Regulation of sister chromatid cohesion between chromosome arms. (49/454)

Sister chromatid separation in anaphase depends on the removal of cohesin complexes from chromosomes. In vertebrates, the bulk of cohesin is already removed from chromosome arms during prophase and prometaphase, whereas cohesin remains at centromeres until metaphase, when cohesin is cleaved by the protease separase. In unperturbed mitoses, arm cohesion nevertheless persists throughout metaphase and is principally sufficient to maintain sister chromatid cohesion. How arm cohesion is maintained until metaphase is unknown. Here we show that small amounts of cohesin can be detected in the interchromatid region of metaphase chromosome arms. If prometaphase is prolonged by treatment of cells with microtubule poisons, these cohesin complexes dissociate from chromosome arms, and arm cohesion is dissolved. If cohesin dissociation in prometaphase-arrested cells is prevented by depletion of Plk1 or inhibition of Aurora B, arm cohesion is maintained. These observations imply that, in unperturbed mitoses, small amounts of cohesin maintain arm cohesion until metaphase. When cells lacking Plk1 and Aurora B activity enter anaphase, chromatids lose cohesin. This loss is prevented by proteasome inhibitors, implying that it depends on separase activation. Separase may therefore be able to cleave cohesin at centromeres and on chromosome arms.  (+info)

The chromosomal passenger complex is required for chromatin-induced microtubule stabilization and spindle assembly. (50/454)

In cells lacking centrosomes, such as those found in female meiosis, chromosomes must nucleate and stabilize microtubules in order to form a bipolar spindle. Here we report the identification of Dasra A and Dasra B, two new components of the vertebrate chromosomal passenger complex containing Incenp, Survivin, and the kinase Aurora B, and demonstrate that this complex is required for chromatin-induced microtubule stabilization and spindle formation. The failure of microtubule stabilization caused by depletion of the chromosomal passenger complex was rescued by codepletion of the microtubule-depolymerizing kinesin MCAK, whose activity is negatively regulated by Aurora B. By contrast, we present evidence that the Ran-GTP pathway of chromatin-induced microtubule nucleation does not require the chromosomal passenger complex, indicating that the mechanisms of microtubule assembly by these two pathways are distinct. We propose that the chromosomal passenger complex regulates local MCAK activity to permit spindle formation via stabilization of chromatin-associated microtubules.  (+info)

Relocation of Aurora B from centromeres to the central spindle at the metaphase to anaphase transition requires MKlp2. (51/454)

Mitotic kinases of the Polo and Aurora families are key regulators of chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. Here, we have investigated the role of MKlp1 and MKlp2, two vertebrate mitotic kinesins essential for cytokinesis, in the spatial regulation of the Aurora B kinase. Previously, we have demonstrated that MKlp2 recruits Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) to the central spindle in anaphase. We now find that in MKlp2 but not MKlp1-depleted cells the Aurora B-INCENP complex remains at the centromeres and fails to relocate to the central spindle. MKlp2 exerts dual control over Aurora B localization, because it is a binding partner for Aurora B, and furthermore for the phosphatase Cdc14A. Cdc14A can dephosphorylate INCENP and may contribute to its relocation to the central spindle in anaphase. We propose that MKlp2 is involved in the localization of Plk1, Aurora B, and Cdc14A to the central spindle during anaphase, and that the integration of signaling by these proteins is necessary for proper cytokinesis.  (+info)

Survivin dynamics increases at centromeres during G2/M phase transition and is regulated by microtubule-attachment and Aurora B kinase activity. (52/454)

The inhibitor of apoptosis protein survivin is implicated in two key biological events: in the control of cell proliferation and in the regulation of cell lifespan. Although the details of mitotic roles of survivin are unclear, the protein appears to modulate microtubule function and might participate in regulating the spindle checkpoint. Survivin physically associates with Aurora B, a serine-threonine kinase involved in microtubule attachment to centromeres and regulation of chromosome segregation. Here we have examined the dynamics and localization of a survivin-GFP chimera using high-resolution fluorescence microscopy and photobleaching. Survivin forms a bi-partite structure at the inner centromere that undergoes significant stretching during mitosis. Photobleaching experiments revealed marked changes in rates of survivin turnover at centromeres. These were regulated by stage of the cell cycle, microtubule attachment, and Aurora B kinase activity. We hypothesize that changes in the turnover of survivin at centromeres influence the stability of kinetochore-microtubule attachment and signaling of the spindle checkpoint.  (+info)

Direct association with inner centromere protein (INCENP) activates the novel chromosomal passenger protein, Aurora-C. (53/454)

A family of serine/threonine kinase Aurora constitutes a key regulator in the orchestration of mitotic events. The human Aurora paralogues Aurora-A, Aurora-B, and Aurora-C have a highly conserved catalytic domain. Extensive studies on the role of Aurora-A and Aurora-B have revealed distinct localizations and functions in regulating mitotic processes, whereas little is known about Aurora-C. The present study shows that human Aurora-C is a chromosomal passenger protein that forms complexes with Aurora-B and inner centromere protein (INCENP), which are known passenger proteins. We show that INCENP binds and activates Aurora-C in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, Aurora-C co-expressed with INCENP elicits the phosphorylation of endogenous histone H3 in mammalian cells, even though this phosphorylation is not sufficient to establish chromosome condensation in interphase cells. We therefore suggest that Aurora-C is a novel chromosomal passenger protein that cooperates with Aurora-B to regulate mitotic chromosome dynamics in mammalian cells.  (+info)

Evolutionary relationships of Aurora kinases: implications for model organism studies and the development of anti-cancer drugs. (54/454)

BACKGROUND: As key regulators of mitotic chromosome segregation, the Aurora family of serine/threonine kinases play an important role in cell division. Abnormalities in Aurora kinases have been strongly linked with cancer, which has lead to the recent development of new classes of anti-cancer drugs that specifically target the ATP-binding domain of these kinases. From an evolutionary perspective, the species distribution of the Aurora kinase family is complex. Mammals uniquely have three Aurora kinases, Aurora-A, Aurora-B, and Aurora-C, while for other metazoans, including the frog, fruitfly and nematode, only Aurora-A and Aurora-B kinases are known. The fungi have a single Aurora-like homolog. Based on the tacit assumption of orthology to human counterparts, model organism studies have been central to the functional characterization of Aurora kinases. However, the ortholog and paralog relationships of these kinases across various species have not been rigorously examined. Here, we present comprehensive evolutionary analyses of the Aurora kinase family. RESULTS: Phylogenetic trees suggest that all three vertebrate Auroras evolved from a single urochordate ancestor. Specifically, Aurora-A is an orthologous lineage in cold-blooded vertebrates and mammals, while structurally similar Aurora-B and Aurora-C evolved more recently in mammals from a duplication of an ancestral Aurora-B/C gene found in cold-blooded vertebrates. All so-called Aurora-A and Aurora-B kinases of non-chordates are ancestral to the clade of chordate Auroras and, therefore, are not strictly orthologous to vertebrate counterparts. Comparisons of human Aurora-B and Aurora-C sequences to the resolved 3D structure of human Aurora-A lends further support to the evolutionary scenario that vertebrate Aurora-B and Aurora-C are closely related paralogs. Of the 26 residues lining the ATP-binding active site, only three were variant and all were specific to Aurora-A. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found that invertebrate Aurora-A and Aurora-B kinases are highly divergent protein families from their chordate counterparts. Furthermore, while the Aurora-A family is ubiquitous among all vertebrates, the Aurora-B and Aurora-C families in humans arose from a gene duplication event in mammals. These findings show the importance of understanding evolutionary relationships in the interpretation and transference of knowledge from studies of model organism systems to human cellular biology. In addition, given the important role of Aurora kinases in cancer, evolutionary analysis and comparisons of ATP-binding domains suggest a rationale for designing dual action anti-tumor drugs that inhibit both Aurora-B and Aurora-C kinases.  (+info)

Distinct dynamics of Aurora B and Survivin during mitosis. (55/454)

We have studied the dynamics of Aurora B and Survivin during mitosis in living cells, using C-terminal GFP chimeras of the two proteins. These chimeras showed identical localization and behave as bona fide wild type proteins. The mobility of Aurora B-GFP and Survivin-GFP was analyzed by FRAP. The data show that Survivin-GFP, in contrast to Aurora B-GFP, is highly mobile at prometaphase and metaphase. At telophase and cell cleavage, both chimeras are found to be fully immobile. The ablation of Aurora B by siRNA results in a dramatic decrease of the Survivin-GFP mobility. These results demonstrate that Survivin, but not Aurora B, is weakly associated with the centromeric chromatin at prometaphase and metaphase. The weak association of Survivin with centromeric chromatin is dependent on the presence of Aurora B and is not affected by treatment with either nocodazole or taxol. The rapid and conditional interchange between passenger proteins that we show by live imaging indicates that the high affinity interactions demonstrated with in vitro analysis of passenger protein binding are, in fact, static "snapshots" of highly dynamic and regulated in vivo interactions in mitotic cells.  (+info)

A small C-terminal sequence of Aurora B is responsible for localization and function. (56/454)

Aurora B, a protein kinase required in mitosis, localizes to inner centromeres at metaphase and the spindle midzone in anaphase and is required for proper chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. Aurora A, a paralogue of Aurora B, localizes instead to centrosomes and spindle microtubules. Except for distinct N termini, Aurora B and Aurora A have highly similar sequences. We have combined small interfering RNA (siRNA) ablation of Aurora B with overexpression of truncation mutants to investigate the role of Aurora B sequence in its function. Reintroduction of Aurora B during siRNA treatment restored its localization and function. This permitted a restoration of function test to determine the sequence requirements for Aurora B targeting and function. Using this rescue protocol, neither N-terminal truncation of Aurora B unique sequence nor substitution with Aurora A N-terminal sequence affected Aurora B localization or function. Truncation of unique Aurora B C-terminal sequence from terminal residue 344 to residue 333 was without effect, but truncation to 326 abolished localization and function. Deletion of residues 326-333 completely abolished localization and blocked cells at prometaphase, establishing this sequence as critical to Aurora B function. Our findings thus establish a small sequence as essential for the distinct localization and function of Aurora B.  (+info)