Does major depressive disorder with somatic delusions constitute a distinct subtype of major depressive disorder with psychotic features? (65/180)


Social ties and cognitive recovery after stroke: does social integration promote cognitive resilience? (66/180)


Elders with first psychiatric hospitalization for depression. (67/180)


Low HDL cholesterol is a risk factor for deficit and decline in memory in midlife: the Whitehall II study. (68/180)


A cross-sectional and longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study of cingulate gyrus gray matter volume abnormalities in first-episode schizophrenia and first-episode affective psychosis. (69/180)


Distinct pools of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer disease-affected brain: a clinicopathologic study. (70/180)


Detecting dementia with the mini-mental state examination in highly educated individuals. (71/180)


Prospective memory and its correlates and predictors in schizophrenia: an extension of previous findings. (72/180)
