Cascading signaling pathways improve the fidelity of a stochastically and deterministically simulated molecular RS latch. (25/48)


A 3D hybrid model for tissue growth: the interplay between cell population and mass transport dynamics. (26/48)


The new experimental model for behavioral investigations in animal studies. (27/48)

In this paper a video file based approach to evaluate position and locomotion in animal behavior experiments is described. For this purpose original software Animal Tracker for transforming a video data to a log file which is suitable for further computational analyzes, was developed. To perform analyzes from the log file, an additional software PostProc), which enables assessment of locomotion, velocity or place preferences, was created. For video recording software called DScaler was used. This is an open source software and freely available for download. The method that we describe in this paper is based on simple video equipment and supported by three software mentioned above. This method enables performing of a wide diversity of experimental designs without limitations in time duration, color and light conditions, shape and size of experimental area and/or investigated objects. As an example, results obtained from experiments with rats in an Open-field test are included. One group of animals was treated with benzodiazepine (2, single dose, subcutaneously). This easy to use system can be implemented in most laboratories without any special training and used by investigators in the field of animal behavior research.  (+info)

CUDA optimization strategies for compute- and memory-bound neuroimaging algorithms. (28/48)


High efficiency coherent optical memory with warm rubidium vapour. (29/48)


A memory-efficient data structure representing exact-match overlap graphs with application for next-generation DNA assembly. (30/48)


PIYAS-proceeding to intelligent service oriented memory allocation for flash based data centric sensor devices in wireless sensor networks. (31/48)


Multi-dimensional characterization of electrostatic surface potential computation on graphics processors. (32/48)
