Heterozygote deficiencies in parasite populations: an evaluation of interrelated hypotheses in the raccoon tick, Ixodes texanus. (1/55)


Adipocytes participate in storage in alpha-galactosidase deficiency (Fabry disease). (2/55)


Hemizygous deletion of COL3A1, COL5A2, and MSTN causes a complex phenotype with aortic dissection: a lesson for and from true haploinsufficiency. (3/55)


Incremental genetic perturbations to MCM2-7 expression and subcellular distribution reveal exquisite sensitivity of mice to DNA replication stress. (4/55)


Long-term outcome of hemizygous and heterozygous carriers of a germline GATA1 (G208R) mutation. (5/55)


Silencing of the inhibitor of DNA binding protein 4 (ID4) contributes to the pathogenesis of mouse and human CLL. (6/55)


siRNA-induced liver ApoB knockdown lowers serum LDL-cholesterol in a mouse model with human-like serum lipids. (7/55)


The role of the TCF4 gene in the phenotype of individuals with 18q segmental deletions. (8/55)
