The impact of malaria parasitism: from corpuscles to communities. (65/262)


Two new beta-thalassemia deletions compromising prenatal diagnosis in an Italian and a Turkish couple seeking prevention. (66/262)


Single-molecule imaging of DNA curtains reveals intrinsic energy landscapes for nucleosome deposition. (67/262)


Hemoglobin expression and regulation in glaucoma: insights into retinal ganglion cell oxygenation. (68/262)


The higher structure of chromatin in the LCR of the beta-globin locus changes during development. (69/262)


Production of beta-globin and adult hemoglobin following G418 treatment of erythroid precursor cells from homozygous beta(0)39 thalassemia patients. (70/262)


Dual role for the methyltransferase G9a in the maintenance of beta-globin gene transcription in adult erythroid cells. (71/262)


Erythropoietin receptor signaling regulates both erythropoiesis and megakaryopoiesis in vivo. (72/262)
