Interspecific infanticide and infant-directed aggression by spider monkeys (Ateles hybridus) in a fragmented forest in Colombia. (25/34)


Sleeping sites and latrines of spider monkeys in continuous and fragmented rainforests: implications for seed dispersal and forest regeneration. (26/34)


Chronology of deep nodes in the neotropical primate phylogeny: insights from mitochondrial genomes. (27/34)


A modular mind? A test using individual data from seven primate species. (28/34)


Functional redundancy and complementarities of seed dispersal by the last neotropical megafrugivores. (29/34)


Sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide mediates woolly monkey hepatitis B virus infection of Tupaia hepatocytes. (30/34)


Hunted woolly monkeys (Lagothrix poeppigii) show threat-sensitive responses to human presence. (31/34)


The convergent evolution of blue iris pigmentation in primates took distinct molecular paths. (32/34)
