Exercise-induced uncommon atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia with sick sinus syndrome: a case report. (1/58)

Exercise seldom provokes tachycardia in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT). This report presents a case of exercise-induced uncommon atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) with sick sinus syndrome. Treadmill exercise testing provoked AVNRT of long RP' with good reproducibility. Uncommon AVNRT was confirmed by the lack of atrial pre-excitation during PSVT and para-Hisian pacing. The patient has been successfully treated with verapamil and DDD pacing for 5 years.  (+info)

Initiation of atrial fibrillation by ectopic beats originating from the pulmonary veins: electrophysiological characteristics, pharmacological responses, and effects of radiofrequency ablation. (2/58)

BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) can be initiated by ectopic beats originating from the atrial or great venous tissues. This study investigated the anatomic characteristics and electrophysiological properties of pulmonary veins (PVs), as well as the possible mechanisms and response to drugs of ectopic foci, and assessed the effects of radiofrequency (RF) ablation on AF initiated by ectopic beats originating from PVs. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients with frequent episodes of paroxysmal AF and 10 control patients were included. Distal PVs showed the shortest effective refractory periods (ERPs), and right superior PVs showed a higher incidence of intra-PV conduction block than left superior PVs. Superior and left PVs had longer myocardial sleeves than inferior and right PVs, respectively. These electrophysiological characteristics were similar between AF and control patients. Propranolol, verapamil, and procainamide suppressed ectopic beats that originated from the PVs. Of 116 ectopic foci that initiated AF, 103 (88.8%) originated from PVs. A mean of 7+/-3 RF applications completely eliminated 110 ectopic foci (94.8%). During the 6+/-2-month follow-up period, 68 patients (86. 1%) were free of AF without any antiarrhythmic drugs. Follow-up transesophageal echocardiogram showed 42.4% of ablated PVs had focal stenosis. One patient had mild exertional dyspnea after ablation, but it resolved 3 months later; 1 patient had onset of mild exertional dyspnea 5 months after ablation. CONCLUSIONS: Electrophysiological characteristics of PVs are different from those in the atria. Ectopic beats from PVs can initiate AF, and beta-adrenergic receptor blocker, calcium channel blockers, and sodium channel blockers can suppress these ectopic beats. Careful mapping and elimination of these ectopic foci can cure paroxysmal AF.  (+info)

Altered complexity and correlation properties of R-R interval dynamics before the spontaneous onset of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. (3/58)

BACKGROUND: Trigger mechanisms for the onset of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients without structural heart disease are not well established. New analysis methods of heart rate (HR) variability based on nonlinear system theory may reveal features and abnormalities in R-R interval behavior that are not detectable by traditional analysis methods. The purpose of this study was to reveal possible alterations in the dynamics of R-R intervals before the spontaneous onset of paroxysmal AF. METHODS AND RESULTS: Traditional time and frequency domain HR variability indices, along with the short-term scaling exponent alpha(1) and approximate entropy (ApEn), were analyzed in 20-minute intervals before 92 episodes of spontaneous, paroxysmal AF in 22 patients without structural heart disease. Traditional HR variability measures showed no significant changes before the onset of AF. A progressive decrease occurred both in ApEn (1.09+/-0.26 120 to 100 minutes before AF; 0.88+/-0.24 20 to 0 minutes before AF; P<0.001) and in alpha(1) (1.01+/-0.28 120 to 100 minutes before AF, 0.89+/-0.28 20 to 0 minutes before AF; P<0.05) before the AF episodes. Both ApEn (0. 89+/-0.27 versus 1.02+/-0.30; P<0.05) and alpha(1) (0.91+/-0.28 versus 1.27+/-0.21; P<0.001) were also lower before the onset of AF compared with values obtained from matched healthy control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: A decrease in the complexity of R-R intervals and altered fractal properties in short-term R-R interval dynamics precede the spontaneous onset of AF in patients with no structural heart disease. Further studies are needed to determine the physiological correlates of these new, nonlinear HR variability measures.  (+info)

Cardiac arrhythmias and stroke: increased risk in men with high frequency of atrial ectopic beats. (4/58)

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: With the exception of atrial fibrillation (AF), little scientific attention has been given the associations between cardiac arrhythmias and incidence of stroke. We sought to study whether atrial and ventricular arrhythmias assessed during a 24-hour ambulatory ECG registration are associated with incidence of stroke. METHODS: The population-based cohort "Men Born in 1914" was examined with 24-hour ambulatory ECG registrations at 68 years of age. Four hundred two men without previous myocardial infarction or stroke were included, and 236 of them had hypertension (>/=160/95 mm Hg or treatment). Fourteen-year rates of stroke (fatal and nonfatal) and all-cause mortality were updated from national and regional registers. Frequent or complex ventricular arrhythmias was defined as Lown class 2 to 5. A high frequency of atrial ectopic beats (AEB) was defined as the fifth quintile (ie, >/=218 AEB per 24 hours). RESULTS: Fifty-eight men suffered a first stroke during the follow-up. Stroke rates (per 1000 person-years) among men with AF (n=14), with frequent AEB (n=77), and without AF or frequent AEB (n=311) were 34.5, 19.5, and 11.6, respectively. The corresponding values among men with hypertension were 40.7, 32.3, and 14.7, respectively. Frequent AEB (compared with absence of AF and frequent AEB) was significantly associated with stroke among all men (relative risk=1.9; 95% CI, 1.02 to 3.4; P:=0.04) and among hypertensive men (relative risk=2.5; 95% CI, 1.3 to 4.8; P:=0.009) after adjustments for potential confounders. The increased stroke rates among men with Lown class 2 to 5 did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: A high frequency of AEB is associated with an increased incidence of stroke.  (+info)

Evaluation of post-repolarization refractoriness for conduction block in cardiac muscle: studies in an artificial isthmus in the canine right atrium. (5/58)

Post-repolarization refractoriness (PRR) is an important factor in determining conduction block and is the difference between the effective refractory period (ERP) and the duration of the monophasic action potential (MAPD). In the present study, conduction block in an artificial isthmus in the canine atrium was evaluated and the coupling interval of a premature beat, which caused the block, was defined as the block coupling interval (BCI). The usefulness of this value was also evaluated. Radiofrequency linear ablation was performed on the right atrial surface parallel to the atrioventricular groove in 5 mongrel dogs, and an artificial isthmus (8-10mm wide and 25-30mm long) was created. Fourteen simultaneous unipolar recordings were performed in the isthmus with a resolution of 1.2 mm. Single extra-stimuli with basic drive train were delivered to induce conduction block in the isthmus and when it occurred, the coupling interval at the recording site just proximal to the site of the block was defined as the BCI. At the site of the block, the ERP and MAPD at each drive cycle length were measured. The PRR was calculated using 2 different formulae: (1) [ERP-MAPD], and (2) [BCI-MAPD]. It was found that each value was shortened in accordance with the shortening of the basic drive cycle length. In all basic drive trains, BCI>ERP>MAPD, and [ERP-MAPD] was always shorter than [BCI-MAPD]. In the shorter cycle length of basic drives, the difference between [ERP-MAPD] and [BCI-MAPD] was more prominent. In the artificial isthmus model in the canine atrium, BCI was always longer than the ERP measured at the same site as the block. Because the ERP may not directly reflect the block phenomenon, the electrophysiologic evaluation should use the BCI instead, as in the PRR evaluation.  (+info)

The class III antiarrhythmic drugs dofetilide and sotalol prevent AF induction by atrial premature complexes at doses that fail to terminate AF. (6/58)

BACKGROUND: Clinical trials suggest that sotalol and dofetilide are much more effective in preventing atrial fibrillation (AF) than in terminating it. This study evaluated potential mechanisms of discordant sotalol and dofetilide effects on AF termination vs. prevention. METHODS: We applied 240-electrode epicardial mapping and programmed stimulation in a vagotonic dog model of AF before and after dofetilide or sotalol. RESULTS: Under control conditions, sustained AF could be induced by single S(2) extrastimuli that caused unidirectional block and macroreentry. Sotalol (2 mg/kg) and dofetilide (0.04 mg/kg) failed to terminate AF in any dog, but prevented AF induction by S(2) stimuli in 19/22 (86%) and 4/5 (80%) of animals, respectively. With sotalol and dofetilide, unidirectional block still occurred, but wavefront reentry failed. The prevention of S(2)-induced reentry was related to large increases in the effective refractory period (ERP) at a BCL of 1000 ms, leading to ERPs that exceeded the conduction delay following S(2). Reverse use-dependent effects resulted in smaller ERP increases at BCLs closer to the AF cycle length. Although the number of zones of reactivation per cycle during sustained AF were decreased by sotalol and dofetilide, the changes were small and insufficient to terminate AF. CONCLUSIONS: Sotalol and dofetilide prevent AF initiation by premature depolarizations at doses that fail to terminate vagotonic AF, by increasing ERP at the basic cycle length beyond the associated conduction delay that leads to reentry.  (+info)

Giant negative T waves during interferon therapy in a patient with chronic hepatitis C. (7/58)

Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) has been widely used for treatment of chronic hepatitis C in Japan. In general, cardiovascular adverse reactions are rare in association with IFN-alpha therapy. Here, a 64-year-old man with chronic active hepatitis C complained of fatigue, palpitation and depression, and developed atrial fibrillation with prominent negative T waves during IFN-alpha therapy. Echocardiogram showed septal and apical hypertrophy. Three days after discontinuation of IFN-alpha, subjective symptoms and atrial fibrillation subsided. It is unclear whether or not IFN-alpha induced the giant negative T waves with apical hypertrophy. We might observe the developing course of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related myocardial hypertrophy by chance. Cardiovascular toxicity should be carefully monitored during IFN-alpha therapy even in patients with minor cardiac disease, such as premature ventricular contracture (PVC) and mild hypertension.  (+info)

Chronic atrial fibrillation in patients with rheumatic heart disease: mapping and radiofrequency ablation of flutter circuits seen at initiation after cardioversion. (8/58)

BACKGROUND: There is little information concerning mapping and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of arrhythmias seen during reinduction of atrial fibrillation (AF) after pharmacological and/or electrical cardioversion in patients with chronic AF and rheumatic heart disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventeen patients with rheumatic heart disease and symptomatic chronic AF underwent multisite atrial mapping during reinduction of AF after cardioversion. An organized atrial arrhythmia of varying duration was seen to precede the AF in all patients. The earliest atrial activity during this organized rhythm was near the coronary sinus ostium (CS OS) in 14 patients and along the left side of the interatrial septum (IAS) in 3 patients. RFA was performed in 16 patients (14 near the CS OS and 2 along the IAS). Postablation AF was inducible in 1 patient in whom RFA was preformed near the CS OS and in both patients when it was performed along the IAS. At a follow-up of 6 to 56 weeks (mean, 32 weeks), 10 of the 13 patients who had successful ablation were in sinus rhythm. All patients in whom AF was reinducible immediately after RFA continue to be in AF. CONCLUSIONS: Induced AF in patients with rheumatic heart disease begins as a rapid organized arrhythmia with earliest atrial activity near the CS OS in most patients. RFA targeting the region of the CS OS is successful in suppressing the arrhythmia immediately in most of the patients and in most on follow-up.  (+info)