High prevalence of alpha-thalassemia among individuals with microcytosis and hypochromia without anemia. (17/429)

In order to determine the contribution of alpha-thalassemia to microcytosis and hypochromia, 339 adult outpatients seen at Unicamp University Hospital (with the exception of the Clinical Hematology outpatient clinics), who showed normal hemoglobin (Hb) levels and reduced mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin, were analyzed. Ninety-eight were Blacks (28.9%) and 241 were Caucasians (71.1%). In all cases, Hb A2 and F levels were either normal or low. The most common deletional and nondeletional forms of alpha-thalassemia [-alpha3.7, -alpha4.2, --MED, -(alpha)20.5, alphaHphIalpha, alphaNcoIalpha, alphaalphaNcoI and alphaTSAUDI] were investigated by PCR and restriction enzyme analyses. A total of 169 individuals (49.9%) presented alpha-thalassemia: 145 (42.8%) were heterozygous for the -alpha3.7 deletion (-alpha3.7/alphaalpha) and 18 (5.3%) homozygous (-alpha3.7/-alpha3.7), 5 (1.5%) were heterozygous for the nondeletional form alphaHphIalpha (alphaHphIalpha/alphaalpha), and 1 (0.3%) was a --MED carrier (--MED/alphaalpha). Among the Blacks, 56 (57.1%) showed the -alpha3.7/alphaalpha genotype, whereas 12 (12.2%) were -alpha3.7/-alpha3.7 and 1 (1.0%) was an alphaHphIalpha carrier; among the Caucasians, 89 (36.9%) were -alpha3.7/alphaalpha, 6 (2.5%) had the -alpha3.7/-alpha3.7 genotype, 4 (1.7%) presented the nondeletional form (alphaHphIalpha/alphaalpha), and 1 (0.4%) was a --MED carrier. These results demonstrate that alpha-thalassemia, mainly through the -alpha3.7 deletion, is an important cause of microcytosis and hypochromia in individuals without anemia. These data are of clinical relevance since these hematological alterations are often interpreted as indicators of iron deficiency.  (+info)

Activation of sickle red blood cell adhesion via integrin-associated protein/CD47-induced signal transduction. (18/429)

Peripheral human red blood cells (RBCs) are not generally known to become activated and adhesive in response to cell signaling. We show, however, that soluble thrombospondin via integrin-associated protein (IAP; CD47) increases the adhesiveness of sickle RBCs (SS RBCs) by activating signal transduction in the SS RBC. This stimulated adhesion requires occupancy of IAP and shear stress and is mediated by the activation of large G proteins and tyrosine kinases. Reticulocyte-enriched RBCs derived from sickle-cell disease (SCD) patients are most responsive to IAP-induced activation. These studies therefore establish peripheral SS RBCs as signaling cells that respond to a novel synergy between IAP-induced signal transduction and shear stress, suggesting new therapeutic targets in SCD.  (+info)

Characteristics of the membrane defect in the hereditary stomatocytosis syndrome. (19/429)

Cation permeability and lipid composition have been studied in the red cells of five patients with various features of the hereditary stomatocytosis syndrome. Hemolysis was compensated in four patients, and only one patient was anemic. Cell NA+ was increased an average of 3 mueq per ml cells and cell K+ decreased 14 mueq per ml cells. Both active and passive fluxes of Na+ and K+ were increased by two to six times normal. Tritiated ouabain binding was increased an average of 2.5-fold, suggesting a proportionally greater number of cation pumps per cell. The coupling ratio of active Na+:K+ fluxes was normal (3:2). Calcium permeability was increased compatible with the degree of reticulocytosis, and cell Ca2+ content was normal. The lowered sum of Na+ plus K+ was associated with a high MCHC and low cell water. When examined in wet preparations, red cells assumed either a bowl-shaped or an irregular contour, and they appeared as target cells on dry smears. Only when cell water was increased in hypotonic media were stomatocytes seen on smear. The total lipid content of red cells was increased in four patients, although it was normal in one. The mole ratio of cholesterol to phospholipid was always normal; however, phospholipid analysis showed an increased proportion of phosphatidyl choline. The abnormal cells were osmotically resistant due to both an increased membrane surface area and a low total cation content. These patients show two hallmarks of hereditary stomatocytosis: bowlshaped red cells observed on wet preparations and a marked increase in Na+ and K+ permeability. The heterogeneity of this syndrome in our patients and in others reported with hereditary stomatocytosis appears to result from (1) variability in the increase in surface area which results from an excess of membrane lipid content, particularly phosphatidylcholine, and (2) a variability in cell water content which may be either decreased or increased as a result of changes in the sum of Na+ plus K+ ions.  (+info)

P-selectin mediates the adhesion of sickle erythrocytes to the endothelium. (20/429)

The adherence of sickle red blood cells (RBCs) to the vascular endothelium may contribute to painful vaso-occlusion in sickle cell disease. Sickle cell adherence involves several receptor-mediated processes and may be potentiated by the up-regulated expression of adhesion molecules on activated endothelial cells. Recent results showed that thrombin rapidly increases the adhesivity of endothelial cells for sickle erythrocytes. The current report presents the first evidence for the novel adhesion of normal and, to a greater extent, sickle RBCs to endothelial P-selectin. Studies of the possible interaction of erythrocytes with P-selectin revealed that either P-selectin blocking monoclonal antibodies or sialyl Lewis tetrasaccharide inhibits the enhanced adherence of normal and sickle cells to thrombin-treated endothelial cells. Both RBC types also adhere to immobilized recombinant P-selectin. Pretreating erythrocytes with sialidase reduces their adherence to activated endothelial cells and to immobilized recombinant P-selectin. Herein the first evidence is presented for the binding of normal or sickle erythrocytes to P-selectin. This novel finding suggests that P-selectin inhibition be considered as a potential approach to therapy for the treatment of painful vaso-occlusion in sickle cell disease.  (+info)

Induction of micronuclei in mice exposed to static magnetic fields. (21/429)

The aim of this experiment was to investigate whether static magnetic fields (SMFs) have cytogenetic effects in mouse bone marrow cells. The frequency of micronuclei was significantly increased by exposure of mice to 3.0 T for 48 and 72 h and 4.7 T for 24, 48 and 72 h. The increase in micronucleus frequency was dose dependent at all times. Micronucleus frequency at 4.7 T was higher than at 3.0 T. We consider that the increased numbers of micronuclei may be attributable to a stress reaction caused by SMFs or a direct clastogenic/spindle disturbance effect of SMFs.  (+info)

Deoxygenation of sickle cells stimulates Syk tyrosine kinase and inhibits a membrane tyrosine phosphatase. (22/429)

Polymerization of hemoglobin S in sickle red cells, in deoxygenated conditions, is associated with K+ loss and cellular dehydration. It was previously reported that deoxygenation of sickle cells increases protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) activity and band 3 tyrosine phosphorylation and that PTK inhibitors reduce cell dehydration. Here, the study investigates which PTKs are involved and the mechanism of their activation. Deoxygenation of sickle cells induced a 2-fold increase in Syk activity, measured by autophosphorylation in immune complex assays, but had no effect on Lyn. Syk was not stimulated by deoxygenation of normal red cells, and stimulation was partly reversible on reoxygenation of sickle cells. Syk activation was independent of the increase in intracellular Ca++ and Mg2+ associated with deoxygenation. Lectins that promote glycophorin or band 3 aggregation did not activate Syk. In parallel to Syk stimulation, deoxygenation of sickle cells, but not of normal red cells, decreased the activity of both membrane-associated protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPs) and membrane protein thiol content. In vitro pretreatment of Syk immune complexes with membrane PTP inhibited Syk autophosphorylation. It is suggested that Syk activation in vivo could be mediated by PTP inhibition, itself resulting from thiol oxidation, as PTPs are known to be inhibited by oxidants. Altogether these data indicate that Syk could be involved in the mechanisms leading to sickle cell dehydration.  (+info)

Ameliorating effects of fluorocarbon emulsion on sickle red blood cell-induced obstruction in an ex vivo vasculature. (23/429)

In sickle cell (SS) vaso-occlusion, the culminating event is blockage of blood vessels by sickled red blood cells (SS RBCs). As shown in animal models, SS RBC-induced vaso-occlusion is often partial, allowing for a residual flow, hence oxygen delivery to partially occluded vessels could reduce vaso-occlusion. The efficacy of an oxygenated perflubron-based fluorocarbon emulsion (PFE) was tested for its anti-vaso-occlusive effects in the ex vivo mesocecum vasculature of the rat. Microvascular obstruction was induced by the infusion of deoxygenated SS RBCs into ex vivo preparations with or without pretreatment with platelet-activating factor (PAF). PAF induced enhanced SS RBC-endothelium interactions, leading to greater vaso-occlusion. Microvascular blockage resulted in increased peripheral resistance units (PRU). Deoxygenated SS RBCs caused a persistent 1.5-fold PRU increase in untreated preparations and approximately a 2-fold PRU increase in PAF-treated preparations. The greater PRU in PAF-treated preparations was caused by widespread adhesion and postcapillary blockage. Oxygenated PFE, but not deoxygenated PFE, resulted in PRU decreases to baseline values in both groups of experiments (with or without PAF). The PRU decrease caused by oxygenated PFE infusion was caused by unsickling of SS RBCs in partially occluded vessels, with no antiadhesive effect on already adherent SS RBCs as assessed by intravital microscopy. PFE had no effect on vascular tone. The efficacy of PFE appears to result from its greater capacity to dissolve oxygen (10-fold higher than plasma). The dislodgement of trapped SS RBCs and an increase in wall shear rates will help reverse the partial obstruction. Thus, oxygenated PFE is capable of reducing SS RBC-induced vaso-occlusion, and further development of this approach is advisable.  (+info)

The association of the glycophorin C exon 3 deletion with ovalocytosis and malaria susceptibility in the Wosera, Papua New Guinea. (24/429)

Erythrocyte polymorphisms, including ovalocytosis, have been associated with protection against malaria. This study in the Wosera, a malaria holoendemic region of Papua New Guinea, examined the genetic basis of ovalocytosis and its influence on susceptibility to malaria infection. Whereas previous studies showed significant associations between Southeast Asian ovalocytosis (caused by a 27- base pair deletion in the anion exchanger 1 protein gene) and protection from cerebral malaria, this mutation was observed in only 1 of 1019 individuals in the Wosera. Polymerase chain reaction strategies were developed to genotype individuals for the glycophorin C exon 3 deletion associated with Melanesian Gerbich negativity (GPCDeltaex3). This polymorphism was commonly observed in the study population (GPCDeltaex3 frequency = 0.465, n = 742). Although GPCDeltaex3 was significantly associated with increased ovalocytosis, it was not associated with differences in either Plasmodium falciparum or P vivax infection measured over the 7-month study period. Future case-control studies will determine if GPCDeltaex3 reduces susceptibility to malaria morbidity.  (+info)