Structural and biological characterization of Nattectin, a new C-type lectin from the venomous fish Thalassophryne nattereri. (57/75)


Nonlinear acoustic complexity in a fish 'two-voice' system. (58/75)


Seasonal plasticity of auditory hair cell frequency sensitivity correlates with plasma steroid levels in vocal fish. (59/75)


Nattectin a fish C-type lectin drives Th1 responses in vivo: licenses macrophages to differentiate into cells exhibiting typical DC function. (60/75)


Vocalization frequency and duration are coded in separate hindbrain nuclei. (61/75)


Paying the piper: the cost of Ca2+ pumping during the mating call of toadfish. (62/75)


Local acoustic particle motion guides sound-source localization behavior in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. (63/75)


Revisiting the effects of crowding and feeding in the gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta: the role of Rhesus glycoproteins in nitrogen metabolism and excretion. (64/75)
