Fatty acids oxidation and alternative energy sources detected in Taenia crassiceps cysticerci after host treatment with antihelminthic drugs. (65/93)


Multifocal cysticercosis with optical coherence tomography findings in a child. (66/93)


Risk factors of porcine cysticercosis in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. (67/93)


Why MRI of brain is superior to CT in multiple neurocysticercosis? (68/93)


Infestation of extraocular muscle by Cysticercus cellulosae. (69/93)

Reports of orbital cysticercosis are uncommon despite the high incidence of brain and ocular involvement. Infestation of extraocular muscle is exceedingly rare. Two cases of cysticercosis of the extraocular muscles are reported here. Surgical removal of the encysted parasites successfully resolved the infestation in both cases.  (+info)

Edema surrounding calcified intracranial cysticerci: clinical manifestations, natural history, and treatment. (70/93)


Evaluation of cysticercus-specific IgG (total and subclasses) and IgE antibody responses in cerebrospinal fluid samples from patients with neurocysticercosis showing intrathecal production of specific IgG antibodies. (71/93)


The incidence of human cysticercosis in a rural community of Eastern Zambia. (72/93)
