Permeation-enhancing effects of chitosan formulations on recombinant hirudin-2 by nasal delivery in vitro and in vivo. (25/78)

AIM: To investigate the enhancing effects of chitosan with or without enhancers on nasal recombinant hirudin-2 (rHV2) delivery in vitro and in vivo, and to evaluate the ciliotoxicity of these formulations. METHODS: The permeation-enhancing effect of various chitosan formulations was estimated by using the permeation coefficient of fluorescein isothiocyanate recombinant hirudin-2 (FITC-rHV2) across the excited rabbit nasal epithelium in vitro. The effect was further evaluated by measuring the blood concentration level after nasal absorption of FITC-rHV2 in rats. The mucosal ciliotoxicity of different formulations was evaluated with an in situ toad palate model. RESULTS: Chitosan at a concentration of 0.5% with or without various enhancers significantly increased the permeability coefficient (P) and relative bioavailability (Fr) of FITC-rHV2 compared with the blank control. The addition of 1% sodium dodecylsulfate, 5% Brij35, 5% Tween 80, 1.5% menthol, 1% glycyrrhizic acid monoammonium salt (GAM) or 4% Azone into the 0.5% chitosan solution resulted in a further increase in absorption (P<0.05) compared with 0.5% chitosan alone. But co-administration of chitosan with 5% hydroxyl-propyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD), 5% lecithin or 0.1% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) was not more effective than using the 0.5% chitosan solution alone. Chitosan alone and with 5% HP-beta-CD, 0.1% EDTA, 1% GAM or 5% Tween 80 was relatively less ciliotoxic. CONCLUSION: Chitosan with or without some enhancers was able to effectively promote the nasal absorption of recombinant hirudin, while not resulting in severe mucosal ciliotoxicity. A chitosan formulation system would be a useful approach for the nasal delivery of recombinant hirudin.  (+info)

Alien mink predation induces prolonged declines in archipelago amphibians. (26/78)

Amphibians are undergoing enigmatic global declines variously attributed to a complex web of anthropogenic forces. Alien predators pose a fundamental threat to biodiversity generally that is predicted to be most acute in island ecosystems. While amphibian eggs and tadpoles are vulnerable to aquatic predators, the effect of predators on adult, reproducing frogs, which most influence amphibian population processes, is unknown. Here, we report on the responses of amphibian populations in the outer Finnish Archipelago to a long-term, large-scale removal of American mink (Mustela vison Schreb.), an invasive predator linked to recent biodiversity loss across Europe. Removal increased both the densities and distribution of common frogs (Rana temporaria L.) but not those of common toads (Bufo bufo L.), which appear to escape mink predation because of their unpalatable skin. Importantly, the largest benefits of mink removal to frog recovery were slow to appear as frogs apparently have a delayed maturation in these harsh environments, which means we must be cautious about reliance upon short-term results.  (+info)

Experimental transmission of a ranavirus disease of common toads (Bufo bufo) to common frogs (Rana temporaria). (27/78)

During investigations of epidemic frog mortality in Britain, a novel fatal systemic haemorrhagic disease of common toads was discovered. This disease resembles a systemic haemorrhagic disease of common frogs in Britain, which is one of a range of fatal disease syndromes, characterized by systemic haemorrhages, skin ulceration or a combination of these lesions, caused by ranavirus infection. Ranavirus previously isolated from diseased toads was inoculated into common frogs to evaluate if this virus could infect and cause disease in common frogs. All virus-inoculated frogs died with systemic haemorrhages between 6 and 8 days post-inoculation, giving similar results to those produced by the inoculation of frogs with ranavirus cultured from naturally diseased frogs. These results indicate that the same, or similar, viruses are affecting both frogs and toads in the field and confirm that ranavirus has emerged as an important cause of amphibian mortality in Britain.  (+info)

Interleukin 1 in oviductal tissues of viviparous, oviparous, and ovuliparous species of amphibians. (28/78)

In previous reports, we have shown that interleukin 1 (IL1), a cytokine associated with implantation in mice, is also expressed in reproductive tissues of viviparous squamate reptiles and cartilaginous fishes. In the present study, we investigated the expression of IL1B and its functional membrane receptor type I (IL1R1) in amphibians, a class of vertebrates that is characterized by different reproductive modes, including internal and external fertilization. In particular, we investigated the oviductal tissues of the aplacental viviparous Salamandra lanzai, the oviparous Triturus carnifex, and the ovuliparous Bufo bufo. In immunohistochemistry with anti-human IL1B and IL1R1 polyclonal antibodies we found that in S. lanzai, most cells in the uterine mucosa were immunoreactive for IL1B and IL1R1. In T. carnifex, IL1B and IL1R1 were present in ciliated luminal cells, and there was evidence of IL1B in glandular cells. In B. bufo, the expression of IL1B and IL1R1 was limited to the apical cytoplasm of the ciliated oviductal cells. Western blot analysis showed that a putative mature form of IL1B, similar to that seen in mammals, was present in the oviductal tissues of S. lanzai, whereas different forms, which probably correspond to an inactive pro-IL1B protein, were found in T. carnifex and B. bufo. A band that corresponded to the predicted 80-kDa human IL1R1 was found in S. lanzai and T. carnifex. Although the present study shows that IL1B and IL1R1 expression occurs in all reproductive modes, the differential expression patterns noted between ovuliparity and oviparity and viviparity may reflect the different roles of IL1 in the various reproductive modes.  (+info)

Molecular dynamics simulations of palmitate entry into the hydrophobic pocket of the fatty acid binding protein. (29/78)

The entry of substrate into the active site is the first event in any enzymatic reaction. However, due to the short time interval between the encounter and the formation of the stable complex, the detailed steps are experimentally unobserved. In the present study, we report a molecular dynamics simulation of the encounter between palmitate molecule and the Toad Liver fatty acid binding protein, ending with the formation of a stable complex resemblance in structure of other proteins of this family. The forces operating on the system leading to the formation of the tight complex are discussed.  (+info)

Morphological aspects of gonadal morphogenesis in Bufo bufo (Amphibia Anura): Bidder's organ differentiation. (30/78)

We have described the architecture of Bidder's organ, defined its compartmented structure, and affirmed the presence of basal laminae. We did not find morphological differences between sexes in Bidder's organ. All specimens initially developed gonads with a peripheral fertile layer surrounding a thin primary cavity. The first oogenetic wave was observed early, showing all phases of meiosis, including leptotene, zygotene, and pachytene, which had been previously thought to be lacking. The peculiar presence of an asynchronous germ cell nest was discussed. Diplotene oocytes issued from the peripheral layer and migrated inside the primary cavity. They were surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells, which originated from the peripheral layer somatic cells and were delimited by a basal lamina. There were few medulla or central layer cells. At the end of metamorphosis, while the oocytes of the first oogenetic wave came into close contact with blood vessels, a second oogenetic wave took place just as the first, except for the presence of synchronous germ cell nests. The central layer was not visible and we did not observe the formation of an ovarian pocket. Stocks of stem germ cells remained in the peripheral layer during both the first and second oogenetic waves. The asymmetric model, in which there is a tendency toward a primary female differentiation, was confirmed. The female differentiation becomes stable in the Bidder's organ because of the absence of further interaction between germ and medullary somatic cells, which would have led toward a male differentiation.  (+info)

Contraction and recovery of living muscles studies by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance. (31/78)

1. Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance ((31)P NMR) can be used to measure the concentrations of phosphorus-containing metabolites within living tissue. We have developed methods for maintaining muscles in physiological condition, stimulating them and recording tension while at the same time accumulating their (31)P NMR spectra. Experiments were performed on frog sartorii and frog and toad gastrocnemii at 4 degrees C.2. The NMR signals from (31)P (the naturally occurring phosphorus) is weak, and signal averaging is required. In order to follow the time course of reactions it is necessary to maintain the muscles in a steady state for many hours while they are undergoing repeated contractions. Signals were accumulated in separate computer bins according to time after initiation of contraction. By these means spectra were obtained which corresponded to the different intervals during the contraction and recovery cycle.3. In the absence of stimulation, the spectra of frog sartorius muscles and of their extracts indicated concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphoryl creatine (PCr), inorganic orthophosphate (P(i)) and sugar phosphates (sugar P) which are in reasonable agreement with the values obtained by chemical analysis.4. We have confirmed that unidentified resonances representing unknown compounds appear in the spectra of both frog and toad muscle; one of these is much larger in spectra from toad than from frog. We have found an additional small, unidentified resonance which appears to be specific to toad muscle.5. Spectra accumulated during actual contractions (1 s tetani every 2 min) did not differ dramatically from those accumulated throughout the 2 min cycle of contraction and partial recovery.6. Following 25 s tetanii, approximately 20% of the PCr had been hydrolysed; it was then rebuilt exponentially with a half-time of about 10 min. The increase in [P(i)] immediately after contraction and the time course of its disappearance corresponded to the changes in [PCr]. During the later half of the recovery period the concentration of P(i) was reduced to below that in resting muscle. The [sugar P] remained very high ( approximately 4 mmol kg(-1)) throughout the 56 min interval between contractions.7. When frog sartorii were tetanized for 1 s every 2 min, the changes in [PCr] and [P(i)] between contractions could not be observed because too little signal was obtained from these small muscles. However, when toad gastrocnemii were similarly stimulated, the changes in these compounds could be readily detected and were even greater than expected.8. The position of the P(i) resonance can be used to monitor intracellular pH and changes in pH. Under the conditions of our experiments the average intracellular pH in unstimulated frog sartorius muscles was 7.5. After a 25 s tetanus this was observed to move in the acid direction by a few tenths of a pH unit and to return to its pre-stimulation value before the end of the recovery period. After a 1 s contraction of toad gastrocnemius the environment of P(i) became slightly more alkaline for the first few seconds.  (+info)

Postsynaptic potentials and axonal projections of tegmental neurons responding to electrical stimulation of the toad striatum. (32/78)

The amphibian telencephalic striatum as a major component of the basal ganglia receives multisensory information and projects to the tegmentum and other structures. However, how striatal neurons modulate tegmental activity remains unknown. Here, we show by using intracellular recording and staining in toads that electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral striatum evoked an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) in presumably binocular tegmental neurons. Seventy-one neurons were intracellularly stained with Lucifer yellow or horseradish peroxidase. They were located in the anterodorsal tegmental nucleus, anteroventral tegmental nucleus, nucleus profundus mesencephali, and superficial isthmal reticular nucleus, with axons projecting to the tectum, nucleus isthmi, and spinal cord. It appears that the striatum can control visually guided behaviors through the striato-tegmento-spinal pathway and the tegmento-spinal pathway mediated by the tectum and nucleus isthmi.  (+info)