Abnormal glutathione transport in cystic fibrosis airway epithelia. (49/2621)

Glutathione (GSH) is a potentially important component of antioxidant defense in the epithelial lung lining fluid. Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients have chronic inflammation in which oxidative stress can be a factor. To examine the hypothesis that the transport of GSH content was defective in CF patients, intracellular and extracellular GSH were measured by HPLC. Four cell lines were used: CFT1 cells [with defective CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), DeltaF508 homozygous, two clones] and one of the CFT1 clones transfected with either normal CFTR (CFTR repleted) or beta-galactosidase. GSH content in the apical fluid was 55% lower in CFTR-deficient cultures than in CFTR-repleted cells (P < 0.001). In contrast, intracellular GSH content was similar in CFT1 cells and CFTR-repleted cells. gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase activity, which degrades extracellular GSH, did not account for differences in apical GSH. Rather, GSH efflux of CFTR-deficient cells was lower than that of CFTR-repleted cells. These studies suggested that decreased GSH content in the apical fluid in CF resulted from abnormal GSH transport associated with a defective CFTR.  (+info)

Efficient killing of inhaled bacteria in DeltaF508 mice: role of airway surface liquid composition. (50/2621)

Cystic fibrosis mice have been generated by gene targeting but show little lung disease without repeated exposure to bacteria. We asked if murine mucosal defenses and airway surface liquid (ASL) Cl(-) were altered by the DeltaF508 cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator mutation. Naive DeltaF508 -/- and +/- mice showed no pulmonary inflammation and after inhaled Pseudomonas aeruginosa had similar inflammatory responses and bacterial clearance rates. We therefore investigated components of the innate immune system. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from mice killed Escherichia coli, and the microbicidal activity was inhibited by NaCl. Because beta-defensins are salt-sensitive epithelial products, we looked for pulmonary beta-defensin expression. A mouse homolog of human beta-defensin-1 (termed "MBD-1") was identified; the mRNA was expressed in the lung. Using a radiotracer technique, ASL volume and Cl(-) concentration ([Cl(-)]) were measured in cultured tracheal epithelia from normal and DeltaF508 -/- mice. The estimated ASL volume was similar for both groups. There were no differences in ASL [Cl(-)] in DeltaF508 -/- and normal mice (13.8 +/- 2.6 vs. 17.8 +/- 5.6 meq/l). Because ASL [Cl(-)] is low in normal and mutant mice, salt-sensitive antimicrobial factors, including MBD-1, may be normally active.  (+info)

Airway epithelial tight junctions and binding and cytotoxicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (51/2621)

The role of tight junctions in the binding and cytoxicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to apical or basolateral membranes of lung airway epithelial cells was tested with fluorescence microscopy on living cells. Binding of noncytotoxic P. aeruginosa strain O1 was assessed with P. aeruginosa that expressed green fluorescent protein. Binding of cytotoxic P. aeruginosa strain 6206 was assessed with FITC-labeled P. aeruginosa; cytotoxicity was determined from nuclear uptake of the impermeant dye propidium iodide. The role of direct contact of P. aeruginosa to epithelial cells was tested with filters with small (0.45-micrometer) or large (2.0-micrometer) pores. High transepithelial resistance (R(t)) Calu-3 and cultured bovine tracheal monolayers (R(t) > 1,000 Omega. cm(2)) bound P. aeruginosa very infrequently (<1 P. aeruginosa/100 cells) at the apical membrane, but P. aeruginosa bound frequently to cells near "free edges" at holes, wounds, islands, and perimeters; cytotoxicity required direct interaction with basolateral membranes. Wounded high R(t) epithelia showed increased P. aeruginosa binding and cytotoxicity at the free edges because basolateral membranes were accessible to P. aeruginosa, and dead and living cells near the wound bound P. aeruginosa similarly. Compared with high R(t) epithelia, low R(t) CFT1 (R(t) = 100-200 Omega. cm(2)) and EGTA-treated Calu-3 monolayers were 25 times more susceptible to P. aeruginosa binding throughout the monolayer. Cytotoxicity to CFT1 cells (throughout the confluent monolayer, not only at the free edge) occurred after a shorter delay (0.25 vs. 2.0 h) and then five times faster than to Calu-3 cells, indicating that the time course of P. aeruginosa cytotoxicity may be limited by the rate of gaining access through tight junctions and that this occurred faster in low R(t) than in high R(t) airway epithelia. Cytotoxicity appeared to occur in a sequential process that led first to a loss of fura 2 and a later uptake of propidium iodide. P. aeruginosa bound three times more frequently to regions between cells (tight junctions?) than to cell membranes of low R(t) CFT1 cells.  (+info)

Proteolipoprotein gene analysis in 82 patients with sporadic Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease: duplications, the major cause of the disease, originate more frequently in male germ cells, but point mutations do not. The Clinical European Network on Brain Dysmyelinating Disease. (52/2621)

Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease (PMD) is an X-linked developmental defect of myelination affecting the central nervous system and segregating with the proteolipoprotein (PLP) locus. Investigating 82 strictly selected sporadic cases of PMD, we found PLP mutations in 77%; complete PLP-gene duplications were the most frequent abnormality (62%), whereas point mutations in coding or splice-site regions of the gene were involved less frequently (38%). We analyzed the maternal status of 56 cases to determine the origin of both types of PLP mutation, since this is relevant to genetic counseling. In the 22 point mutations, 68% of mothers were heterozygous for the mutation, a value identical to the two-thirds of carrier mothers that would be expected if there were an equal mutation rate in male and female germ cells. In sharp contrast, among the 34 duplicated cases, 91% of mothers were carriers, a value significantly (chi2=9. 20, P<.01) in favor of a male bias, with an estimation of the male/female mutation frequency (k) of 9.3. Moreover, we observed the occurrence of de novo mutations between parental and grandparental generations in 17 three-generation families, which allowed a direct estimation of the k value (k=11). Again, a significant male mutation imbalance was observed only for the duplications. The mechanism responsible for this strong male bias in the duplications may involve an unequal sister chromatid exchange, since two deletion events, responsible for mild clinical manifestations, have been reported in PLP-related diseases.  (+info)

Analysis of DNase-I-hypersensitive sites at the 3' end of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR). (53/2621)

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR) exhibits a complex pattern of expression that shows temporal and spatial regulation, although the control mechanisms are not fully known. We have mapped DNase-I-hypersensitive sites (DHSs) flanking the CFTR gene with the aim of identifying potential regulatory elements. We previously characterized DHSs at -79.5 and -20.9 kb with respect to the CFTR translational start site and a regulatory element in the first intron of the gene at 185+10 kb. We have now mapped five DHSs lying 3' to the CFTR gene at 4574+5.4, +6.8, +7.0, +7.4 and +15.6 kb that show some degree of tissue specificity. The DHSs are seen in chromatin extracted from human primary epithelial cells and cell lines; the presence of the +15.6 kb site is tissue-specific in transgenic mice carrying a human CFTR yeast artificial chromosome. Further analysis of the 4574+15.6 kb DHS implicates the involvement of CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP), cAMP-response-element-binding protein (CREB)/activating transcription factor (ATF) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) family transcription factors at this regulatory element.  (+info)

Optimal temperature selection for mutation detection by denaturing HPLC and comparison to single-stranded conformation polymorphism and heteroduplex analysis. (54/2621)

BACKGROUND: Denaturing HPLC (DHPLC) is a semi-automated method for detecting unknown DNA sequence variants. The sensitivity of the method is dependent on the temperature at which the analysis is undertaken, the selection of which is dependent on operator experience. To circumvent this, software has been developed for predicting the optimal temperature for DHPLC analysis. We examined the utility of this software. METHODS: To maximize the relevance of our data for other investigators, we have screened 42 different amplimers from CFTR, TSC1, and TSC2. The samples consisted of 103 unique sequence heterozygotes and 126 wild-type homozygous controls. RESULTS: At the temperature recommended by the software, 96% (99 of 103) of heterozygotes and all of the wild-type controls were correctly classified. This compares favorably with sensitivities of 85% for single-stranded conformation polymorphism and 82% for gel-based heteroduplex analyses of the same fragments. CONCLUSIONS: Software-optimized DHPLC is a highly sensitive method for mutation detection. However, where sensitivity >96% is required, our data suggest that in addition to the recommended temperature, fragments should also be run at the recommended temperature plus 2 degrees C.  (+info)

Characterization of CFTR expression in a human pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma cell line, NCI-H292 cells. (55/2621)

The NCI-H292 cell, a human pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma cell line, is commonly used for studying bacterial and viral infections of airway epithelial cells. Dysfunction of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is the main cause of fetal lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients. In this study, we examined CFTR expression in NCI-H292 cells to determine whether NCI-H292 cells possess sufficient, normally functioning CFTR. The results of RT-PCR and Northern blotting analysis indicated that the CFTR gene expression level was much lower in NCI-H292 cells than in T84 cells. However, Western blotting analysis showed that protein expression in NCI-H292 cells was comparable to that in T84 cells. Furthermore, whole-cell and cell-attached patch clamp electrophysiological techniques indicated that the Cl- current induced by intracellular cAMP elevation in NCI-H292 cells was comparable to that in T84 cells. These findings suggest that NCI-H292 cells with a low level of CFTR gene expression possess enough functional CFTR to show a physiological response.  (+info)

NSP4 elicits age-dependent diarrhea and Ca(2+)mediated I(-) influx into intestinal crypts of CF mice. (56/2621)

Homologous disruption of the murine gene encoding the cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) leads to the loss of cAMP-mediated ion transport. Mice carrying this gene defect exhibit meconium ileus at birth and gastrointestinal plugging during the neonatal period, both contributing to high rates of mortality. We investigated whether infectious mammalian rotavirus, the recently characterized rotaviral enterotoxin protein NSP4, or its active NSP4(114-135) peptide, can overcome these gastrointestinal complications in CF (CFTR(m3Bay) null mutation) mice. All three agents elicited diarrhea when administered to wild-type (CFTR(+/+)), heterozygous (CFTR(+/-)), or homozygous (CFTR(-/-)) 7- to 14-day-old mouse pups but were ineffective when given to older mice. The diarrheal response was accompanied by non-age-dependent intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization within both small and large intestinal crypt epithelia. Significantly, NSP4 elicited cellular I(-) influx into intestinal epithelial cells from all three genotypes, whereas both carbachol and the cAMP-mobilizing agonist forskolin failed to evoke influx in the CFTR(-/-) background. This unique plasma membrane halide permeability pathway was age dependent, being observed only in mouse pup crypts, and was abolished by either the removal of bath Ca(2+) or the transport inhibitor DIDS. These findings indicate that NSP4 or its active peptide may induce diarrhea in neonatal mice through the activation of an age- and Ca(2+)-dependent plasma membrane anion permeability distinct from CFTR. Furthermore, these results highlight the potential for developing synthetic analogs of NSP4(114-135) to counteract chronic constipation/obstructive bowel syndrome in CF patients.  (+info)