Koln-Timisoara Molecular activity combined models toward interspecies toxicity assessment. (57/105)


Early evolution of the LIM homeobox gene family. (58/105)


Convergent origins and rapid evolution of spliced leader trans-splicing in metazoa: insights from the ctenophora and hydrozoa. (59/105)


Structural evidence for a dehydrated intermediate in green fluorescent protein chromophore biosynthesis. (60/105)


Skin lesions in envenoming by cnidarians (Portuguese man-of-war and jellyfish): etiology and severity of accidents on the Brazilian coast. (61/105)


An organizing region in metamorphosing hydrozoan planula larvae--stimulation of axis formation in both larval and in adult tissue. (62/105)


Molecules clarify a cnidarian life cycle--the "hydrozoan" Microhydrula limopsicola is an early life stage of the staurozoan Haliclystus antarcticus. (63/105)


Flexibly deployed Pax genes in eye development at the early evolution of animals demonstrated by studies on a hydrozoan jellyfish. (64/105)
