Follicular development and atresia in the B6.Y(TIR) sex-reversed mouse ovary. (25/514)

The B6.Y(TIR) mouse fails to develop normal testes despite transcription of Sry, the primary testis-determining gene on the Y chromosome. Consequently, B6.Y(TIR) fetuses with bilateral ovaries develop into apparently normal but infertile females. This infertility can be mainly attributed to oocyte incompatibility for postfertilization development. In addition, abnormality in preovulatory follicles and rapid loss of oocytes have been observed in XY ovaries. This study examined the effect of gonadotropins on follicular development and atresia in B6.Y(TIR) prepubertal females. The results show that untreated XY females had fewer late preantral follicles and their frequency of atresia was lower. No other difference was found when they were compared with XX females. After treatment with gonadotropins for 24 h, frequency of atresia decreased in both XX and XY ovaries. After 48 h, most preovulatory follicles in XY ovaries were nonatretic, but the oocytes often were denuded. Immunocytochemical staining for connexin 43 detected punctate foci along the oocyte plasma membrane. The density of these foci changed during follicular development, which was similar in XX and XY ovaries. In conclusion, follicular development and atresia under the control of gonadotropins is not influenced by defective oocytes until the preovulatory phase.  (+info)

Vascular endothelial growth factor production in growing pig antral follicles. (26/514)

Angiogenesis is the process that drives blood vessel development in growing tissues in response to the local production of angiogenic factors. With the present research the authors have studied vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production in ovarian follicles as a potential mechanism of ovarian activity regulation. Prepubertal gilts were treated with 1250 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) followed 60 h later by 750 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in order to induce follicle growth and ovulation. Ovaries were collected at different times of the treatment and single follicles were isolated and classified according to their diameter as small (<4 mm), medium (4-5 mm), or large (>5 mm). VEGF levels were measured in follicular fluid by enzyme immunoassay, and VEGF mRNA content was evaluated in isolated theca and granulosa compartments. Equine chorionic gonadotropin stimulated a prompt follicular growth and induced a parallel evident rise in VEGF levels in follicular fluid of medium and large follicles. Analysis of VEGF mRNA levels confirmed the stimulatory effect of eCG, showing that it is confined to granulosa cells, whereas theca cells maintained their VEGF steady state mRNA. Administration of hCG 60 h after eCG caused a dramatic drop in follicular fluid VEGF that reached undetectable levels in 36 h. A parallel reduction in VEGF mRNA expression was recorded in granulosa cells. The stimulating effect of eCG was also confirmed by in vitro experiments, provided that follicles in toto were used, whereas isolated follicle cells did not respond to this hormonal stimulation. Consistent with the observation in vivo, granulosa cells in culture reacted to hCG with a clear block of VEGF production. These results demonstrate that while follicles of untreated animals produce stable and low levels of the angiogenic factor, VEGF markedly rose in medium and large follicles after eCG administration. The increasing levels, essentially attributable to granulosa cells, are likely to be involved in blood vessel development in the wall of growing follicles, and may play a local key role in gonadotropin-induced follicle development. When ovulation approaches, under the effect of hCG, the production of VEGF is switched off, probably creating the safest conditions for the rupture of the follicle wall while theca cells maintained unaltered angiogenic activity, which is probably required for corpus luteum development.  (+info)

Pathenogenetic activation of mouse oocytes following avertin anaesthesia. (27/514)

Avertin anaesthesia induced mouse eggs to become activated parthenogenetically. An increasing incidence of activation was observed when females were anaesthetized 6-5, 9 and 13 h after ovulation, reaching a maximum of 45.8 percent. In a spontaneously ovulating group approximately 12.5 percent of all the eggs ovulated, or 27.3 percent of all the eggs activated evoked a decidual response, and the presence of implanting embryos was confirmed histologically. These findings demonstrate a new and simple method of inducing post-implantation parthenogenetic development in the mouse, and stress the necessity of taking into account the possible consequences of anaesthesia in the early post-ovulatory period.  (+info)

Expression of an in vitro biologically active equine LH/CG without C-terminal peptide (CTP) and/or beta26-110 disulphide bridge. (28/514)

The C-terminal region of the beta subunit of the human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is implied in heterodimer stability (beta26-110 disulphide bridge), in vitro LH bioactivity (region beta102-110) and in in vivo LH bioactivity (beta CTP). Like the hCG beta, the equine eLH and eCG beta subunits, also possess a C-terminal extension (CTP). But, in contrast to hCG, eLH and eCG bind to both LH and FSH receptors in species other than the horse. This allows investigation of the roles of the beta subunit C-terminal region of a eLH/CG recombinant molecule on both LH and FSH activities. To do so, the CTP was deleted and/or the beta26-110 disulphide bond was mutated and the resulting mutated beta subunits were transiently co-expressed with common alpha subunit in COS7 cells. These regions were also deleted in a betaalphaeLH/CG single chain also expressed in COS7 cells. The hormones produced were characterized by different ELISAs and in vitro LH and FSH bioassays. Mutation of the 26-110 disulphide bond and deletion of the betaCTP led to a decrease in eLH/CG heterodimer production. Double mutation promoted an additive effect on production of the heterodimer and of the corresponding tethered eLH/CG. The elimination of the beta26-110 disulphide bond in the betaalpha single chain had no effect on its production. However, neither the 26-110 disulphide bond nor the CTP mutations affected dimer stability and bioactivities of the secreted heterodimers and/or single chain molecules. Therefore, in contrast to hCG, the 26-110 S-S bond of the recombinant eLH/CG beta subunit does not seem to be essential for eLH/CG dimer stability upon secretion and expressing LH and FSH bioactivities.  (+info)

Functional and structural relationships in the Graafian follicle population of the sheep ovary. (29/514)

The Graafian follicle population in sheep can be divided into two groups on the basis of the capacity that individual follicle have for secreting oestrogen when isolated from the remainder of the ovary (Moor, 1973). The most developed one or two non-atretic follicle from each animal generally produce large amounts of oestrogen in culture and can thus be classified as steroidogenically 'activated'. The other follicles usually produce very little oestrogen in culture and are accordingly classified as 'non-activated'. In this paper the above classification will be used and the two groups of follicles will be considered separately. In the first section of the paper the response of the non-activated follicles to gonadotrophic stimuli will be described and related to growth and atresia within this population. The steroidogenic potential of the activated follicles at different stages of the cycle will be discussed in the second part of the paper. In the third part, an attempt will be made to relate the ultrastructure of the activated follicles to the functional activity of their component tissues, namely the theca interna and membrana granulosa.  (+info)

Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1) is essential for pituitary gonadotrope function. (30/514)

Knockout mice lacking the orphan nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1) exhibit a complex endocrine phenotype that includes adrenal and gonadal agenesis, impaired expression of pituitary gonadotropins, and absence of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH). These multiple defects complicate efforts to delineate primary versus secondary effects of SF1 deficiency in different tissues, such that its direct role in gonadotropes remains uncertain. To define this role, we have expressed Cre recombinase driven by the promoter region of the common alpha subunit of glycoprotein hormones (alpha GSU), thereby inactivating a loxP-modified SF1 locus in the anterior pituitary gland. Although pituitary-specific SF1 knockout mice were fully viable, they were sterile and failed to develop normal secondary sexual characteristics. Their adrenal glands and VMH appeared normal histologically, but their testes and ovaries were severely hypoplastic. alpha GSU-Cre, loxP mice had normal levels of most pituitary hormones, but had markedly decreased expression of LH and FSH. Treatment with exogenous gonadotropins stimulated gonadal steroidogenesis, inducing germ cell maturation in males and follicular and uterine maturation in females--establishing that the gonads can respond to gonadotropins. The pituitary-specific SF1 knockout mice are a novel genetic model of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism that establishes essential role(s) of SF1 in pituitary gonadotropes.  (+info)

Dexamethasone or triamcinolone increases follicular development in immature female rats. (31/514)

We have previously reported that dexamethasone increased follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion via suppression of inhibin in immature female rats. In the present study, we investigated the effects of dexamethasone or triamcinolone on follicular development and ovarian functions (estradiol and inhibin secretion) in equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG)-primed immature female rats. Dexamethasone significantly increased the number of ovulated oocytes in immature female rats treated with 5 i.u. eCG. Serum concentration of FSH in eCG-treated female rats was increased by administration of dexamethasone or triamcinolone, showing the peak value at 9 h after its administration, although the levels of inhibin markedly decreased at that time. Serum concentrations of inhibin and estradiol in eCG-treated female rats increased at 24 h after administration of dexamethasone or triamcinolone. These results demonstrate that dexamethasone or triamcinolone increases FSH secretion, and the excess amount of FSH strongly stimulates follicular development cooperating with exogenous eCG.  (+info)

The impact of ovarian stimulation on implantation and fetal development in mice. (32/514)

The objective of this study was to evaluate, using an embryo donation model, whether impaired oocyte/embryo developmental competence and/or changes in uterine milieu are responsible for the previously observed adverse effects of superovulation with gonadotrophins on implantation and fetal development in mice. Embryos from superovulated and non-stimulated females were transferred to separate uterine horns within the same superovulated or non-stimulated pseudopregnant recipient mice. Embryo development was impaired as a significantly higher proportion of normal embryos from control donors (61%) were blastocysts on transfer day compared with superovulated donors (41%; P = 0.001). The implantation rate in control recipients was significantly reduced after transfer of embryos from superovulated donors (12%) compared with control donors (25%; P = 0.001). Uterine receptivity was impaired in superovulated recipients. The implantation rate of control embryos was significantly higher in control (25%) than in superovulated recipients (7%; P = 0.001). Transfer of embryos recovered from superovulated donors resulted in significantly higher post-implantation fetal mortality in superovulated recipients (69%) than in control recipients (36%; P = 0.01), and the mean weight of live fetuses was significantly lower for fetuses obtained from superovulated recipients (0.51 g) compared with that of fetuses obtained from control recipients (0.72 g; P = 0.006). Hence, ovarian stimulation appears to impair oocyte/embryo quality as well as uterine milieu.  (+info)