Organization of inhibitory frequency receptive fields in cat primary auditory cortex. (33/3016)

Based on properties of excitatory frequency (spectral) receptive fields (esRFs), previous studies have indicated that cat primary auditory cortex (A1) is composed of functionally distinct dorsal and ventral subdivisions. Dorsal A1 (A1d) has been suggested to be involved in analyzing complex spectral patterns, whereas ventral A1 (A1v) appears better suited for analyzing narrowband sounds. However, these studies were based on single-tone stimuli and did not consider how neuronal responses to tones are modulated when the tones are part of a more complex acoustic environment. In the visual and peripheral auditory systems, stimulus components outside of the esRF can exert strong modulatory effects on responses. We investigated the organization of inhibitory frequency regions outside of the pure-tone esRF in single neurons in cat A1. We found a high incidence of inhibitory response areas (in 95% of sampled neurons) and a wide variety in the structure of inhibitory bands ranging from a single band to more than four distinct inhibitory regions. Unlike the auditory nerve where most fibers possess two surrounding "lateral" suppression bands, only 38% of A1 cells had this simple structure. The word lateral is defined in this sense to be inhibition or suppression that extends beyond the low- and high-frequency borders of the esRF. Regional differences in the distribution of inhibitory RF structure across A1 were evident. In A1d, only 16% of the cells had simple two-banded lateral RF organization, whereas 50% of A1v cells had this organization. This nonhomogeneous topographic distribution of inhibitory properties is consistent with the hypothesis that A1 is composed of at least two functionally distinct subdivisions that may be part of different auditory cortical processing streams.  (+info)

Frequency organization and responses to complex sounds in the medial geniculate body of the mustached bat. (34/3016)

The auditory cortex of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii) displays some of the most highly developed physiological and organizational features described in mammalian auditory cortex. This study examines response properties and organization in the medial geniculate body (MGB) that may contribute to these features of auditory cortex. About 25% of 427 auditory responses had simple frequency tuning with single excitatory tuning curves. The remainder displayed more complex frequency tuning using two-tone or noise stimuli. Most of these were combination-sensitive, responsive to combinations of different frequency bands within sonar or social vocalizations. They included FM-FM neurons, responsive to different harmonic elements of the frequency modulated (FM) sweep in the sonar signal, and H1-CF neurons, responsive to combinations of the bat's first sonar harmonic (H1) and a higher harmonic of the constant frequency (CF) sonar signal. Most combination-sensitive neurons (86%) showed facilitatory interactions. Neurons tuned to frequencies outside the biosonar range also displayed combination-sensitive responses, perhaps related to analyses of social vocalizations. Complex spectral responses were distributed throughout dorsal and ventral divisions of the MGB, forming a major feature of this bat's analysis of complex sounds. The auditory sector of the thalamic reticular nucleus also was dominated by complex spectral responses to sounds. The ventral division was organized tonotopically, based on best frequencies of singly tuned neurons and higher best frequencies of combination-sensitive neurons. Best frequencies were lowest ventrolaterally, increasing dorsally and then ventromedially. However, representations of frequencies associated with higher harmonics of the FM sonar signal were reduced greatly. Frequency organization in the dorsal division was not tonotopic; within the middle one-third of MGB, combination-sensitive responses to second and third harmonic CF sonar signals (60-63 and 90-94 kHz) occurred in adjacent regions. In the rostral one-third, combination-sensitive responses to second, third, and fourth harmonic FM frequency bands predominated. These FM-FM neurons, thought to be selective for delay between an emitted pulse and echo, showed some organization of delay selectivity. The organization of frequency sensitivity in the MGB suggests a major rewiring of the output of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus, by which collicular neurons tuned to the bat's FM sonar signals mostly project to the dorsal, not the ventral, division. Because physiological differences between collicular and MGB neurons are minor, a major role of the tecto-thalamic projection in the mustached bat may be the reorganization of responses to provide for cortical representations of sonar target features.  (+info)

Gamma frequency-range abnormalities to auditory stimulation in schizophrenia. (35/3016)

BACKGROUND: Basic science studies at the neuronal systems level have indicated that gamma-range (30-50 Hz) neural synchronization may be a key mechanism of information processing in neural networks, reflecting integration of various features of an object. Furthermore, gamma-range synchronization is thought to depend on the glutamatergically mediated interplay between excitatory projection neurons and inhibitory neurons utilizing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which postmortem studies suggest may be abnormal in schizophrenia. We therefore tested whether auditory neural networks in patients with schizophrenia could support gamma-range synchronization. METHODS: Synchronization of the electroencephalogram (EEG) to different rates (20-40 Hz) of auditory stimulation was recorded from 15 patients with schizophrenia and 15 sex-, age-, and handedness-matched control subjects. The EEG power at each stimulation frequency was compared between groups. The time course of the phase relationship between each stimulus and EEG peak was also evaluated for gamma-range (40 Hz) stimulation. RESULTS: Schizophrenic patients showed reduced EEG power at 40 Hz, but not at lower frequencies of stimulation. In addition, schizophrenic patients showed delayed onset of phase synchronization and delayed desynchronization to the click train. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide new information on selective deficits in early-stage sensory processing in schizophrenia, a failure to support the entrainment of intrinsic gamma-frequency oscillators. The reduced EEG power at 40 Hz in schizophrenic patients may reflect a dysfunction of the recurrent inhibitory drive on auditory neural networks.  (+info)

Dual streams of auditory afferents target multiple domains in the primate prefrontal cortex. (36/3016)

'What' and 'where' visual streams define ventrolateral object and dorsolateral spatial processing domains in the prefrontal cortex of nonhuman primates. We looked for similar streams for auditory-prefrontal connections in rhesus macaques by combining microelectrode recording with anatomical tract-tracing. Injection of multiple tracers into physiologically mapped regions AL, ML and CL of the auditory belt cortex revealed that anterior belt cortex was reciprocally connected with the frontal pole (area 10), rostral principal sulcus (area 46) and ventral prefrontal regions (areas 12 and 45), whereas the caudal belt was mainly connected with the caudal principal sulcus (area 46) and frontal eye fields (area 8a). Thus separate auditory streams originate in caudal and rostral auditory cortex and target spatial and non-spatial domains of the frontal lobe, respectively.  (+info)

Abnormal auditory experience induces frequency-specific adjustments in unit tuning for binaural localization cues in the optic tectum of juvenile owls. (37/3016)

Early auditory experience shapes the auditory spatial tuning of neurons in the barn owl's optic tectum in a frequency-dependent manner. We examined the basis for this adaptive plasticity in terms of changes in tuning for frequency-specific interaural time differences (ITDs) and level differences (ILDs), the dominant sound localization cues. We characterized broadband and narrowband ITD and ILD tuning in normal owls and in owls raised with an acoustic filtering device in one ear that caused frequency-dependent changes in sound timing and level. In normal owls, units were tuned to frequency-specific ITD and ILD values that matched those produced by sound sources located in their visual receptive fields. In contrast, in device-reared owls, ITD tuning at most sites was shifted from normal by approximately 55 microsec toward open-ear leading for 4 kHz stimuli and 15 microsec toward the opposite-ear leading for 8 kHz stimuli, reflecting the acoustic effects of the device. ILD tuning was shifted in the adaptive direction by approximately 3 dB for 4 kHz stimuli and 8 dB for 8 kHz stimuli, but these shifts were substantially smaller than expected based on the acoustic effects of the device. Most sites also exhibited conspicuously abnormal frequency-response functions, including a strong dependence on stimulus ITD and a reduction of normally robust responses to 6 kHz stimuli. The results demonstrate that the response properties of high-order auditory neurons in the optic tectum are adjusted during development to reflect the influence of frequency-specific features of the binaural localization cues experienced by the individual.  (+info)

Electrophysiological evidence for an early(pre-attentive) information processing deficit in patients with right hemisphere damage and unilateral neglect. (38/3016)

Patients with right hemisphere damage and contralesional neglect are often unaware of visual, auditory or tactile stimuli occurring on their left side. In an effort to understand the contribution of pre-attentive processes to this phenomenon, we examined the processing of the pitch, duration and spatial location of auditory stimuli using an electrophysiological probe, the mismatch negativity (MMN). This event-related brain potential indexes the integrity of cerebral processes that respond automatically to deviations from regularity in the acoustic environment. We compared the MMN elicited by right- and left-sided deviant stimuli in 10 patients with left unilateral neglect and 10 age-matched healthy volunteers, exploring an anticipated dissociation between the processing of spatial localization of sounds and the processing of the other auditory dimensions. Across dimensions, the MMN elicited by deviance occurring to the left of the patients was reduced relative to that elicited by deviance occurring to the right. This effect was robust for spatial location, and less so for pitch, whereas the processing of stimulus duration was not significantly affected by the side of stimulation. In healthy subjects, deviance in either side elicited similar MMN. We suggest that an early deficit in detecting changes in the environment hampers the involuntary triggering of attention in those patients and discuss the specific role of encoding spatial location in the establishment of conscious awareness.  (+info)

Neural sensitivity to interaural time differences: beyond the Jeffress model. (39/3016)

Interaural time differences (ITDs) are a major cue for localizing the azimuthal position of sounds. The dominant models for processing ITDs are based on the Jeffress model and predict neurons that fire maximally at a common ITD across their responsive frequency range. Such neurons are indeed found in the binaural pathways and are referred to as "peak-type." However, other neurons discharge minimally at a common ITD (trough-type), and others do not display a common ITD at the maxima or minima (intermediate-type). From recordings of neurons in the auditory cortex of the unanesthetized rabbit to low-frequency tones and envelopes of high-frequency sounds, we show that the different response types combine to form a continuous axis of best ITD. This axis extends to ITDs well beyond that allowed by the head width. In Jeffress-type models, sensitivity to large ITDs would require neural delay lines with large differences in path lengths between the two ears. Our results suggest instead that sensitivity to large ITDs is created with short delay lines, using neurons that display intermediate- and trough-type responses. We demonstrate that a neuron's best ITD can be predicted from (1) its characteristic delay, a rough measure of the delay line, (2) its characteristic phase, which defines the response type, and (3) its best frequency for ITD sensitivity. The intermediate- and trough-type neurons that have large best ITDs are predicted to be most active when sounds at the two ears are decorrelated and may transmit information about auditory space other than sound localization.  (+info)

Receptive amusia: evidence for cross-hemispheric neural networks underlying music processing strategies. (40/3016)

Perceptual musical functions were investigated in patients suffering from unilateral cerebrovascular cortical lesions. Using MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) technique, a standardized short test battery was established that covers local (analytical) as well as global perceptual mechanisms. These represent the principal cognitive strategies in melodic and temporal musical information processing (local, interval and rhythm; global, contour and metre). Of the participating brain-damaged patients, a total of 69% presented with post-lesional impairments in music perception. Left-hemisphere-damaged patients showed significant deficits in the discrimination of local as well as global structures in both melodic and temporal information processing. Right-hemisphere-damaged patients also revealed an overall impairment of music perception, reaching significance in the temporal conditions. Detailed analysis outlined a hierarchical organization, with an initial right-hemisphere recognition of contour and metre followed by identification of interval and rhythm via left-hemisphere subsystems. Patterns of dissociated and associated melodic and temporal deficits indicate autonomous, yet partially integrated neural subsystems underlying the processing of melodic and temporal stimuli. In conclusion, these data contradict a strong hemispheric specificity for music perception, but indicate cross-hemisphere, fragmented neural substrates underlying local and global musical information processing in the melodic and temporal dimensions. Due to the diverse profiles of neuropsychological deficits revealed in earlier investigations as well as in this study, individual aspects of musicality and musical behaviour very likely contribute to the definite formation of these widely distributed neural networks.  (+info)