Intervals from norgestomet withdrawal and injection of equine chorionic gonadotropin or P.G. 600 to estrus and ovulation in ewes. (33/317)

Synchronization of estrus and ovulation is essential for AI of ewes during a predetermined time frame, and progestogen-eCG treatments are typically used to prepare the ewes. However, eCG is not readily available in the United States, but P.G. 600 (400 IU of eCG and 200 IU of hCG) is available. Thus, we conducted a study to determine the effects of eCG and P.G. 600 on the timing of estrus and ovulation after progestogen withdrawal. Ewes were assigned to two replicates of an experiment with the following treatments: 1) 3-mg norgestomet implant (i.e., one-half of a Syncro-Mate-B [SMB] implant) for 10 d, plus 2 mL of saline i.m. at SMB removal (n = 11); 2) 3-mg SMB implant for 10 d, plus 400 IU of eCG i.m. at SMB removal (n = 13); and 3) 3-mg SMB implant for 10 d, plus P.G. 600 i.m. at implant removal (n = 9). On d 6 after SMB insertion, PGF2alpha was used to induce luteolysis. Beginning 12 h after implant removal, vasectomized rams were used at 12-h intervals to check for estrus. When a ewe was detected in estrus, each ovary was evaluated ultrasonically. Ovaries were evaluated again 16 h later and then at 8-h intervals until ovulation. Treatment altered the interval from implant removal to estrus (less [P < 0.05] in SMB + eCG than in the other two groups) and to ovulation (greatest [P < 0.05] in SMB). However, the treatment x replicate interaction was significant for the intervals from implant removal to estrus (P < 0.03) and from implant removal to ovulation (P < 0.05). An inconsistent response in the SMB-treated ewes seemed to be primarily responsible for the interaction. The intervals to estrus and to ovulation for the SMB-treated ewes were shorter (P < 0.05) in Replicate 1 than in Replicate 2. Also, both intervals seemed to be less consistent between replicates for the SMB + P.G. 600- than for the SMB + eCG-treated ewes; that is, eCG seemed to increase the predictability of the intervals to estrus and to ovulation. Neither the main effects of treatment and replicate nor their interaction were significant for the interval from estrus to ovulation (38.4 /- 3.3 h), size of the ovulatory follicle (7.7 +/- 0.8 mm), or ovulation rate (1.6 +/- 0.2). We concluded from this experiment that eCG is a better choice than P.G. 600 as the gonadotropin to use at the time of progestogen withdrawal to prepare ewes for AI during a predetermined interval.  (+info)

Efficacy of an intravaginal progesterone insert and an injection of PGF2alpha for synchronizing estrus and shortening the interval to pregnancy in postpartum beef cows, peripubertal beef heifers, and dairy heifers. (34/317)

The objective was to test the efficacy of an intravaginal progesterone insert and injection of PGF2alpha for synchronizing estrus and shortening the interval to pregnancy in cattle. Cattle were assigned to one of three treatments before a 31-d breeding period that employed artificial insemination. Control cattle were not treated, and treated cattle were administered PGF2alpha or an intravaginal progesterone-releasing insert (CIDR) for 7 d and treated with PGF2alpha on d 6. The treatments were applied in one of three experiments that involved postpartum beef cows (Exp. 1; n = 851; 56+/-0.6 d postpartum), beef heifers (Exp. 2; n = 724; 442.5+/-2.8 d of age), and dairy heifers (Exp. 3; n = 260; 443.2+/-4.5 d of age). Luteal activity before treatment was determined for individual cattle based on blood progesterone concentrations. In Exp. 1, there was a greater incidence of estrus during the first 3 d of the breeding period in CIDR+PGF2alpha-treated cows compared with PGF2alpha-treated or control cows (15, 33, and 59% for control, PGF2alpha, and CIDR+PGF2alpha, respectively; P < 0.001). The improved estrous response led to an increase in pregnancy rate during the 3-d period (7, 22, and 36% for control, PGF2alpha, and CIDR+PGF2alpha, respectively; P < 0.001) and tended to improve pregnancy rate for the 31-d breeding period for cows treated with CIDR+PGF2alpha, (50, 55, and 58% for control, PGF2alpha, and CIDR+PGF2alpha, respectively, P = 0.10). Improvements in rates of estrus and pregnancy after CIDR+PGF2alpha, were also observed in beef heifers. Presence of luteal activity before the treatment period affected synchronization and pregnancy rates because anestrous cows (Exp. 1) or prepubertal heifers (Exp. 2) had lesser synchronization rates and pregnancy rates during the first 3 d of the breeding period as well as during the entire 31-d breeding period. The PGF2alpha, and CIDR+PGF2alpha but not the control treatments were evaluated in dairy heifers (Exp. 3). The CIDR+PGF2alpha-treated heifers had a greater incidence of estrus (84%) during the first 3 d of the breeding period compared with the PGF2alpha-treated heifers (57%), but pregnancy rates during the first 3 d or during the 31-d breeding period were not improved for CIDR+PGF2alpha compared with PGF2alpha-treated heifers. In summary, the concurrent treatment of CIDR and PGF2alpha improved synchronization rates relative to PGF2alpha alone or control. Improved estrus synchrony led to greater pregnancy rates for beef cows and beef heifers but failed to improve pregnancy rates for dairy heifers.  (+info)

Effectiveness of intravaginal progesterone inserts and FSH for inducing synchronized estrus and increasing lambing rate in anestrous ewes. (35/317)

The objectives of this study were to determine whether a new progesterone (P4)-releasing intravaginal insert would induce fertile estrus and whether FSH combined with the insert would increase prolificacy in anestrous ewes introduced to rams. Ewes of mixed breeding on six farms were assigned to four randomized treatments: control (C), n = 73; 12 d P4 (polycapralactone [PCL] insert with 0.82 g P4), (P12), n = 73; 12 d P4 plus i.m. FSH (Folltropin, 55 mg NIH-FSH-P1 equivalent) in propylene glycol, 24 h before insert removal, (P12F), n = 71; and 5 d P4 plus FSH (P5F), n = 77. Growth and ovulation of follicles were observed ultrasonographically in 20 ewes at four farms (five/treatment) at insert removal and 36, 48, 72, and 96 h later. Intact rams (1:15 ewes in multiple-sire groups) were joined at insert removal, and raddle marks were observed every 12 h for 5 d. On d 26 to 30, rams were removed; ewes were examined for pregnancy then and 20 d later. Percentage of ewes marked by rams was greater in P4-treated (66 to 79%) than in C (12%; P < 0.01) ewes and in P5F (79%) than in P12F (66%; P < 0.05). Diameters of largest follicles at insert removal were greater (P < 0.05) in P4-treated (5.5 +/- 0.2) than in C ewes (4.8 +/- 0.2). Progesterone increased numbers of follicles > 3 mm (P < 0.01) or ovulated (P < 0.05; 2.6 +/- 0.6 vs 1.3 +/- 0.6 in C ewes) and FSH increased number of follicles > 3 mm (P < 0.05). In FSH-treated ewes, ovulation rate tended to be greater after treatment with P4 for 5 than for 12 d (P = 0.09, 3.3 +/- 0.6 and 2.2 +/- 0.4, respectively). More P4-treated than C ewes lambed (P < 0.01) to the first (38 to 45 vs 0%) or both (63 to 66 vs 41%) service periods. Prolificacy (first service) did not differ between FSH-treated ewes (P12F + P5F; 1.8 +/- 0.1) and ewes treated with P4 only (P12; 1.6 +/- 0.1). However, FSH increased prolificacy to first service (1.8 +/- 0.1) over prolificacy to second service (C ewes 1.5 +/- 0.1; P < 0.05, and all ewes 1.4 +/- 0.1; P < 0.01). Pregnancy retention did not differ among treatments but was greater (P < 0.01) in ewes that conceived at the first (90.9 +/- 3.7) than at the second (72.5 +/- 3.3) service period. In conclusion, a PCL insert in combination with ram introduction at insert removal was more effective than ram introduction alone to induce synchronized estrus and ovulation and to yield pregnancy after one or two service periods. Treatment with P4 for 5 d was as effective as for 12 d to induce fertile estrus in FSH-treated anestrous ewes.  (+info)

Variation in antral follicle development during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle in red deer (Cervus elaphus) hinds. (36/317)

The aim of this study was to quantify antral follicle populations in cyclic red deer hinds and to monitor follicle development leading to ovulation. Oestrus was synchronized with exogenous progesterone and ovaries were recovered approximately 0, 12, 24 or 36 h (follicular phase) or 10 days (luteal phase) after progesterone withdrawal (n = 5 per group). All follicles > or = 2 mm in diameter were dissected out, health status was assessed, follicular fluid oestradiol content was measured, granulosa cells were harvested and their capacity for oestradiol and cAMP production was determined. The time of oestrus and the preovulatory LH surge were monitored in five control hinds. Deer ovaries contained 26.6 +/- 3.45 (mean +/- SEM) follicles > or = 2 mm in diameter (range 4-81), with at least one large antral follicle (diameter: 8.3 +/- 0.38 mm) per hind. There was a strong correlation between follicle size and granulosa cell population (r(2) = 0.676). Approximately half (50.7%) of the follicles were classified as healthy, with the percentage classified as atretic decreasing with increasing follicle size. Neither the total number of antral follicles nor their size distribution differed significantly among groups. There were significantly more (P < 0.05) healthy follicles at 24 h after progesterone withdrawal than at 0 h, when large oestrogenic follicles had fewer granulosa cells, lower follicular fluid oestradiol concentrations and lower aromatase activity (P < 0.05) than did those from other groups. In summary, antral follicle development in red deer is similar to that in other monovulatory ruminants, and at least one large follicle is present at all stages of the oestrous cycle.  (+info)

Effect of GnRH pretreatment on reproductive performance of postpartum suckled beef cows following synchronization of estrus using GnRH and PGF2alpha. (37/317)

The effect of GnRH pretreatment on estrus detection rate, precision of estrus, and reproductive performance of postpartum beef cows synchronized to estrus using GnRH and PGF2alpha was evaluated. In Exp. 1, Angus cows (n = 87) were randomly assigned by parity, postpartum interval, and body condition score (BCS) to receive either 1) GnRH on d -7 and PGF2alpha on d 0 (GP) or 2) the GP treatment and an additional injection of GnRH on d -16 (GGP). Estrus detection and AI were conducted twice daily from d -3 to d 3. At 72 h after PGF2alpha, all animals not previously detected in estrus were bred by AI and received a concurrent injection of GnRH (TAI). Synchronized pregnancy rates were numerically increased (P = 0.15) in cows treated with GGP (55%) compared with those on the GP treatment (44%). In Exp. 2, 1,276 spring-calving, suckled beef cows in nine herds were randomized to treatments as described for Exp. 1, except that the initial GnRH injection for the GGP treatment was administered on d -14. Herd affected all indicators of reproductive performance (P < 0.05). The percentage of animals detected in estrus prematurely (d -3 to d 0; 7%) was not affected by treatment. Estrus response rate was influenced by postpartum interval (< 60 vs > or = 60; 61 vs 73%; P < 0.01) and a three-way interaction of parity, BCS, and treatment (P < 0.01). Within animals with a BCS > or = 5.5, the GGP treatment tended to increase the detection of estrus in primiparous cows (GP vs GGP; 76 vs 91%; P = 0.11) and decrease detection in multiparous cows (GP vs GGP; 78 vs 72%; P < 0.10). However, because conception rate to TAI in animals with a BCS > or = 5.5 was greater (P < 0.05) in the GGP than in the GP group (28 vs 8%, respectively), this interaction was interpreted to represent a shift in interval to estrus induced by the GGP treatment, rather than a reduction in the synchronization of ovarian function. Conception rates of animals inseminated to an observed estrus did not differ among treatments (P = 0.15). Synchronized pregnancy rate tended (P = 0.06) to be greater in GGP- (53%) than in GP-treated animals (47%). In conclusion, pretreatment with GnRH tended to increase pregnancy rates during a 6-d synchronization period, primarily through enhanced conception rates of cows bred by TAI. In contrast to our hypothesis, GnRH pretreatment did not increase the percentage of animals detected in estrus or the precision of estrus expression.  (+info)

Improved synchrony of estrus and ovulation with the addition of GnRH to a melengestrol acetate-prostaglandin F2alpha synchronization treatment in beef heifers. (38/317)

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of a GnRH injection within a melengestrol acetate (MGA)-PGF2alpha (PGF) estrus synchronization protocol on follicular dynamics and synchronization of estrus. Pubertal crossbred beef heifers (n = 34) were randomly assigned to one of two treatments. Both treatment groups were fed MGA (0.5 mg x hd(-1) x d(-1)) for 14 d and injected (i.m.) with PGF (25 mg of Lutalyse) 19 d after MGA withdrawal. Melengestrol acetate was delivered in a feed supplement of 1.8 kg x hd(-1) x d(-1). Seventeen heifers received an injection of GnRH (100 microg Cystorelin) 12 d after MGA withdrawal and 7 d before PGF. The control group (n = 17) received only MGA-PGF. Estrus was detected four times/d for 7 d beginning on the day PGF was injected. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed daily on eight heifers from each treatment to monitor ovarian activity and characterize changes in follicular dynamics after MGA withdrawal and until ovulation after PGF. Each of the GnRH-treated heifers either ovulated or had a luteinized dominant follicle following GnRH and subsequently initiated a new follicular wave (8/8, 100%). All GnRH-treated heifers (17/17, 100%) and 94% of controls (16/17) exhibited estrus after PGF. Estrus was exhibited over a 132-h period (12 to 144 h) for control heifers compared with 60 h (48 to 108 h) for GnRH-treated heifers. The peak synchronized period for both treatments was between 48 and 72 h after PGF, during which time 76% (13/17) of the GnRH-treated heifers exhibited estrus compared with 63% (10/16) for controls. Seventy-one percent (12/17) of the GnRH-treated heifers exhibited estrus from 48 to 60 h after PGF, compared with 38% (6/16) for controls (P < 0.05). In summary, injection of GnRH within a 14- to 19-d MGA-PGF protocol increased the synchrony of estrus during the synchronized period and concentrated the period of detected estrus. This protocol may offer potential for the fixed-time insemination of replacement beef heifers.  (+info)

Hormonal characterization of the reproductive cycle and pregnancy in the female Mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr). (39/317)

The oestrous cycles of seven captive Mohor Gazelles (Gazella dama mhorr) were investigated. Hormone profiles obtained from faecal samples collected each day from cyclic females indicated that the mean duration of the oestrous cycle was 18.62 +/- 0.26 days (range 16-22 days; n = 37 oestrous cycles). No inter-individual differences in the concentration of faecal progestagen metabolites excreted were observed, but mean faecal oestrogen excretion during both the luteal and inter-luteal phases of the oestrous cycle varied among females (P < 0.001 and P = 0.070, respectively). Oestrous cycles were synchronized using controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices, before natural mating with an intact male. Concentrations of faecal progestagen metabolites remained approximately constant for the first 10 weeks of gestation (mean +/- SEM = 4048 +/- 407 ng g(-1) faeces), before increasing to a mean of 23 556 +/- 1176 ng g(-1) faeces. Two of seven female gazelles conceived immediately after removal of the CIDR device, a similar proportion to that conceived at the postpartum oestrus under natural conditions. Life history data for these individuals indicated that the mean time to conception in female gazelles is positively correlated with peak values in the ratio of excreted oestrogen : progestagen during the inter-luteal period of their oestrous cycles (R(2) = 0.58; P < 0.05). This finding indicates that interactions between steroid production and metabolism may influence the likelihood of conception occurring in this species.  (+info)

Delayed effect of low progesterone concentrations on bovine uterine PGF(2alpha) secretion in the subsequent oestrous cycle. (40/317)

Low progesterone concentrations during the bovine oestrous cycle induce enhanced responsiveness to oxytocin challenge late in the luteal phase of the same cycle. The delayed effect of low progesterone concentrations during one oestrous cycle on uterine PGF(2alpha) secretion after oxytocin challenge on day 15 or 16 of the subsequent cycle was studied by measuring the concentrations of the major PGF(2alpha) metabolite (13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF(2alpha); PGFM) in plasma. Two experiments were conducted, differing in the type of progesterone treatment and in the shape of the low progesterone concentration curves. In Expt 1, progesterone supplementation with intravaginal progesterone inserts, with or without an active corpus luteum, was used to obtain high, or low and constant plasma progesterone concentrations, respectively. In Expt 2, untreated cows, representing high progesterone treatment, were compared with cows that had low but increasing plasma progesterone concentrations that were achieved by manipulating endogenous progesterone secretion of the corpus luteum. Neither experiment revealed any differences in plasma progesterone concentrations between the high and low progesterone groups in the subsequent oestrous cycle. In both experiments, both groups had similar basal concentrations of PGFM on day 15 (Expt 1) or 16 (Expt 2) of the subsequent oestrous cycle, 18 days after progesterone treatments had ended. In both experiments, the increases in PGFM concentrations in the low progesterone groups after an oxytocin challenge were markedly higher than in the high progesterone groups. These results indicate that low progesterone concentrations during an oestrous cycle have a delayed stimulatory effect on uterine responsiveness to oxytocin during the late luteal phase of the subsequent cycle. This resulting increase in PGF(2alpha) secretion may interfere with luteal maintenance during the early stages of pregnancy.  (+info)