Late prosthetic valve endocarditis due to Cardiobacterium hominis, an unusual complication. (9/18)

We report a case of prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by Cardiobacterium hominis in a patient who had undergone atrial septal defect closure and mitral valve replacement of the heart in 1978. He presented with pyrexia of unknown origin and congestive cardiac failure. Investigations revealed infective endocarditis of prosthetic valve in mitral portion. Blood culture samples grew C. hominis. The patient was empirically started on vancomycin and gentamicin intravenously and ceftriaxone was added after isolation of the organism. Though subsequent blood cultures were negative, patient remained in congestive cardiac failure and died due to complications.  (+info)

Fatal bioprosthetic aortic valve endocarditis due to Cardiobacterium valvarum. (10/18)

Cardiobacterium valvarum was isolated from the blood of a 71-year-old man with fatal aortic valve endocarditis. The API NH system was used for phenotypic characterization of the C. valvarum strain. This is the first case of infective endocarditis caused by C. valvarum in Germany and the first case worldwide affecting a prosthetic valve and lacking an obvious dental focus.  (+info)

Detection of Cardiobacterium valvarum in a patient with aortic valve infective endocarditis by broad-range PCR. (11/18)


Cardiobacterium valvarum infective endocarditis and phenotypic/molecular characterization of 11 Cardiobacterium species strains. (12/18)


Identification of HACEK clinical isolates by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. (13/18)


Rapid identification of Cardiobacterium hominis by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry during infective endocarditis. (14/18)

We report a new case of Cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis identified during an acute coronary syndrome. The positivity of the blood cultures was confirmed rapidly (50 h) as a result of improvements to the automated detection system, whereby it is no longer necessary to incubate the vials for long periods of time when Aggregatibacter-Cardiobacterium-Eikenella-Kingella infections is suspected. The phenotype-based VITEK 2 NH identification system is not able to distinguish between the two species of Cardiobacterium, as it does not contain C. valvarum in its library. The method for 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis is able to separate the two species but is not available in all laboratories. We used MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, as an alternative, to rapidly distinguish between C. hominis and C. valvarum, because both species are contained in the system library.  (+info)

Aortic homograft endocarditis caused by Cardiobacterium hominis and complicated by agranulocytosis due to ceftriaxone. (15/18)


Nonsurgical management of mitral valve endocarditis due to Cardiobacterium valvarum in a patient with a ventricular septal defect. (16/18)
