higher sensitivities to rotation as compared to primary SCC afferents. Another fourth of the neurons modulated their firing rates during translation (otolith-only cells). During rotations, these neurons only responded when the axis of rotation was earth-horizontal and the head was changing orientation relative to gravity. The remaining one-half of VN neurons were sensitive to both rotations and translations (otolith + canal neurons). Unlike primary otolith afferents, however, central neurons often exhibited significant spatiotemporal (noncosine) tuning properties and a wide variety of response dynamics to translation. To characterize the pattern of SCC inputs to otolith + canal neurons, their rotational maximum sensitivity vectors were computed using exclusively responses during earth-vertical axis rotations (EVA). Maximum sensitivity vectors were distributed throughout the 3D space, suggesting strong convergence from multiple SCCs. These neurons were also tested with earth-horizontal axis rotations (EHA), which would activate both vertical canals and otolith organs. However, the recorded responses could not be predicted from a linear combination of EVA rotational and translational responses. In contrast, one-third of the neurons responded similarly during EVA and EHA rotations, although a significant response modulation was present during translation. Thus this subpopulation of otolith + canal cells, which included neurons with either high- or low-pass dynamics to translation, appear to selectively ignore the component of otolith-selective activation that is due to changes in the orientation of the head relative to gravity. Thus contrary to primary otolith afferents and otolith-only central neurons that respond equivalently to tilts relative to gravity and translational movements, approximately one-third of the otolith + canal cells seem to encode a true estimate of the translational component of the imposed passive head and body movement.  (+info)

Orientation of Listing's plane during static tilt in young and older human subjects. (39/233)

Three-dimensional eye positions, when expressed as rotation vectors, are constrained to lie in a head-fixed Listing's plane. The offset and orientation of Listing's plane changes when the head is tilted. To assess the influence of age on this phenomenon, young (less than 30 years old) and older (>65 years old) human subjects were seated upright, pitched nose up and nose down, and rolled right ear down and left ear down. Listing's plane was computed from eye movements recorded using a dual scleral search coil while subjects scanned a complex visual scene. During pitch, Listing's plane counterpitched with respect to the head, while during roll, it translated in a manner consistent with "ocular counterrolling". There was no significant difference in this reorientation of Listing's plane between the young and older subjects. The only obvious difference between the two age groups was that the "thickness" of Listing's plane was greater in the older subjects. This suggests that aging has a small, but definite, influence on Listing's law.  (+info)

Genetic evidence for local retention of pelagic larvae in a Caribbean reef fish. (40/233)

The pelagic larvae of many marine organisms can potentially disperse across hundreds of kilometers, but whether oceanographic or behavioral mechanisms can constrain dispersal over periods sufficient for the evolution of genetic differentiation remains unclear. Here, we concurrently examine larval duration and genetic population differentiation in a cleaner goby, Elacatinus evelynae, a member of the most species-rich genus of Caribbean reef fishes. Despite evidence for extended pelagic duration (21 days), populations of E. evelynae show strong genetic differentiation: among color forms (1.36 to 3.04% divergent at mitochondrial cytochrome b) and among island populations within color forms (Phi(ST) up to 70%). These results suggest that marine populations can remain demographically closed for thousands of generations despite extended larval duration, and that recognition cues such as color may promote speciation when geographic barriers are transient or weak.  (+info)