Differential effect of grape seed extract against human non-small-cell lung cancer cells: the role of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis induction. (73/81)


Grape seeds: ripe for cancer chemoprevention. (74/81)


Targeting epigenetics for cancer prevention by dietary cancer preventive compounds--the case of miRNA. (75/81)


Chronic administration of proanthocyanidins or docosahexaenoic acid reverses the increase of miR-33a and miR-122 in dyslipidemic obese rats. (76/81)


PIMT prevents the apoptosis of endothelial cells in response to glycated low density lipoproteins and protective effects of grape seed procyanidin B2. (77/81)


Neuroprotective effects of Vitis vinifera extract on prediabetic mice induced by a high-fat diet. (78/81)


Grape extracts inhibit multiple events in the cell biology of cholera intoxication. (79/81)


Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract-mediated regulation of STAT3 proteins contributes to Treg differentiation and attenuates inflammation in a murine model of obesity-associated arthritis. (80/81)
