Correlation of local outcome after partial laryngectomy with cartilage abnormalities on CT. (9/46)

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The prognostic significance of laryngeal cartilage abnormalities, as seen on CT or MR imaging, in laryngeal or hypopharyngeal cancer, is unclear. The purpose is to determine whether cartilage abnormalities as seen on preoperative CT in laryngeal and pyriform sinus cancer are predictive of local outcome after partial laryngectomy. METHODS: The preoperative CT studies in a consecutive series of 16 patients who underwent extended hemilaryngectomy for squamous cell carcinoma of the glottis (n = 12), supraglottis (n = 1), or pyriform sinus (n = 3) were reviewed retrospectively. Cartilage abnormalities were defined as asymmetric cartilage sclerosis, lysis of ossified cartilage, or tumor visible on both sides of the cartilage. Tumor volume was calculated by using the summation-of-areas technique. Seven patients underwent postoperative radiation therapy. All patients had a follow-up of at least 24 months after treatment or until local recurrence. RESULTS: Eleven patients showed cartilage abnormalities. In six patients, only a single cartilage was abnormal, whereas three patients showed involvement of two cartilages and two patients of three cartilages. The overall average tumor volume was 2.7 mL; the average tumor volume was 1.5 mL in the patients without and 3.3 mL in those with cartilage involvement on CT (P > .05). Two patients suffered a local recurrence. One patient (tumor volume, 1.5 mL) did not show any cartilage abnormalities. The other patient (tumor volume, 1.9 mL) showed abnormalities in all three cartilages and also had evidence of early transcartilaginous tumor spread. CONCLUSION: In patients whose cancer is anatomically suitable for partial laryngectomy, cartilage abnormalities on CT do not preclude speech-preserving surgery.  (+info)

Laryngeal cancer: how does the radiologist help? (10/46)

The radiologist makes a valuable contribution to the staging of laryngeal cancer and this has a direct influence on treatment planning. This review focuses on the main anatomical concepts, patterns of tumour spread and how to detect this with optimal cross sectional imaging. Issues surrounding the relationship of tumour to the ventricular complex, submucosal laryngeal spaces, anteroposterior extension, laryngeal cartilage involvement and metastatic spread are discussed and illustrated. The impact of these imaging findings on the array of therapeutic options is described.  (+info)

Hyaluronan-based scaffolds to tissue-engineer cartilage implants for laryngotracheal reconstruction. (11/46)

OBJECTIVES: Donor site morbidity, including pneumothorax, can be a considerable problem when harvesting cartilage grafts for laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR). Tissue-engineered cartilage may offer a solution to this problem. This study investigated the feasibility of using Hyalograft C combined with autologous chondrocytes to tissue engineer cartilage grafts for LTR in rabbits. STUDY DESIGN: Animal study. METHODS: Eighteen New Zealand white rabbits underwent LTR: 12 rabbits received autologous tissue-engineered cartilage grafts and 6 animals, serving as a positive control group, native auricular cartilage. To determine any differences in response to the site of implantation and any potential immune response to the scaffold, a second piece of engineered neocartilage and a non-cell-loaded scaffold were inserted paralaryngeally into a subset of the rabbits. The rabbits were sacrificed 3, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks after the LTR and their larynx examined. RESULTS: None of the 18 rabbits showed signs of respiratory distress. A smooth, noninflammatory scar was visible intraluminally. Histologically, the native auricular cartilage implants showed excellent integration without any signs of inflammation or cartilage degradation. In contrast, all tissue-engineered grafts and empty scaffolds revealed marked signs of an unspecific foreign body reaction, leading to a complete degradation of the neocartilage, whether implanted para- or intralaryngeally. CONCLUSION: In contrast to the success with which Hyalograft C has been applied in articular defect repair, our results indicate that, in rabbits, Hyalograft C initiates a foreign body reaction if implanted intra- or paralaryngeally, leading to cartilage degradation and possible graft failure. These findings suggest limitations on the environment in which Hyalograft C can be applied.  (+info)

Acute and chronic changes in the subglottis induced by graded carbon dioxide laser injury in the rabbit airway. (12/46)


Prenatal and early postnatal morphogenesis and growth of human laryngotracheal structures. (13/46)

Advances in neonatal medicine have resulted in increased care of fetal and neonatal airways. These advances have required an exhaustive knowledge of fetal airway anatomy and development. The aim of this study was to determine the anatomical development of laryngotracheal structures during the fetal and immediate postnatal period and to correlate these observations with other fetal biometric parameters to estimate developmental particularities of the fetal airway. An anatomical prospective study was based on examination of larynx and trachea from 300 routine autopsies of fetuses and infants, free of malformation and never intubated. Anatomical measurements of cricoid cartilage, thyroid cartilage, glottis, arytenoid cartilage and trachea were performed using a precision calliper and precision divider. Statistical analysis was performed to represent the growth of anatomical structures and to evaluate the correlation with biometric data. Raw data and 10th and 90th percentile curves were fitted satisfactorily with a linear model for gestational age. A linear relationship between laryngotracheal measurement and body weight and height was observed except for glottis length, interarytenoid distance and anterior cricoid height. The diameter of the cricoid lumen was significantly less than that of the trachea and glottis lumen. A sexual dysmorphism was noted for thyroid cartilage measurements and interarytenoid distance, with measurements significantly smaller in females. This study reports the anatomical development of normal laryngotracheal structures during the fetal period. Despite the fact that this study was performed during postmortem examination, these observations can be useful to develop criteria, materials and surgical procedures adapted to fetal and neonatal airways as well as for the purposes of early diagnosis and management of laryngotracheal malformations.  (+info)

Fibroblast growth factor 18 gives growth and directional cues to airway cartilage. (14/46)


Regulation of Sox9 by Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) is essential for patterning and formation of tracheal cartilage. (15/46)


Prognostic accuracy of computed tomography findings for patients with laryngeal cancer undergoing laryngectomy. (16/46)
