Comparison of menaquinone-4 and menaquinone-7 bioavailability in healthy women. (17/47)


Consumption of breakfast and the type of breakfast consumed are positively associated with nutrient intakes and adequacy of Canadian adults. (18/47)


A cluster-randomised clinical trial comparing two cardiovascular health education strategies in a child population: the Savinghearts project. (19/47)


Differences in weight status and energy-balance related behaviors among schoolchildren in German-speaking Switzerland compared to seven countries in Europe. (20/47)


Modulating absorption and postprandial handling of dietary fatty acids by structuring fat in the meal: a randomized crossover clinical trial. (21/47)


Factors associated with skipping breakfast among Inner Mongolia medical students in China. (22/47)


Enhancing Buruli ulcer control in Ghana through social interventions: a case study from the Obom sub-district. (23/47)


Timing of peak blood glucose after breakfast meals of different glycemic index in women with gestational diabetes. (24/47)
