Binding of the bacteriophage P22 N-peptide to the boxB RNA motif studied by molecular dynamics simulations. (73/173)


An automated procedure for detecting protein folds from sub-nanometer resolution electron density. (74/173)


Virus particle maturation: insights into elegantly programmed nanomachines. (75/173)


P22 coat protein structures reveal a novel mechanism for capsid maturation: stability without auxiliary proteins or chemical crosslinks. (76/173)


'Let the phage do the work': using the phage P22 coat protein structures as a framework to understand its folding and assembly mutants. (77/173)


Phase variation controls expression of Salmonella lipopolysaccharide modification genes by a DNA methylation-dependent mechanism. (78/173)


Determinants of bacteriophage P22 polyhead formation: the role of coat protein flexibility in conformational switching. (79/173)


Tailspike interactions with lipopolysaccharide effect DNA ejection from phage P22 particles in vitro. (80/173)
