Initiation and maturation of I-Z-I bodies in the growth tips of transfected myotubes. (17/616)

While over a dozen I-Z-I proteins are expressed in postmitotic myoblasts and myotubes it is unclear how, when, or where these first assemble into transitory I-Z-I bodies (thin filament/Z-band precursors) and, a short time later, into definitive I-Z-I bands. By double-staining the growth tips of transfected myotubes expressing (a) MYC-tagged s-alpha-actinins (MYC/s-alpha-actinins) or (b) green fluorescent protein-tagged titin cap (GFP/T-cap) with antibodies against MYC and I-Z-I band proteins, we found that the de novo assembly of I-Z-I bodies and their maturation into I-Z-I bands involved relatively concurrent, cooperative binding and reconfiguration of, at a minimum, 5 integral Z-band molecules. These included s-alpha-actinin, nebulin, titin, T-cap and alpha-actin. Resolution of the approximately 1.0 microm polarized alpha-actin/nebulin/tropomyosin/troponin thin filament complexes occurred subsequent to the maturation of Z-bands into a dense tetragonal configuration. Of particular interest is finding that mutant MYC/s-alpha-actinin peptides (a) lacking spectrin-like repeats 1-4, or consisting of spectrin-like repeats 1-4 only, as well as (b) mutants/fragments lacking titin or alpha-actin binding sites, were promptly and exclusively incorporated into de novo assembling I-Z-I bodies and definitive I-Z-I bands as was exogenous full length MYC/s-alpha-actinin or GFP/T-cap.  (+info)

Molecular dissection of N2B cardiac titin's extensibility. (18/616)

Titin is a giant filamentous polypeptide of multidomain construction spanning between the Z- and M-lines of the cardiac muscle sarcomere. Extension of the I-band segment of titin gives rise to a force that underlies part of the diastolic force of cardiac muscle. Titin's force arises from its extensible I-band region, which consists of two main segment types: serially linked immunoglobulin-like domains (tandem Ig segments) interrupted with a proline (P)-, glutamate (E)-, valine (V)-, and lysine (K)-rich segment called PEVK segment. In addition to these segments, the extensible region of cardiac titin also contains a unique 572-residue sequence that is part of the cardiac-specific N2B element. In this work, immunoelectron microscopy was used to study the molecular origin of the in vivo extensibility of the I-band region of cardiac titin. The extensibility of the tandem Ig segments, the PEVK segment, and that of the unique N2B sequence were studied, using novel antibodies against Ig domains that flank these segments. Results show that only the tandem Igs extend at sarcomere lengths (SLs) below approximately 2.0 microm, and that, at longer SLs, the PEVK and the unique sequence extend as well. At the longest SLs that may be reached under physiological conditions ( approximately 2.3 microm), the PEVK segment length is approximately 50 nm whereas the unique N2B sequence is approximately 80 nm long. Thus, the unique sequence provides additional extensibility to cardiac titins and this may eliminate the necessity for unfolding of Ig domains under physiological conditions. In summary, this work provides direct evidence that the three main molecular subdomains of N2B titin are all extensible and that their contribution to extensibility decreases in the order of tandem Igs, unique N2B sequence, and PEVK segment.  (+info)

Differential expression of cardiac titin isoforms and modulation of cellular stiffness. (19/616)

Extension of the I-band segment of titin gives rise to part of the diastolic force of cardiac muscle. Previous studies of human cardiac titin transcripts suggested a series of differential splicing events in the I-band segment of titin leading to the so-called N2A and N2B isoform transcripts. Here we investigated titin expression at the protein level in a wide range of mammalian species. Results indicate that the myocardium coexpresses 2 distinct titin isoforms: a smaller isoform containing the N2B element only (N2B titin) and a larger isoform with both the N2B and N2A elements (N2BA titin). The expression ratio of large N2BA to small N2B titin isoforms was found to vary greatly in different species; eg, in the left ventricle the ratio is approximately 0.05 in mouse and approximately 1.5 in pig. Differences in the expression ratio were also found between atria and ventricles and between different layers of the ventricular wall. Immunofluorescence experiments with isoform-specific antibodies suggest that coexpression of these isoforms takes place at the single-myocyte level. The diastolic properties of single cardiac myocytes isolated from various species expressing high levels of the small (rat and mouse) or large (pig) titin isoform were studied. On average, pig myocytes are significantly less stiff than mouse and rat myocytes. Gel analysis indicates that this result cannot be explained by varying amounts of titin in mouse and pig myocardium. Rather, low stiffness of pig myocytes can be explained by its high expression level of the large isoform: the longer extensible region of this isoform results in a lower fractional extension for a given sarcomere length and hence a lower force. Implications of our findings to cardiac function are discussed.  (+info)

Requirements of Kettin, a giant muscle protein highly conserved in overall structure in evolution, for normal muscle function, viability, and flight activity of Drosophila. (20/616)

Kettin is a giant muscle protein originally identified in insect flight muscle Z-discs. Here, we determined the entire nucleotide sequence of Drosophila melanogaster kettin, deduced the amino acid sequence of its protein product (540 kD) along with that of the Caenorhabditis elegans counterpart, and found that the overall primary structure of Kettin has been highly conserved in evolution. The main body of Drosophila Kettin consists of 35 immunoglobulin C2 domains separated by spacers. The central two thirds of spacers are constant in length and share in common two conserved motifs, putative actin binding sites. Neither fibronectin type III nor kinase domains were found. Kettin is present at the Z-disc in several muscle types. Genetic analysis showed that kettin is essential for the formation and maintenance of normal sarcomere structure of muscles and muscle tendons. Accordingly, embryos lacking kettin activity cannot hatch nor can adult flies heterozygous for the kettin mutation fly.  (+info)

A functional knock-out of titin results in defective myofibril assembly. (21/616)

Titin, also called connectin, is a giant muscle protein that spans the distance from the sarcomeric Z-disc to the M-band. Titin is thought to direct the assembly of sarcomeres and to maintain sarcomeric integrity by interacting with numerous sarcomeric proteins and providing a mechanical linkage. Since severe defects of such an important molecule are likely to result in embryonic lethality, a cell culture model should offer the best practicable tool to probe the cellular functions of titin. The myofibroblast cell line BHK-21/C13 was described to assemble myofibrils in culture. We have now characterized the sub-line BHK-21-Bi, which bears a small deletion within the titin gene. RNA analysis revealed that in this mutant cell line only a small internal portion of the titin mRNA is deleted. However, western blots, immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoprecipitation experiments showed that only the N-terminal, approx. 100 kDa central Z-disc portion of the 3 MDa titin protein is expressed, due to the homozygous deletion in the gene. Most importantly, in BHK-21-Bi cells the formation of thick myosin filaments and the assembly of myofibrils are impaired, although sarcomeric proteins are expressed. Lack of thick filament formation and of ordered actin-myosin arrays was confirmed by electron microscopy. Myogenisation induced by transfection with MyoD yielded myofibrils only in myotubes formed from wild type and not from mutant cells, ruling out that a principal failure in myogenic commitment of the BHK-21-Bi cells might cause the observed effects. These experiments provide the first direct evidence for the crucial role of titin in both thick filament formation as a molecular ruler and in the coordination of myofibrillogenesis.  (+info)

The role of the cytoskeleton in heart failure. (22/616)

The cytoskeleton of cardiac myocytes consists of actin, the intermediate filament desmin and of alpha- and beta-tubulin that form the microtubules by polymerization. Vinculin, talin, dystrophin and spectrin represent a separate group of membrane-associated proteins. In numerous experimental studies, the role of cytoskeletal alterations especially of microtubules and desmin, in cardiac hypertrophy and failure (CHF) has been described. Microtubules were found to be accumulated thereby posing an increased load on myocytes which impedes sarcomere motion and promotes cardiac dysfunction. Other groups were unable to confirm microtubular densification. The possibility exists that these changes are species, load and chamber dependent. Recently, damage of the dystrophin molecule and MLP (muscle LIM protein) were identified as possible causes of CHF. Our own studies in human hearts with chronic CHF due to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) showed that a morphological basis of reduced contractile function exists: the cytoskeletal and membrane-associated proteins are disorganized and increased in amount confirming experimental reports. In contrast, the contractile myofilaments and the proteins of the sarcomeric skeleton including titin, alpha-actinin, and myomesin are significantly decreased. These changes can be assumed to occur in stages and are here presented as a testable hypothesis: (1) The early and reversible stage as present in animal experiments is characterized by accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins to counteract an increased strain without loss of contractile material. (2) Further accumulation of microtubules and desmin to compensate for the increasing loss of myofilaments and titin represents the late clinical and irreversible state. We suggest, based on a structural basis for heart failure, an integrative view which closes the gap between changes within cardiac myocytes and the involvement of the extracellular matrix, including the development of fibrosis. These factors contribute significantly to structural ventricular remodeling and dilatation finally resulting in reduced cardiac function.  (+info)

A novel marker for vertebrate embryonic heart, the EH-myomesin isoform. (23/616)

Myomesin is a structural component of the M-band that is expressed in all types of striated muscle. Its primary function may be the maintenance of the thick filament lattice and its anchoring to the elastic filament system composed of titin. Different myomesin isoforms have been described in chicken and mice, but no particular function has been assigned to them. Here we investigate the spatio-temporal expression pattern of myomesin isoforms by means of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and isoform-specific antibodies. We find that two alternative splicing events give rise to four myomesin isoforms in chicken contrary to only one splicing event with two possible isoforms in mice. A splicing event at the C terminus results in two splice variants termed H-myomesin and S-myomesin, which represent the major myomesin species in heart and skeletal muscle of avian species, respectively. In contrast, in mammalian heart and skeletal muscle only S-myomesin is expressed. In embryonic heart of birds and mammals, alternative splicing in the central part of the molecule gives rise to the isoform that we termed EH-myomesin. It represents the major myomesin isoform at early embryonic stages of heart but is rapidly down-regulated around birth. Thus, the strict developmental regulation of the EH-myomesin makes it an ideally suited marker for embryonic heart.  (+info)

Myopathy phenotype of transgenic mice expressing active site-mutated inactive p94 skeletal muscle-specific calpain, the gene product responsible for limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A. (24/616)

A defect of the gene for p94 (calpain 3), a skeletal muscle-specific calpain, is responsible for limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A (LGMD2A), or 'calpainopathy', which is an autosomal recessive and progressive neuromuscular disorder. To study the relationships between the physiological functions of p94 and the etiology of LGMD2A, we created transgenic mice that express an inactive mutant of p94, in which the active site Cys129 is replaced by Ser (p94:C129S). Three lines of transgenic mice expressing p94:C129S mRNA at various levels showed significantly decreased grip strength. Sections of soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of the aged transgenic mice showed increased numbers of lobulated and split fibers, respectively, which are often observed in limb girdle muscular dystrophy muscles. Centrally placed nuclei were also frequently found in the EDL muscle of the transgenic mice, whereas wild-type mice of the same age had almost none. There was more p94 protein produced in aged transgenic mice muscles and it showed significantly less autolytic degradation activity than that of wild-type mice. Although no necrotic-regenerative fibers were observed, the age and p94:C129S expression dependence of the phenotypes strongly suggest that accumulation of p94:C129S protein causes these myopathy phenotypes. The p94:C129S transgenic mice could provide us with crucial information on the molecular mech-anism of LGMD2A.  (+info)