Frequency variations of discrete cranial traits in major human populations. II. Hypostotic variations. (17/206)

Five discrete hypostotic cranial traits, tympanic dehiscence, ovale-spinosum confluence, metopism, transverse zygomatic suture vestige, and biasterionic suture, were investigated in 81 human population samples. Except for ovale-spinosum confluence, marked asymmetric occurrences of the bilateral traits were not detected in the majority of the samples. Significant intertrait association was observed mainly between the biasterionic suture and other sutural variations including accessory ossicles. The traits showing relatively consistent sex differences across diverse populations were tympanic dehiscence, which is predominant in females, and biasterionic suture in males. On a world scale, the 5 hypostotic cranial traits showed distinctive patterns of geographical variation. Different clinal variations within and between macrogeographical areas such as western and eastern parts of the Old World were found for the frequencies of the traits. The Ainu may be the most distinct outlier in the eastern Asian region on the basis of the incidence of the traits, especially the transverse zygomatic suture vestige. The interregional variation without reasonable adaptive value and nonadaptive shift of the possible outliers presented in this study suggest that the genetic background for the occurrence of these traits cannot be excluded completely.  (+info)

Hard palate deformation in an animal model following quasi-static loading to stimulate that of orthodontic anchorage implants. (18/206)

The aim of the present investigation was to identify adequate implant treatment for young patients. In an animal model palate deformation was investigated by acute quasi-static loading. Three series of tests (with newborn, young and adult pigs) were performed, each with two groups (one or two-point stress) and 5-7 animals per group. Discs with a diameter of 3 and 5 mm were placed in group 1 in the suture area, and in group 2 at both the right and left sides of the suture. Deformation was analysed by a computerized three-dimensional (3D) photo-imaging evaluation system. In young animals the one-point load at a significantly lower force level led to fractures in comparison with the two-point load (P < 0.001). Similar results were measured by an increase in the size of one disc from 3 to 5 mm (P < 0.001). In contrast, adult pigs showed stable results with both methods. In general, a larger disc diameter led to less instability. The one-point load seems to be suitable for adult animals, whereas a two-point load might be favourable during ossification. The advantage of the two-point load is the generation of a higher stress and therefore improved control of dental fixation. However, further tests are necessary to investigate the long-term effects.  (+info)

Three-dimensional finite element modelling of a dog skull for the simulation of initial orthopaedic displacements. (19/206)

From 55 frontal tomograms (CT-scans) using the 'Patran' finite element processor, a three-dimensional finite element model (FEM) of a dog skull was constructed. The model was used to calculate bone displacements under orthopaedic loads. This required good representation of the complex anatomy of the skull. Five different entities were distinguished: cortical and cancellous bone, teeth, acrylic and sutures. The first model consisted of 3007 elements and 5323 nodes, including three sutures, and the second model 3579 elements and 6859 nodes, including 18 sutures. Prior to construction of the FEM, an in vivo study was undertaken using the same dog. The initial orthopaedic displacements of the maxilla were measured using laser speckle interferometry. Under the same loading conditions, using the second FEM, bone displacements of the maxilla were calculated and the results were compared with the in vivo measurements. Compared with the initial displacement measured in vivo, the value of the constructed FEM to simulate the orthopaedic effect of extra-oral force application was high for cervical traction and acceptable for anterior traction.  (+info)

Tissue origins and interactions in the mammalian skull vault. (20/206)

During mammalian evolution, expansion of the cerebral hemispheres was accompanied by expansion of the frontal and parietal bones of the skull vault and deployment of the coronal (fronto-parietal) and sagittal (parietal-parietal) sutures as major growth centres. Using a transgenic mouse with a permanent neural crest cell lineage marker, Wnt1-Cre/R26R, we show that both sutures are formed at a neural crest-mesoderm interface: the frontal bones are neural crest-derived and the parietal bones mesodermal, with a tongue of neural crest between the two parietal bones. By detailed analysis of neural crest migration pathways using X-gal staining, and mesodermal tracing by DiI labelling, we show that the neural crest-mesodermal tissue juxtaposition that later forms the coronal suture is established at E9.5 as the caudal boundary of the frontonasal mesenchyme. As the cerebral hemispheres expand, they extend caudally, passing beneath the neural crest-mesodermal interface within the dermis, carrying with them a layer of neural crest cells that forms their meningeal covering. Exposure of embryos to retinoic acid at E10.0 reduces this meningeal neural crest and inhibits parietal ossification, suggesting that intramembranous ossification of this mesodermal bone requires interaction with neural crest-derived meninges, whereas ossification of the neural crest-derived frontal bone is autonomous. These observations provide new perspectives on skull evolution and on human genetic abnormalities of skull growth and ossification.  (+info)

Cranial features of the spotted seal, Phoca largha, in the Nemuro Strait, considering age effects. (21/206)

Cranial features (development, individual variation, and sexual dimorphism) were examined from the 23 metrical characters and 2 nonmetrical characters (the degree of closure of the 9 cranial sutures and the presence of sagittal crest) in the two spotted seal specimen groups at the Nemuro Strait, Hokkaido. One specimen group was incidentally taken in the salmon trap nets between 1982 and 1983 (n = 70), and the other was randomly sampled by damage control kill between 1997 and 1998 (n = 82). The development of morphometrical characters of skulls ceased at 5.6, 10.7, 7.9, and 11.9 yr. old, for 1982-83 male, 1982-83 female, 1997-98 male and 1997-98 female, respectively. The sutures were half ankylosed till approximately 10 yr. old in both sexes. The sagittal crest began from about 5 yr. old in male. Individual variation of skull was large in the feeding, breathing, and facial-expression apparatus. On the other hand, the variation of braincase, and skull concerning to the movement of head/neck tended to be small. Only 1997-98 specimens exhibited a sexual dimorphism in skull characters except for the braincase, whereas the dimorphism was not found in 1982-83 specimens. We could not detect the significant difference between two specimen groups, although there were a few differences in characters related to the rostrum and mandible.  (+info)

Transforming growth factor-beta 3(Tgf-beta3) in a collagen gel delays fusion of the rat posterior interfrontal suture in vivo. (22/206)

Postnatal expansion of the intramembranous bones of the craniofacial skeleton occurs as bone growth at sutures. Loss of the bone growth site occurs when the suture fails to form, or when the newly formed sutures become ossified, resulting in premature obliteration. Previous experiments demonstrated that removal of dura mater from fetal rat coronal sutures, or neutralizing transforming growth factor-beta 2 (Tgf-beta2) activity using antibodies resulted in premature obliteration of the suture in vitro. Conversely, addition of Tgf-beta3 to coronal sutures in vitro rescued them from osseous obliteration. To examine whether Tgf-beta3 rescues sutures from obliteration in vivo, a collagen gel was used as a vehicle to deliver Tgf-beta3 to the normally fusing rat posterior interfrontal (IF) suture. Surgery was done on postnatal day 9 (P9) rats, in which collagen gels containing 0, 3, or 30 ng Tgf-beta3 were placed above the IF suture, underneath the periosteum for 2 weeks. By P24, 75-100% of animals in control unoperated, sham-operated, and collagen gel-only groups had fused IF sutures. In contrast, 40% of sutures exposed to 3 ng Tgf-beta3 remained open, while sutures exposed to 30 ng Tgf-beta were similar to controls. By immunohistochemistry, sutures rescued from obliteration by Tgf-beta3 had the same Tgf-beta receptor type II (Tbetar-II) distribution as controls. However, Tgf-beta3-treated sutures had altered Tgf-beta2 and Tbetar-I distribution compared to controls.  (+info)

Persistent open anterior fontanelle in a healthy 32-month-old boy. (23/206)

Delayed closure of the anterior fontanelle is often associated with significant disease entities. Range of normal closure of the anterior fontanelle is 4 to 26 months. Increased intracranial pressure, hypothyroidism, and skeletal anomalies are common etiologic factors. History, physical examination, and diagnostic testing rule out most disorders. Once these disorders have been ruled out, it is important for the physician to realize that a persistent open anterior fontanelle beyond the accepted ranges of closure can be a normal outlier.  (+info)

Surgical treatment of trigonocephalies and associated hypoteleorbitism. (24/206)

Premature closure of metopic suture is a relatively uncommon form of craniosyostosis with an estimated incidence of 0,3 per 1000 live births, comprising about 7% of surgical craniosynostosis referred to craniofacial centers. A broad phenotypical spectrum spreads from minor metopic ridges to severe trigonocephaly with pterional indentation supraorbital bar retrusion, temporal and parietal compensating bossings and hypotelorism. Most of the cases arise spontaneously although autosomal dominant inheritance has been described and association with cromosomal abnormalities and different syndromes has been widely reported. Surgical correction has been attempted with good cosmetic results using several variations of the standard frontoorbitary advance. However there is still a number of questions to be solved in relation to this entity, mainly on its pathogenesis, but also on its development, natural history and treatment. Direct surgical approach to associated hypotelorism is a matter of argument when considering the reestablishment of normal interorbitary distances. We have conducted a retrospective analysis of our serie consisting of twenty-eight cases of trigonocephalies. Surgical correction of hypotelorism was attempted in eleven cases while the resting seven children remained "not treated". The objective was to review the functional outcome and cosmetic results comparing the different techniques applied to the frontal bone and to observe evolution of the hypoteleorbitism after the treatment with or without osteotomies and grafting of the nasoethmoidal area.  (+info)